
Heart Blade by Juliana Spink Mills

kitvaria_sarene's review

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4,5 stars / Ages 14+

I got this as an arc - and must confess I didn't expect to be blown away, but hoped for a pretty decent read.

I was very pleasantly surprised!
It is a really engaging story, that had me hooked right from the start. I read it in two evenings, and hardly put it down.

Of course it did have some small flaws - but they really were just minor ones, and quite common in YA, so I round my 4,5* up to 5.
Said flaws were two tiny details that weren't quite right that I noticed in a characters description, and then the typical teenage behaviour in a dangerous situation that makes you do a facepalm. But as I can imagine quite some of the teenagers I know to really react that senseless, it is more something that annoys me as a logical thinking person, than an actual flaw.

So now that we got the bad things out of the way - here comes the good parts!

Things I especially enjoyed:
1) Bit of a light romance but NO love triangle
2) Divers characters, some topics being included without being a big deal/moral signpost, but just a natural part of the story
3) A good mix of all the different magical races (witches, vampires, werewolves, ...)
4) The girl being the demon, and the boy a (mostly normal) human
5) Kickass female characters, but not cold hearted assassins
6) Really fluent prose one can devour without noticing one is actually reading
7) Little symbols at the start of each chapter representing who it is about
8) Some nice plot twists
9) Normal, relatable characters! Not supermodels with inhuman strength, who can do no wrong...
10) While it is a rather typical YA book, it still did feel different and refreshingly new. I actually liked it best of all the "girly" YA I have read in the last two years. It manages to have the usual topics, but to change them just enough to not feel like repeat X of the ever same story.

It does have some stronger language, and while there is no actual sex, there is a joke or two with innuendo. For a normal 14 year old it is absolutely ok, but if one is still rather childlike, or is very sensitive to such topics, you might want to wait a bit longer to read this one.

If you have a teenager in your house you want to give a book to - or if you like me like to read a good YA book yourself now and then, I can really recommend this debut novel!