
Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley by Kelly Miller

samhend101's review

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I listened on audiobook and while the dramatization was fantastic, as singer I had a REALLY hard time with the guys voice. There is nothing worse than needing to listen for 7 hours of a man who sounds like he has a slug stuck in his throat!

As for the story, it was great! Kept me guessing with where it was going. There was so much going on between all the different couples. Character development with Graham as the catalyst was very rewarding. Even Lady C - with a sad back story of her own - had a wonderful turn around.

I'd rather call Graham a fairy godmother than an angel of death.

A book which gives a nice escape from the harsh realities of life :)

katkinney's review

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In this delightful Pride and Prejudice variation, Darcy is happily married to Elizabeth and father to two-year-old son, Bennett, when his horse is spooked by a snake on his ride home and threatens to throw him into a deadly ravine. Darcy opens his eyes and finds himself standing on the path beside his horse, miraculously alive, and an angel of death stands beside him. They strike a bargain (not that Darcy has much of a choice.) Graham (the angel) is to be allowed to accompany Darcy in his activities for the following week, and he will not take his life that very moment. But of course we learn later, there is always a catch…

In addition to the interesting supernatural twist of Darcy’s avoided death and Graham’s complicating the story by his presence in their household, Lady Catherine De Bourgh shows up, causing trouble. I’ve very much enjoyed several other of author Kelly Miller’s wonderful P&P variations and I always enjoy seeing which characters will be featured and what ways the story will be played with. In this one, I enjoyed the way she and her daughter Anne were brought to the forefront. Anne De Bourgh is not a character I can say I am usually fond of in the book, but some good gray areas were illustrated, along with some juicy drama to go with it, and I found myself eagerly flipping pages. (And oh, doesn’t Mr. Collins tire us all?) One thing I enjoy in all Miller’s P&P variations is the way secondary characters are fleshed out and given a second chance to shine. I rather loved the version of Anne we had here. Other favorite moments: Darcy’s trusty horse. All the cute moments with Bennett. All the puppies. (You can never have too many puppies.) Darcy and Elizabeth. They were absolutely in love in every scene here, especially the looks across the room in the musical scenes, and I ate it up!

karen_the_baroness's review

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I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley by Kelly Miller is a truly remarkable book that makes one think.

Is it time for Fitzwilliam Darcy to die?

What I liked:

  • The bit of fantasy with the angel of death

  • Darcy being worried about Elizabeth and Bennet

  • Graham making things come out that not a lot of the other characters wanted

  • The exuberance of Bennet

What I disliked:

I usually don't like books that take place in the era that this one does. Ms. Miller does a great job of keeping me reading, though. I had a hard time with the language in the book and trying to put myself in their shoes.

Three Stars

Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley by Kelly Miller is a take on if Jane Eyre wrote a sequel to Pride and Prejudice. Ms. Miller had a different take on this book and the characters that we know from the original. I liked what she did with it. I am giving Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley by Kelly Miller three stars and recommending it to anyone that likes Jane Eyre retellings.

Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley by Kelly Miller Full Wrap

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley by Kelly Miller. 

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

emilyhei's review

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Fitzwilliam Darcy has an incident that that could of ended in his death but he is alive and well and has an unexpected guest at Pemberley. When the angel of death, Graham, arrives Darcy is worried about his intentions. Graham takes an immediate interest in Elizabeth and as if it is enough trying to figure out what will happen with Graham, Lady Charlotte arrives with trouble on her mind.

This was a thoroughly enjoying read. I felt like it was a mix between Pride and Prejudice and Meet Joe Black. I was charmed throughout the story. Highly recommend.

afictionalhubbard's review

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Whimsical and an absolute delight, DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY AT PEMBERLEY is a perfect blend of historical romance and preternatural intrigue. Miller's fantastical reimagining of the beloved Pride and Prejudice characters envisions a now-happily married Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy, complete with a precocious son of their own, who find their domestic bliss threatened by both otherworldly and mundane interference: one in the form of the Angel of Death, and the other, a meddling aunt, intent on destroying their bond. A dash of drama, a hearty helping of societal morays and impropriety, and a splash of supernatural charm, it's a delectable read--or listen. The audio version includes atmospheric effects and a touch of music, with the result creating an enchanting old fashioned radio drama experience.

jferrell526's review

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The continuing take of Elizabeth and Darcy.

Darcy meets an interesting person and it leads to this book. Kelly Miller has given us more of Elizabeth and Darcy's story in this unique continuation of a tale we've all wondered about. She's taken the "what if" question we all seem to have at the end of a good book and given us an answer. One that is almost beyond belief.

dg_reads's review

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I received a complimentary copy of DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY AT PEMBERLEY from the author. Thank you Kelly Miller for the chance to read and provide an honest review!

DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY AT PEMBERLEY is billed as “a Pride & Prejudice Romantic Fantasy”, picking up a few years after the conclusion of the Jane Austen classic. Fitzwilliam Darcy is happily married to Elizabeth and father to a 2 year old son, working hard to care for his estate and his family. While traveling, Darcy has a near death experience which introduces him to an angel of death, Graham. From the beginning it isn’t clear how precarious Darcy’s salvation is, but he has a lot waiting for him at home to live for!

Graham is incredibly curious about the mortal human experience and what makes a man like Darcy so incredibly happy in his life such that he would be heartbroken to leave life behind. Graham forces Darcy to serve as his guide to the human world, introducing Graham to his family as an old school friend in town for a visit. Darcy also has a surprise birthday party in the works, visiting relatives and work to be done, making this a very chaotic time for an extra supernatural visitor.

I didn’t quite know what to expect from a spinoff of the Jane Austen classic novel, especially one with a paranormal twist such as this, but I found it a fun read! I thought that the author did a great job of keeping the feel of the time period in the way the characters spoke and the way the narrative set the scene.

While the character of Graham somewhat exists outside of time in his concepts of womens’ rights and the proper etiquette of the day, which seemed appropriate given that he isn’t a part of the human world, the reactions of other characters also felt appropriate toward his sometimes shocking statements and activities. The author finds fun ways for Graham to express his supernatural nature to impact the lives of those he meets in Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s world while keeping it a rather subtle element of the overall story.

It has been a lot of years since I last read PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, but I have seen a film adaptation relatively recently. With that not so recent reading and watching experience, I can confirm that this book does work as a standalone, but having the background knowledge of P&P does help the reader appreciate some of the characters that arrive and those that are referenced. Lady Catherine arrives unannounced, still expressing displeasure with Darcy’s match with Elizabeth and she had plans to undermine their happiness. The sisters arrive with their own dramas to unfold as well.

It was fun to see the family life of Elizabeth and Darcy and the strength of their relationship in the face of adversity, both from human interventions and the possibility of Darcy’s potential death. Darcy is still a man of responsibilities and principles, but has also found his softer side with his son. Elizabeth is a woman of confidence who can lean into her trust in her husband.

The book was a fun read that kept me really engaged throughout! It was a great way to combine a love of the classics and a bit of the supernatural making this perfect for a fall read!

luanne_oleas_author's review

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This interesting tribute to Jane Austen is wonderful both in style and plot. Not only are all my favorite characters brought back to life, but the author has done it in a way that I thought only Jane Austen could.

I love the premise of "death" visiting Pemberley with plot twists that not only keep the reader guessing, but provide a fast-paced story to satisfy the expectations of today's readers. The way all the familiar characters interact, as well as the nod to culture, are consistent and well done.

The ending is unexpected, but satisfying. There are plenty of scenes that reveal Darcy and Elizabeth's true love for one another, all tastefully done. Bravo!!

vesper1931's review

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In this P&P sequel the Darcys have been married several years and have a young son named Bennet. Thankfully Death aka Graham decides to intervene and saves Darcy from certain death while he is out riding one day. What chaos can his continuing interference bring to the Darcys and their guests.
A very enjoyable well-written story with some lovely characters.

brbsmith's review

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I received a copy of this from the author in exchange for an honest review. Kelly Miller has a new book coming out soon! I can’t wait to read it too.

In case you didn’t know, Pride and Prejudice is my FAVORITE BOOK EVER! I love it ❤ And I love reading spin-offs, sequels , and retellings. When I was contacted to read a copy of Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley I was super excited (and I was not disappointed!)

When the Angel of Death decides to take a Holiday he decides to visit Pemberley. He has observed Darcy and Elizabeth and is intrigued and enchanted by their sincere happiness and passion for life. He wants to know their secret, so he decides to take a human form and visit. (His name is Graham)

I love the characters, both old and new. It can be super hard for authors to capture the essence of Austen’s characters but I thought Miller did an amazing job writing Elizabeth and Darcy. I also loved the new characters. Graham especially was super cool. I loved watching him develop. I liked that Elizabeth and Darcy were completely and totally still in love, but they still weren’t perfect and they still had disagreements. It felt real.

The story was fun and at times a little silly but I liked the premise. I liked all the different characters we saw throughout the book and the resolutions to all their different problems. I liked the main two conflict points in the story but there were some side conflicts that I could have done without. Not every marriage has an issue and it felt like everyone in the story needed a problem just for the sake of having a problem. But while I didn’t love some of the issues, they did help show Graham’s growth, so they didn’t distract from the story.

Overall I really liked this book, and am excited for Miller’s next book! If you like Pride and Prejudice sequels with a bit of a supernatural twist then you will like this one!!