
Secrets in Phoenix by Gabriella Lepore

georgilvsbooks's review

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My favourite book by Gabriella Lepore.

Sam, Todd and Sophie Ballester were raised by there grandad up until his death and then whisked away with an aunt who they had no idea existed to Phoenix Holt.

But everything is not as it seems there...

The Averett Academy has very unusual lessons... Learning about Divellion's and Daemon's? Cross bow lessons.

A hidden room at aunt Ness's containing a book named "Potions, Hexes and Spells"

All three Ballesters are very important people and must be protected, and that is where the Phoenix soldiers come in.

I absolutely loved Sam! He was so funny! Many times I burst out laughing while reading his hilarious comebacks.

Sophie, also a great character. Funny and courageous.

Todd... Like me quiet and subdue.

Jaxon... What a sweetheart.

Many shocking twists in this read. Kept me very entertained. I wasn't expecting to like this so much but I really, really enjoyed it.

Would defiantly recommend it to anyone who loves witches, magic, romance.


Thanks Gabriella for writing a great book!

lcmarie19's review

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**This book was sent to me in exchange for my honest, unbiased review**

I have never read anything by Gabriella Lepore. To be honest, I'd only known about her through YouTube videos and other author friends. It wasn't until I was presented with the opportunity to read this book that I realized what I had been missing out on.

I am beyond happy that I got to experience this read, if only for the fact that it introduced me to an author that I am very interested in reading more from. But there was also an emotional element within this book that grabbed me from the very beginning. And I knew that I was in for something that was very special.

SECRETS IN PHOENIX shares the story of the Ballester siblings, Sophie and her twin brothers, Sam and Todd. They are moved from their childhood home after their grandfather passes, to the new and different town of Phoenix Holt, where they meet their Great Aunt Ness and a slew of other interesting characters. Phoenix Holt holds a history and secrets beyond the Ballester siblings wildest imaginations. And they just moved right to the center of it all.

As I've already mention, I had a great time with this book. I'm not someone who is taken with beautiful words. I'm not a prose enthusiast. And that's not to say that Gabriella didn't write this story beautifully. But what really grabs me is the character presentation. How deep the characters' personalities run and how they interact with those around them. And I was completely enthralled with how these characters did all of the above. Sophie, though every bit of a teenage girl, was a smart one who kept me on my toes. Her brothers made me chuckle, but they also reminded me of normal brothers who messed around. I knew I would get great satisfaction from the relationships between these three from the very beginning.

Another thing that I was taken with immediately was the premise. That is why I even started reading the book. While I had NO idea what the story was about, my interest in reading about three uprooted siblings going to a strange new town? That interested me. It had a paranormal vibe all over it.

The thing to know about this book -- you really will have NO idea what's going on until Lepore reveals it to you. And the cool part about it, the reader finds out what's going on when the characters find out what's going on. Neither the reader or the siblings know more than they other. And that is not only difficult to do, but it's difficult to do WELL. And Lepore nailed it. Sure, there are breadcrumbs that are dropped along the way, but not a single time can I say that I knew 100% what was going on throughout the story. The plot was a well kept secret, if I do say so.

The supporting cast of characters are another win for me. From Jaxon to Ness to many, many more -- they all played a crucial role in, not only the progression of the plot, but also the personal development of our main characters. It was fantastic.

There was, of course, a bit of romance within the book. And I have to say that while I could have easily gotten turned off by who it was between, Lepore did a great job of selling it to me. It didn't swing beyond my realm of believability. In fact, I was rooting for the two characters. It was done in the most tasteful of ways, without taking away from the story. The romantic element, in my opinion, only enhanced the plot as it progressed. It didn't, for a single moment, take away from the real intention behind the story -- which was about having three siblings learn about who they were and where they were living.

I could honestly go on and on about this story, but I think that it needs to be read in order for the full experience to be had.

Gabriella Lepore has gained a new supporter in me and I cannot wait to read more. My next question -- is there more to come from this world?! I must know!

girlreading's review

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A fast paced, gripping, quick and easy read. :)

aliijaayne's review

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I was given a copy of this book by th publisher in exchange for my honest opinion, so here it goes...

Ok, so. 4 1/2 stars. I liked this book. I really really did. But I didn't really like...i don't know how to describe it, the formatting? the style? I wish it was written for an older audience. It was a quick read, and I felt like some things were glossed over, which is what made it go by so quick. Sometimes you read a book with so much detail that the story gets lost, and sometimes you read a book with too little detail and it leaves you wanting more, it's hard to find a happy medium. That being said, my only issue with this book is that point. It feels like, one day she's moving, the next day she finds out her aunt is a witch, the next day she finds out she's a witch and that Jaxon and the rest are phoenixes (which is a concept I LOVE), then the next day she's attacked by the Divellion and the day after that she realizes she loves Jaxon. It left me wanting more, not in a sequel type of way (although yes that too) but in a way that I wish it was written differently. I wish I knew more about who Sophie was, her day to day life, I enjoy feeling like I know characters, because that makes you invested in the story, but I felt like I didn't get enough time to know the people. Why did Reuben do what he did? What exactly happens when Jaxon changes other than "he becomes an animal"? And why in the shit did Sophie seem to take everything in stride?
This is the type of thing that bothers me personally. Maybe it's just because I've been reading more mature books lately, or maybe I've been spiked by authors and stories that give you a deeper insight into main characters, but that's my grievance.

naduah82's review

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Originally posted @ Miranda's Book Blog

Secrets In Phoenix, perfect for those seeking a story full of mystery, magic and romance! I have fallen absolutely in love with this story! With the feel of Harry Potter and the epic romance of Twilight, I never wanted this story to end!

