
Fever by Tonya Plank

lili_darknight's review

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S odstupom rokov si viac uvedomujem nedostatky a slabé miesta tejto knihy, ale takisto viem viac oceniť témy, ktoré sa autorka rozhodla spracovať. Nielen poruchu príjmu potravy, ale aj celkovo otázku psychického zdravia a psychohygieny, ktoré sú, bohužiaľ, často v literatúre utláčané. Tiež som si uvedomila, že s hlavnou hrdinkou Rory by som sa asi nikdy nedokázala spriateliť. Ale okrem toho je to stále vcelku príjemná oddychovka.

nocilantroextraolives's review

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I liked this book a lot, actually. The writing was smooth and invisible, and the characters - at least the main characters - were whole and real.

The main character was very realistic. Having lived with a former ballerina, I thought her neurosis were well incorporated. She didn't think about them a lot, but the reader was definitely aware that something wasn't 100% with her.

The reader is left with this feeling of ambivalence towards the main character's choice to take up dancing again. On the one had you can see that she loves it, on the other, you can see the potential for a lot of unhealthy behaviors - eating disorders, spending a lot of money on something you can't really afford, etc.

A couple of points of contention - the 'bad guys' were very one dimensional. They were all bitches and bad at dancing and everyone hated them. The end. I would like more complexity in the future.

Also, the whole plot was really slow in coming. Though I enjoyed living the main characters life, and seeing how she dealt with her issues and took control of her life, there was no closure in the end. The book ended on a cliffhanger, and the whole plot of book one was basically: girl remembers she likes to dance and stalks a hot dancer guy for a while.

This book was too long to be a serial, and not enough plot to be a full book.

Despite that, I did like it. If the topic interests you, or if you have ever taken dance lessons, I suggest you read.