
Double Takes by Kimber Vale, K. Vale

paddlefoot55's review

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We quickly met Gio near the end of Forever is Now, and I was instantly intrigued, and when I saw that Double Takes was his story, I was very excited to read more. And you will not have to have read Forever Is Now to enjoy Double Takes, but I would just because it's a great story.

Gio is a pretty much washed up has been of the rock world. Super huge band in the 90's, now his band Three Deaf Mice is pretty much in the twilight of their career, and without the constant touring money isn't flowing like it used to.

Enter his manager who signs him up for a reality tv show - ugh, it is just me or does anyone else hate reality tv as much as me?? - anyway, back on to Gio.

To boost ratings they create a fake gay relationship with a waiter called Kyrie. Aaaaaaand cue the over-the-top gay factor. Don't get me wrong, Kyrie was sweet and I did like him, but he just got a bit too much at times!

Then there is the gay man that Gio acutally is attracted to, Lance Garrett, antiques dealer. At first when I heard antiques dealer i pictured knitted cardigans and cups of tea (I know, very stereotypical but that's where the mind went!) but Lance is anything but. Sweet and sexy, he is the perfect man for Gio.

Lance and Garrett start a friendship that both of them know is eventually going to be something more. I loved that Lance goes a little bit fan boy over Gio, it was sweet and funny. And I love that they start their relationship away from the cameras - both Lance and Gio want it that way.

I love Gio's band mates. Love how they take the piss out of Gio, but are also there to support him, knowing that everything he is doing is for his son Marco. Marco is a switched on kid, and at times has some of the most adult and mature conversations in the book!

It seems everyone has a secret to keep, and as we know, secrets never stay secret forever. Lance has a doozie that throws a real spanner in the works of his fledgling relationship with Gio. It was definitely not something I saw coming!!! It threw the story onto a very different course for a while there. Will it be too much for the hot couple, or can they overcome everything and finally be together for the world to see?

I also loved that Gio and fake boyfriend Kyrie do develop a real friendship away from the cameras. I thought that was a real slap in the face to Gio's manager who would not have expected that when things go the way they go.

We got a little bit of the characters from Forever is Now thrown in too which was a bonus.

Double Takes is a bit of everything. A bit of funny. A bit of sad. A bit of suspense. A lot sexy. A lot of love.

If you are a fan of the m/m genre, definitely check out the Shooting Stars series

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liza5326's review

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through the DBML program in the M/M Romance group.

Double Takes is the story of Gio, the lead singer a rock band who is stuck doing a reality show to pay the legal fees for his divorce and the custody battle for his son. When the ratings are less than stellar, the network decides to play with an interview that Gio gave more than a decade ago, saying that he was bisexual. They hire an overly flamboyant actor to play his onscreen boyfriend in hopes of boosting the ratings. But it is the owner of an antiques shop that catches Gio's eye, much to his own surprise.

To Lance Garrett, Gio Savale is a dream come true, his very own rock god. The two start a passionate affair, but it quickly becomes more. Gio is stuck under contract and still fighting his ex-wife and Lance has a secret or two of his own.

I really liked the second installment in the Shooting Stars series. Gio is a very real and likeable guy, doing what needs to be done for his son. Lance is sweet and perfect. The chemistry was great and I loved seeing Alex and Chance from book 1. I am looking forward to reading book 3.

ktomp17's review

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Wow. I really liked the first book, [b:Forever Is Now|18932421|Forever Is Now (Shooting Stars, #1)|K. Vale||26119072], but I LOVED this book!!!! This story felt real in many ways. I loved how Gio fought for his son without trying to be a total jerk about it. It was clear in everything he did, Marco was his priority. I loved the connection between Lance and Gio. I loved how there was some minor angst and drama that wasn't overwhelming to the story and resolved quickly (although a longer book would not have been a bad thing). Near the end of the book, I actually started to get giddy as I was reading, rooting for Gio and Lance. My heart broke with Gio as some past revealed itself and felt joy when I saw the HEA for the guys. I couldn't get enough and I am so sad it is over. My only gripe about this book is that it was too short. I wanted more! I am really looking forward to reading Kyrie's book. I loved him in this. He was funny and charming and deserves happiness.

I have definitely found a new author to read. I really like her style.

This book was provided for free by the author in exchange for an honest review.