I was excited to learn that this book takes place in the UK, in a sleepy, mysterious little town called Phoenix Holt. Within the town of Phoenix Holt lies Averett Academy. Let's just say that there are some interesting things (and characters) going on within the walls of the academy. There are a few more surprises going on with Sophie's new school, but you'll have to discover them when you read the book!

Not only did I love the setting, I also loved the immensely descriptive details!

"The leaves on the trees were bronzed with the first traces of autumn, and some lay scattered over the ground like crisp red moats circling the broad tree trunks."

Speaking of characters, the protagonist, Sophie meets Jaxon, a fellow student who is assigned with the task of being her mentor. I just loved him! Not to mention their funny but flirty back-and-forth banter.

"My stomach gave a flutter. ''What's wrong with what?" I answered in an inferior squeak.
"The door,'' said Jaxon, smiling carefully.
"Nothings wrong with the door," I replied. I glanced at it. "I was just about through it."
"You have to open it first,'' Jaxon said in a wry murmur. "Like this." He reached past me and clasped the brass handle."
I snuck a peek at him as he leaned around me. He wore an untucked shirt and a loosely knotted tie. His eyes smouldered grey and his sandy-coloured hair looked windswept. And he smelled incredible.
"See?'' he teased. "You open it, and then you can go through it. That's how doors work.''

Another thing I found enlightening was the British spelling. Before reading this I had no idea that English was spelled differently in the UK! I actually researched this and found out it's because in the 18th century there were no standards for English spelling.

All in all Secrets In Phoenix is a magical, gripping and fast read! If you're in a reading slump this book is a sure remedy! This is my first Gabrielle Lepore book and she's now one of my favorite authors!


bookishromancee's review

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I know I have said it before but I still can't get over how gorgeous Gabriella's writing is!!

mareyreads's review

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I made the decision that Gabriella Lepore writes the best witch books!!

Her writing and the plot are beautiful and the characters seem so vivid! I fell in love with the world that is build in Secrets in Phoenix!

Definitely going to read her other books as well!:)

lauraajayynebooks's review

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Secrets in Phoenix is full of magically badassery, suspense and an adventure worth sticking around for!

I don't even know how to start talking about this book, but I can tell you this: give it a chance! When I first started reading this book, I was thinking 'Am I going to like this?' and I was worried I was going to give up on it, (At least I'm honest right!?) But Gabriella had me at the vent. I WOULD CRAWL THROUGH THAT VENT! In anything I read or watch, if there is a secret passage or vent or anything like that, I kind of internally fangirl at myself. I'm a wierdo like that. But anyways...

The world it is set in very much reminds me of the surrounding areas where I actually live, obviously there is no Divellions or Phoenixes unfortunately, but the scenary is completely on point. The little cottage I loved, I could imagine everything in my mind both outside of the cottage and its interior-in my mind-reminded me a little like the creepy house in A Series of Unfortunate Events. (My mind is very strange like that) Just like the Academy reminded me so much of Crunchem Hall Elementary School in Matilda, so I kept worrying that something was going to jump out and scare me! Also, there is even a little place over the North Yorkshire Moores that has animals made out of wood in the forest, so my mind automatically went to them when Sophie, Sam and Todd are walking through the forest at the start. I was grinning like a crazy person because of this; if there is something I can relate to like this, I end up loving it all the more!

The main character Sophie, at first I'm not completely sure what I thought of her, she is skeptical at times, but also believes everything. That I related with her because of, like me she believes things even if a little part is telling her not to, and to leave it alone. However, the most important thing I love about her, and always love in books like this, is her discovery of what she really is. Not going to lie, I think I would be prancing around waving my arms looking for sparks if someone dropped the bomb that I was a witch. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?! (Minus the hunting Divellions!)

Jaxon I ended up glued to through the entire book, he became the character I waited on in scenes and wanted to know who he was and what was going on. I loved that he didn't speak because it added to his allure and mystery, but when he did, it was like a huge bubble opened up for me, because it was like he'd found something worth talking for again. So in the end I was very pleased and intrigued to find out who he was and what had happened to him, not mention finding out that he's this badass woodcutter phoenix that could knock seven bells out of you with the flick of a finger. Bravo, Jaxon!

