
The Bomb Maker's Daughter by Thomas Ryan

charlisbookbox's review

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I love a good thriller and let me tell you, The Bomb Maker’s Daughter by Thomas Ryan was an excellent one.

A pre-teen girl is being sought by men who want to use her for nefarious purposes. A man she doesn’t know becomes dedicated to saving her and her family. Add a possibly budding romance with a CIA agent and you have a damn good book.

The constant danger, wondering who is behind it all, and why they want Arina – an eleven-year-old girl – makes this an edge-of-your-seat thriller. You won’t want to put it down. I know I didn’t.

This book is well written and has interesting and likeable characters, excluding the villains of course. I might just worry about you, dear reader, if you happen to like the villains. Just saying. The action scenes keep you on your toes and it’s very hard to put down. You just have to know what happens next.

I gave this one 4 out of 5 stars. I definitely recommend this book for action and thriller fans, or anyone looking to check these genres out.

longtimereader's review

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This book contains bombs, action, and a very fast-paced style of writing. The author seems to not have had English as a first language, so sometimes you get things that are quite understandable, but more interesting to read than they would be otherwise.  
I didn't expect to not want to stop reading, but I didn't want to. I held my breath more than once with Ariana. 
I would read any of this author's other books and I think I have a new author that one of my family members will read! 

My copy came from Net Galley. My thoughts and opinions are my own. This review is left of my own free volition. 