
Candra's Freedom by A.J. Nuest

morebookspleaseblog's review

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My heart was broken an the end of "Rowena's Key" but it was absolutely shattered with this entire book... and I loved every minute of it! This one was a bit more of suspense than romance, but you didn't miss the romance. Don't get me wrong, there were stolen glances and jolts of excitement when hands brushed... but I'm sure romance is on the horizon with these two. I do have to say... the author, AJ Nuest, will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride... but it's totally worth it!

stephh's review

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This is the second in a series of romance-fantasy books by A J Nuest - as I loved the first one (Rowena's Key - check out my review here), I was lucky enough to be sent an e-copy of the sequel. Believe me, after the cliff-hanger at the end of Rowena's Key, I REALLY needed to get my hands on this. Candra's Freedom felt a bit more like a novella to me than a full-blown novel, but with my time restrictions at the moment (imagine me surrounded by mounds of books and reams of paper in a slightly dingy and untidy student room), this was just what I needed for a bit of light reading.

Rowena finds herself trapped in a castle with no memory or her life before the room she is in. After a number of unsavory advances from her captor, Prince Braedric, combined with the unwavering belief that the people of this mystical place have in her being a sorceress, she begins to strengthen herself for escape. However, this also starts to go downhill with Caedmon returns and states that they're ... betrothed?! And she's expected to love him?! - Fuck that!

This really spoke out to me about female empowerment. Rowena is a strong-headed female protagonist who recognises that she has sexual desires, yet does not allow them to alter her convictions or plans. If you want to read a really realistic (read believable, frustrating, tear-your-hair-out 'why are people like this' moments!) romance that happens to be set in a mystical world, this is your bag. This series is shaping up to be something really spectacular, and I cannot wait to see what comes next!

laurapatriciarose's review

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After leaving us with a cliffhanger in the first book, Rowena's Key with Rowena losing her memory and Prince Caedmon being whisked away, Candra's Freedom brings us to Prince Caedmon's world two years on.

Rowena has changed greatly from her relaxed character we met in the first book, she is strong and feisty and answers to no one. Prince Caedmon has been help captive for two years and is finally free to return, but if he thinks Rowena will fall straight back into his arms, he has another think coming!

I loved this more than Rowena's Key! I much preferred the world of Prince Caedmon and there was a more adventurous take in this book and I loved Rowena's new character. Although romance took a back seat in this, Caedmon's feelings for Rowena have not faltered in the slightest and I wanted Rowena to see sense and not be on the defensive with him. But her circumstances are completely understandable.

I was completely enchanted with the second part of The Golden Key Chronicles. So pleased the wait for the third in the series is not far off!

emmascr's review

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This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from the Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Candra's Freedom is set 2 years after Rowena's Key.

I thought it was really amazing how much Rowena had changed and grown since the end of Rowena's Key.  She has become so much stronger and more independent.  In Caedmon's absence she has learned to look after herself.

I felt so sorry for Caedmon. He's been through so much and all he wanted was to look after the woman he loves. The only problem is that she doesn't remember him.

Denmar and Fandorn were very good to her.

Like the first this book has a cliffhanger ending. Neust knows exactly how to make you want to grab the next book. I honestly can't wait for the next one.