
Going Off Script by Jen Wilde

elsiejelly's review against another edition

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not very well written but cute story

jade_ls_lee's review against another edition

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Dreams, queers and happy feels. 😊

alondra_kd's review against another edition

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Calificación real: 2.83

"Echo de menos la seguridad de soñar con algo que la realidad aún no haya envenenado."

La verdad, estoy muy decepcionada de esta novela. Esperaba más, dada su premisa, pero siento que su mensaje quedó eclipsado por momentos clichés. Sin embargo, no todo es malo: la novela tiene una lectura fácil, es graciosa y cuenta con personajes agradables. Estoy segura de que este libro fue muy juvenil para mí. Considero que hay tres aspectos que no me gustaron y, lamentablemente, pesan mucho para mí.

Primero, el trasfondo de los problemas o temas. Siento que el libro quiso abordar muchas temáticas, que buscaba dar visibilidad a todo, con el tema de la identidad propia, el valor de nuestras raíces, las orientaciones sexuales, el tema racial, la salud mental y una crítica a las industrias dominadas por hombres blancos heterosexuales y cómo eso reprime la expresión de otros grupos más minoritarios. Fue demasiado para el libro y su sencillez. No creo que el género haya sido el problema, sino más bien la ejecución y el tratamiento que se le dio, en ocasiones desapercibido y en otras muy idealista.

Esto se une a mi segundo punto negativo, el villano o antagonista. La verdad, lo detesté, pero era imposible no hacerlo: era un hombre blanco privilegiado que se creía dueño del mundo. Pero algo que tiene que acompañar al villano es la idea del miedo, y este tipo en toda la novela fue lamentable y era claro que iba a caer pronto. No me vendió esa idea de invencible.

Y por último, el romance junto a los personajes. En general, los personajes fueron muy planos, solo estaban y participaban en conveniencia de la protagonista. Asimismo, con el romance, sinceramente no me creo los instalove. No fue la historia que pensé que sería y siento que fue muy desaprovechada.

marieintheraw's review against another edition

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The ending was extremely convenient and that's literally the only reason I am not giving this a five because I love Jen Wilde's writing and characters and I know she coulda done better.

laura_cs's review against another edition

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I received an ARC of this title from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Go big or go home. And since going home is the last thing Bex Phillips wants to do, she's going to have to go big in LA. And, boy, does she.

Growing up poor and spending her school-days being bullied, Bex arrives in LA to be an intern on her favorite television show, Silver Falls, and is excited to start work and live in the glamorous city. This is to be her beginning as a script writer for television, her dream job. However, her first day leaves a lot to be desired as her boss is a royal jerk who can't get her name right. To prove her worth, she writes her own script and gives it to her boss... who presents it as his own work. At first timid and uncertain, Bex starts to take steps to owning her work and standing up to her boss when he rewrites her queer character as straight. For once in her life, Bex isn't going down without a fight. Fortunately, she's got help. To include the cute YouTube sensation and newest guest actress on the show, Shrupty.

Set in Hollywood hot on the heels of the Me Too Movement, "Going Off Script" is a fantastic, addicting story with wonderful characters, an amazing story, and the fluffiest of romances. "Going Off Script" is a story about taking control of your future, owning your past, and fighting for justice at every step of the way, especially in a world where diversity representation is hard-won and too many use their power for evil instead of good.

An added bonus: while you will definitely fall head over heels in love with new characters, fans of Wilde's other novels will be thrilled to see cameos from characters from the novels "Queens of Geek" and "The Brightsiders".

cosmicreadinggirl's review against another edition

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this was everything!!!

mcf's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 3.5

There's a sub-genre of gay romance in which the path to the story's happy ending is laid out in neon from the start, but that's not a complaint -- it's great to read stories in which good triumphs, and with the people who are traditionally marginalized at the heroic center. Going Off Script is very much one of these stories, and it's a light, enjoyable read, chock full of LGBTQIA+ representation, and featuring a very welcome non-white love interest.

Thanks to Swoon Reads + NetGalley for the ARC.

cellassis's review against another edition

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Alors...oui, j'ai abandonné ce livre. La raison ? C'était trop bien écrit. Je m'explique: dans ce livre, l'héroïne est anxieuse, et a quelques attaques de panique, qui sont décrites... et qui sont si bien décrites qu'elles ont déclenché des attaques de panique chez moi aussi ! Donc, pour ma propre santé, j'ai décidé de refermer ce livre, et de peut être le rouvrir lorsque je me sentirais mieux. Je ne me permet évidemment pas de le noter. Je préviens juste les personnes qui sont sujettes à ces crises de bien faire attention en ouvrant ce livre !

thatlizhunter's review against another edition

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Bex is a mood, send tweet

se_wigget's review against another edition

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emotional funny lighthearted fast-paced


"Why is it that when assholes act like assholes, everyone else just has to ignore it? It doesn't make him any less of an asshole. It just gives him the power to take it up a notch." 
Malcolm needs to be fed to a dragon. 
I got caught up emotionally in this book. Even weepy. It's highly relatable, though I've never dreamed of writing for tv or working in Hollywood—I much prefer writing novels and short stories.