
Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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what a heartbreaking and difficult story. Eddie is so lost after her dad commits suicide. The kids at school are clueless and her mom is coming undone. Where does that leave a 17 year old girl just trying to keep it together too?

It's an amazing story of Eddie's quest to attempt to answer the unanswerable - Why did her dad choose to leave them? why couldn't he stay?

michreadsmanybooks's review against another edition

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Fall For Anything follows Eddie as she tries to come to terms with the death of her father. I loved the way in which Courtney Summers addressed Eddie's grief and how she put a different and new spin on the topic of losing a loved one. As always, the characters in this book much like those in Courtney's other novels were realistic, flawed, well etched, and developed. I admire Summers ability to adorn her characters with at times, some fairly unattractive personality traits. This makes things true to real life as we don't always act the right way or say the right things and are naturally far from perfect. I find that I always like and appreciate a character more when they are displayed in such a manner because I can relate to imperfections which in turn makes me feel much closer to a particular character. Flaws are interesting, especially in novels as they add an entirely new dimension to the story and its cast of characters

Eddie's father's death is a suicide which I can imagine leaves those left behind with a multitude of questions that they yearn to find answers to. I felt that Eddie's quest to find truths in affiliation to her father's death a great representation and illustration of her grief.

One of my favourite aspects of Fall For Anything which also happens to be one of my favourite aspects in contemporary fiction was the bond shared between characters, primarily those involving Eddie, Milo, and Culler. Milo is Eddie's best friend and let's just say that things between them are tumultuous and complicated. This however was a very fare representation of what a long friendship between a boy and girl may look like for some. It was probably my favourite sub plot as I enjoyed all of the scenes in which they shared, happy or not.

Culler really fascinated me as I never wholly knew where I should place him. I was quite wary of everything he said and did from the beginning mostly because the summary implies that one should be (or at least that's how I interpreted it). I have to hand it to Culler though because he did offer a very refreshing and unique aspect that contributed a lot to the plot. I did however predict early on as to what exactly was going on with him and his involvement in the story (possibly because I was so suspicious) which slightly bummed me out but overall did not deter from my overall enjoyment of this novel. The scenes that he shares with Eddie were probably the most exciting and intense. They definitely made the book just fly by as I was searching for answers much like Eddie in affiliation to her father's death.

Overall: Fall For Anything is a novel dealing with the loss of a loved one yet presented in a unique way and with a refreshing set of characters that you can't help but be drawn to. It is a page turner for sure as it is littered with questions and Eddie's search for truth. If you haven't read anything by Courtney Summers I highly recommend not only this novel but her previous two as well.

rennegade's review against another edition

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I did not enjoy this one quite as much as [b:Some Girls Are|6624871|Some Girls Are|Courtney Summers||6819111], but it was still really good. I basically need to read every single thing this author has written and she needs to write at least one a year forever.

This book had its topical issue like her other books, and yet again she makes it interesting and heartbreaking and wonderful. I loved Milo and rather disliked both Eddie and Culler, but it is a sign of a good book that I can dislike 2/3 of the main characters and still really enjoy the book. The ending was the tiniest bit disappointing and kept it from being a full five stars
Spoiler(it's not that I wanted specific answers since I know that there are rarely easy answers when it comes to suicide, but the way things played out was rather frustrating)
, but the last few pages still ended it on a lovely note.

Need more Courtney Summers now! Even though I really want to read [b:Cracked Up to Be|3521484|Cracked Up to Be|Courtney Summers||3563198], my library does not carry it so I will probably switch tracks and try [b:This is Not a Test|12043771|This is Not a Test (This is Not a Test #1)|Courtney Summers||17010494] next.

jennifervu's review against another edition

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Very riveting. This book was obviously depressing and the author seemed to express Eddie's thoughts so well. While I read this, I didn't cry because the pain seemed to go deeper which I think only a great book would have. 5 stars!!

izsheokay's review against another edition

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Courtney Summers has once again torn my heart out and stomped on it.

Fall For Anything takes the reader through Eddie Reeve's life after her father's suicide, who was a beloved photographer and teacher. As she navigates through the why, she meets Culler, a photography student who apparently knew her father better than she did. They discover a set of photographs left for Eddie. Culler discovers these photographs are clues, and they decide to team up to find where these pictures were taken. Maybe these locations leave clues for the question they're both asking: why. Can they figure out where these photographs were taken and find the answer? Or is there something more bigger on here?

