
A Dark Night Begins: A Doomsayer Tale by Steven Wetherell

marklpotter's review

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Another hit for Wetherell

While truly enjoyable and well written I had to ding this one a star because while a lot of books, if not most, are derivative to some degree this one is to a very noticeable degree. While that point doesn't detract from the overall story it did stick out enough to be an issue.

That said I think that A Dark Night Begins only shows more growth in Wetherell's writing. His style has developed across these books from being sort of clunky in the first Doomsayer Journeys book in to having a flow that's enjoyable and easy to read.

With the apocalypse im the rear view mirror our favorite warrior princess has taken up the vigilante mantel as the local society is doing what societies are wont to do when tyranny is replaced with freedom. Power vacuums are being filled by less than desirable powers. A freshly minted council is battling with the struggle between liberty and authoritarianism.

What better time for a masked hero to emerge to protect the innocent and mete out justice? Well maybe there could be a better time since there are people who are scheming behind the scenes and would love nothing more than a return to tyranny by any other name.

I think Wetherell really showed some breadth here in the political scheming and managed to do so without losing his snarky side. This was truly enjoyable.