The twins, Sam and Todd, I honestly thought were written so well. It's very rare I've read twins in books, but these two were exactly how I imagine twins to be; one trying to better the other, whilst complaining and taking sly digs at each others appearance and personality. Yet they are so much alike at the same time; Sam did very well to be the snarky one, but as always I was drawn to the quiet one, Todd. I practically highfived my phone when Ness had said it was Todd she would have to watch out for. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE US QUIET LOT!
As a quiet one myself, I knew as soon as Todd saw Ness's secret room that he would be the one snooping back there. Purely because it would be something I would do. I was Todd in this story completely. (Even the whole Divellion business, along with the shouting at Sam.)
One of my favourite things in this book was the backstory behind it all and how the grandparents all come into it, how the town is isolated and basically how life ended up the way it is in the Holt. Though I did keep thinking; Sophie is techincally kissing her Grandad's best friend... in everyday life that would be wierd! But it is acceptable here! DARE CHALLENGE ME!

Another thing I loved was the bonds they share, and I don't mean brotherly and sisterly bonds. I mean as in how Sam always knows where Sophie is, how Sophie learns her bond is to Todd, and lastly with the Phoenixes. I love how they practically are gods (Not in the sense Reuben says it, WHO IS AN ABSOLUTE ASS), but they move as one person when together-I was in awe when reading the archery scenes. They kept reminding me of the Unsullied from Game of Thrones; there soul purpose is to protect the Holt and the witches within it. Just like they will kill a Divellion without hestitation or mercy.

To finish my review all I can say is BUY THIS BOOK! You will not not not not regret it, it's such a unique and amazing story; Gabriella has done an amazing job making an amazing world and magically badass characters. It's a story jame packed with action, magic, suspense and it is a world with characters that draws you in, making you feel like you're there experiencing it all with them.

juliet13's review

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This is the third book by Gabriella Lepore I read, and I am now sure that this author just isn't for me.

The good part about this book is that it is short, but it still contains a whole story. Ok, the descriptions are basically absent, but there is a plot.

I didn’t absolutely hate the protagonist, she took some stupid decisions but mostly she was ok.
I loathed her brother Sam, he was SO annoying and mean and horrible ugh and soooo stupid my god he is the one that creates all the trouble.

I found there were a lot of inconsistencies. Like, they are witches, so why do they go to school with the boys that are meant to defend them? I would expect them to have a different type of training.
And why didn’t Ness tell them about their true nature immediately??? She should have kept them home from school and after a couple days sit them down and explain what they are and that they should be trained as witches.
Instead she sends them to school. WHY??
And ok, these boys at the school have been awakened from the dead to protect witches. Then why are they all so fucking mean to Sophie, Sam and Todd?? It is their JOB to protect them, they should have some sort of reverence for the witches as they wouldn’t be alive because of them. But no, they hit and bully Sam, and tell him he shouldn’t be there???? HELLOOO??

Also when Reuben points an arrow to Sam??? Was I one of the teachers, I would have kicked him out immediately. If your mandate in life is protecting witches, and you threaten one, you are not fit for your job.
And I also find it ridiculous that they all pointed arrows at Sophie when she does the same to Reuben. This makes no sense, they can’t be allowed to threaten the people they were made to protect!!!

A similar thing happened when Todd was in danger, and the elders did nothing. I mean, they only have a full school of super soldiers, what about using them to do what they are supposed to? They were RAISED from the DEAD to protect witches, and when there is a witch to protect, they just….do nothing. Bah.

I was ok with the ending, the climax of the action scene was decent.

Overall, apart from a couple things that annoyed me, I didn’t really care about this book. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t extremely bad either.

However, this is definitely my last try with this author. We just don’t fit and reading another book would just be unnecessary, I know I probably would not enjoy it.

lunadaea's review

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Secrets in Phoenix was just… ARGH…. It was so good. Really good. It was amazing. You can bet that I am going to read this book again. And again. And again. And… You get the picture.

I wasn’t expecting this book to be what it was. It transcended above all of my expectations and more.

It took me three days to read this book. I couldn’t put it down. Sophie is a character unto herself. She is outspoken, she knows her own mind, she is a witch and, my favourite part, she has a smoking hot boyfriend. She literally has it all. Including two amazing brothers.

Sam is my favourite. Mostly because I tend to favour snarky guys who like to cause trouble but that's neither here or there.

The way she handled everything that happened to her was something that shocked me. She was calm, collected, of course she had the occasional freak out but who doesn’t? But she faced every problem head on with this confidence that sort of intimidated me. I could never do that.

That freaking part where that arse locks her in the place with that thing as she does that brave but totally idiotic thing killed me. (That may not make sense. I'm hopped up on coffee and I'm going for no spoilers.) I admired her for it but when you have a guy like Jaxon at home, don't go doing stupid and reckless things. You have a lot of stuff to live for.

The demons in this book were scary. Very scary. I especially like that they were actual demons and not people that turn into demons. It reminded me of Charmed. I especially loved that the demons fed on the essence of witches and I also loved that envy drew them to people. That’s really cool. Very cool.

Speaking of cool, the magic. The magic in this book was very cool. I loved that the only way they could use potions to do magic. Again, it reminded me of Charmed. Actually, the entire book gave me Charmed vibes and I don’t hate that. I loved Charmed.

*prays that there is another book*

I literally need book 2. If there is one.

I definitely will be reading more books by Gabriella Lepore. You can count on that.

There is just one thing left to say.