
Death of Hawkman #6 by Marc Andreyko

rashthedoctor's review

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Death Of Hawkman #6 - 3 out of 5 stars

Death of Hawkman : Complete - 3.5 out of 5 stars

What I liked :

There was a lot of things to be excited about in this series , the whole concept of one of the strongest and near invincible heroes death*, the featuring of Adam Strange and him partnering up with Hawkman and the series delivered on those fronts well . Where it really shined bright for me was the plot , it was very well done and the whole political , xenophobic , war - riddled angle was really well done

*yeah it's in the title , don't consider this a spoiler

What I didn't Like :

As much as the plot was fascinating , it looked like they made it way too fast paced for it's own good , had the story been given some more time to develop it would have turned out much better , the ending especially felt really rushed , so much so that the death of not one but 2 characters and the repercussions of events felt completely insignificant . Meanwhile towards the end the whole thing became a lot confusing and filled with flaws , not to mention too many cliched .

There was also a sense of unused potential in terms of the characters , as many of the powerful side characters werent utilized at all . I mentioned the political scenario before and in the end rushing the title meant that wasn't used well either .

Overall :

I think overall this is a good title to spare some time to read , the book definitely could have done much better had it taken a slightly slower pace , in the end being a 6 issue mini-series kind of hurt it and had it been say a 10 issue series things might have been much better