
A Tale Du Mort by Katrina Monroe

amybooksit's review

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I had the great pleasure of doing a read to review for this book. I received the book free from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. I can fairly and honestly say this is one of the best books that I have read as a read to review in months. This may actually be one of my favorite books I have read in the last year or more. The characters, the setting, the plot, the humor, it was all perfect.

First of all I loved the characters, loved, loved, LOVED them. Even the characters that were meant to be unlovable I loved! I'm not sure if this was meant to be a series or not but I certainly hope that it's going to be a series. I want to know so much more about the lives, uh I mean deaths of every one of these characters.

My second favorite thing was the humor. There was just enough camp to keep you laughing but not so much as to detract from the story itself. I was really invested in the story and would have read it with or without the humor but the gags and the schtick just made it so much more amazing! Again, I want more of this book, more of these characters, more of this humor! I want more! Please Ms. Monroe give us more!

spinesinaline's review

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book! You can find more of my reviews at

This was a really enjoyable read about the afterlife that takes the Greek myths we all know and gives them a modern spin. Mort has been kicked out of the underworld and has taken a job as a mortician. But as things get messy down under, spirits are trying to draw him back down.

I really enjoy this author's humour! She always uses smart quips that make you stop and think, like the best kind of puns! Though for the most part this story is purposefully absurd and wild and darkly comedic, it also hits the mark when discussing more serious topics. Mort has nightmares and flashbacks of what is waiting for him back in the afterlife, and the fear he deals with, while he attempts to suppress it, is not pushed away by the author. The fear is recognized as something real, and the abruptness with which these topics are dealt gives this humorous story the depth so many other authors have failed to reach.

Katrina Monroe is a powerful writer, that even in the strangest of stories we can feel a connection with the people she introduces on the page.

loram's review

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Where do I begin to write a review of this book? It's dark humour with quirky characters that cross the boundaries of the living and the dead from an 'Under' and 'Above' set up to Egyptian gods, one of which becomes an assistant mortician 'Above' when his job for millenia has been to guide the souls of the dead 'Below'.

It's like something Neil Gaiman and Clive Barker might have collaborated on with a touch of Terry Pratchett humour. Yet it has a distinctive voice of its own. Unfortuneately I couldn't quite connect with it. I've tried to work out what's missing for me. Plenty of dialogue, is it description? In some places there is very vivid description.

I think maybe I just failed to see progression and a point to the overall plot. I kept reading and waiting to 'get' it, but I never did.

Oh well, you can't win them all.

avoraciousreader68's review

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*Book source ~ NetGalley ARC. My review is voluntary and honest.

Once upon a time, Mort Oleander was the Gee Oh Dee (General Operations Director) of the dead in Under. But his asshat brother Sy started a revolution and Mort went Above to live. However, being the Gee Oh Dee is not as fun as Sy thought it would be so now he needs to get Mort back to do the drudgery once again. Mort is not having it. Sy made his bed now he can just drown in the paperwork. However, when Sy lets the dead out of Under to Above, all Hell breaks loose and it’s up to Mort, the responsible brother, to fix it.

Mildly amusing with a unique premise this rambling tale of the dead gone wrong could use a lot more editing. I even went back to my copy to see if I had been given an uncorrected proof. Nope. I didn’t see that anywhere, so points off for that. The characters are interesting, but the writing is a bit lacking in…something. I can’t quite put my finger on what it needs. Maybe more depth? Or maybe it’s meant to be this way. It is supposed to be a paranormal comedy. I think. I’m not exactly sure what the problem is, but it just didn’t completely grab my attention. It’s still entertaining though.