Being the daughter of a photographer, I felt this story hit close to home. This story was good, not her best, but I still held my breath at the end. I, too, had questions that I needed to be answered. But as her story and conclusion suggest, sometimes we'll never get the answers we need, and we need to be okay with that. As always, Courtney Summers throws in a twist I didn't see coming from a mile away. I thoroughly enjoy reading her stories and can't wait to read whatever else she writes.

brittnoel's review against another edition

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One day you get a bad feeling.. You follow your gut.. Your gut leads you to find your loving father's body. Suicide.

The man you once thought was someone who would always be there for you.. Gone.. Heartbreaking. Just heartbreaking.

This is one of my new favorite authors. Wish I could have known about her much more soon than I did. She gives you a whole new outlook on some pretty gritty situations. I will read anything by [a:Courtney Summers|1487748|Courtney Summers|]..

emiliebookworld's review against another edition

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Fall for Anything is the first book I’ve read by Courtney Summers, but now I will definitely keep an eye out for her books. The story was touching and stayed with me long after I was finished reading the book.

All Eddie Reeves wants to know is, Why? Why did her father decide to commit suicide and then not leave any explanation behind. She could get more information about that night, if only her best friend Milo would tell her what happened, but every time she asks he says no. Then one day Eddie meets Culler Evans, her father’s student and he seems to have answers to so many of Eddie’s questions. Together they go on a trip that will help them get an answer to that why question. But everything about Culler may not be what it appears and maybe getting answers is not worth getting hurt all over again.

Thankfully, I’ve never lived through someone I loved committing suicide so I couldn’t relate to Eddie in that way, but I could understand the whole thing about wanting answers. There are always some answers you want but you can never seem to get, so I really got that. In general though, I really liked Eddie, she felt real to me which is always something I look for in characters. I also really liked Milo. From the beginning I could tell that he saw Eddie as something more than just his best friend. So basically I was rooting for him all along. Culler on the other hand, I could feel that something was off about him but I just couldn’t put my finger on what exactly. Eventually I found out what it was and I had some trouble believing it.

The story revolved around grief and getting answers but it didn’t feel overly heavy. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a light read but it also didn’t weigh you down while you’re reading the book. It was a really touching story, one where everything felt real and there was always some part of it that you could somehow relate to. It was also a story that made youthink. There wasn’t a single moment while I was reading that I wasn’t thinking, mostly about what I would do if I were put in Eddie’s situation. This is definitely a story that will stay with me for a while.

Overall, Fall for Anything was a touching and moving read. Courtney Summers is a fantastic writer and I will definitely keep my eye out for her other books in the future.

nextbestcoast's review against another edition

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Stunning and sad. But Milo. Oh, Milo.

Loved this one.

poachedeggs's review against another edition

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Eh. This is probably closer to a 2.5-star rating than a 3, but I think Eddie Reeves' grief over her father's death may have increased her self-centredness, so I give it a 3-star rating more for the realistic portrayal of mourning than for anything else.

I am a little disappointed actually - I really liked [b:Some Girls Are|6624871|Some Girls Are|Courtney Summers||6819111] (though I only gave it a 3-star rating; I think I have a pretty wide range of 3-star readings...), but absolutely hated [b:Cracked Up to Be|3521484|Cracked Up to Be|Courtney Summers||3563198], and am now a little meh about Fall for Anything.

Like I mentioned in my review of [b:Story of a Girl|33906|Story of a Girl|Sara Zarr||2420507] by Zarr though, I am not sure if I have simply gone 'off' realistic YA fiction for some time. My addictive-ya shelf has become quite dusty...

kaylakaotik's review against another edition

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I feel like the bad outweighs the good for this book. I just didn't enjoy it.

Here are the things I had an issue with:

Spoiler- The characters. I can't say I liked any of them. Eddie was nearly insufferable. Milo was the only one I could even find any redeeming qualities about, but he had his faults, too. Beth was pretty awful. Did she completely forget that Eddie, too, had just lost her father to suicide? Missy was a pretty pointless character. I don't see how she even played into this story at all. Culler was infuriating. I tried my best to keep in mind that these people were dealing with a tragedy, but it didn't help. I just couldn't connect with any of them.

- There's so many things about the story that I just don't get. Eddie let things with Culler go way too far. Yes, she was blinded by grief. Okay. I guess that was the reason things got so out of hand and she ended up stranded 14 hours from home. Oh, having nude pictures taken of her. Speaking of nude pictures, couple of things here: one, she's 17, that's child pornography and two, how does that add anything at all to this story? I just don't get it.

I feel like I missed something. Maybe I only feel like that because I read so many good reviews. I don't know. I just know that I don't get it. And if this book is supposed to be about how suicide doesn't make sense and just completely consumes the people it affects... okay, sure. Yeah, I can see that. I don't believe it was done well, but I can see that.