
Riders by Veronica Rossi

starbreather's review against another edition

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Interesting premise, but I was bored with some parts and had to skim. Totally enjoyed the boyish narration, nevertheless!

alyssamnw5's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional sad fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


jessicad90's review against another edition

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4,5 sterren.

ik heb deel 2 nú nodig!

Riders was echt een verrassing voor mij. De opbouw van dit verhaal is fantastisch. De ruiters zijn stuk voor stuk interessante mensen. En de kameraadschap vind ik mooi beschreven. Riders is niet een fast-paced verhaal, maar weet je wel te binden en te doen smachten naar meer. En die cover? Die blijkt perféct bij het verhaal te passen. Ik kan niet wachten op deel twee, welke medio mei 2017 zal verschijnen. Het enige dat mij zorgen baart is dat het tweede deel vanuit het oogpunt van Daryn geschreven is. Ik las namelijk juist erg graag uit het oogpunt van Gideon, en had met Daryn de minst goede connectie in Riders.

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emleemay's review against another edition

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I’d chosen to serve because I could fight and because until wars stopped happening, people like me were needed. I had zero problem doing whatever it took to keep harm from coming to innocent people. Zero problem. Period, exclamation point, and freakin’ hooah.

1 1/2 stars. This book is like watching a bunch of rowdy jocks downing dirty pints while chanting about sports teams. In other words, this is the most weirdly macho novel I've read since [b:Men Without Women|108218|Men Without Women|Ernest Hemingway||764891].

There's not much plot to be seen here, and even less characterization. The beginning seems relatively interesting, using an interrogation and confession as a framing device for Gideon's story to be told. Unfortunately, everything kind of falls flat after that.

Gideon joined the military straight after high school because, dude, there were wars to be fought and, uh, patriotism or something. But an accident that should have killed him instead bestows him with strange new powers like super-healing and the ability to make people angry.

So then this girl called Daryn shows up (potential love interest despite zero chemistry between them) and tells him that he is WAR. As in, an embodiment of war, otherwise known as one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. And, though we don't know shit yet, we are told that it's absolutely definitely important to go hunt down the other three horsemen.

That's what this book is about. Gideon and Daryn traipsing around the United States (and later to Europe) to find these other guys. When the other guys are found, any character development is passed up in favour of manly posturing, physical fights, and comparing who has the best horse - literally, not a euphemism (or so they say).

It was very difficult to a) care about where this weakly-plotted novel was heading, and b) care about these characters between each macho pissing contest.

I'm not exaggerating when I say the characters are not given a personality beyond the one they all share - the one that makes them constantly puffed up and scowling at one another, trying not to get into a brawl over who's the most badass. Such a strange book... and so devoid of emotion.

Still, some good action scenes for readers who find that enough.

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jade_ls_lee's review against another edition

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Ahhhhh, man tā patika! Ja goodreads darbotos 10 baļļu sistēmā, te būtu kāds 8 vai 9.

Totāls izklaides gabals un atpūta no domājamajiem feels gabaliem. Te viss pa plauktiņiem - action, humors, misija, daži kautiņi, daži plot twists, labi saliktas beigas. Kas gan nekaiš būt athletic, white, straight guy :D


Vispār tāds filmas iespaids par to visu - forši pavadīts laiks graužot popkornu un zinot, ka viss nokārtosies. Tiesa, valoda bija ļoti laba un daži joki vai ainas lika smieties balsī [ okay, tas bija par zirgiem pārsvarā, un man reti ir kas jautrāks kā vērot kā kāds džeks mēģina sākt jāt vai savaldīt tempermentīgu zirga gabalu :D :D ], kā arī daži plot twists lika uztaisīt le gasp balsī, tā kā šis nav tikai parasts Holivudas grāvējs, bet tāds labums labais, pie kura atgriezties.

Piekritīšu, ka visa mitoloģijas puse te bija aiz matiem parauta. Es pat pavaicāju mātei googlei, vai tiešām ceturtais horseman kādreiz ir bijis Conquest. Ir gan :D Vienalga ir pierasts pie Pestilence, bet tas jau nebūtu seksīgi 18gadīgam džekam, mjaaaa.

Jo mums te ir bariņš ar 18gadīgiem džekiem, kuri kinda nomira un tad atgriezās kā horsemens? Kad sāka ieslēgties spējas, beidzot sāka manīt, ka kaut kas neiet krastā. Un tad uzrodas confident čiksa un basically pasaka "come with me, if you want to live" :D Patiešām cepums par to, ka šoreiz meitene bija zinošā, vesela virkne ar annoying tropes līdz ar to atkrita.

Tā nu galvenais War džeks Gideons kopā ar confident čiksu Daryn sāk vākt kopā pārējos horsemen, kas prasa paceļošanu pa ASV, jo,protams, visi ir "pārdzimuši" tur. [ izņemot vienu Norvēģijā. Un viņš arī bija brits] Daryn būtībā ir boss, jo arī ir ar drusku spējām/vīzijām, kas jādara tālāk. Šajā gadījumā horsemen nav saistībā ar apokalipsi, bet gan kāda priekšmeta pasargāšanu, kuru grib iegūt bariņš dēmonu. Šamie nokrita kopā ar Luciferu, bet tad novērsās arī no viņa, un nu paši grib iegūt varu.

Tā nu darbība pārsvarā sastāv no vākšanās kopā. Vēl viens cepums par to, ka grāmata izveidota pārstāsta formā un sākas jau pēc lielas kaujas notikšanas. Gideons tagad ir aizturēts un atstāsta kā līdz tam nonāca. Ļoti labs triks sevišķi šim sižetam, jo man šķiet, ka citādi lineāri par to visu lasīt būtu garlaicīgāk un klišejiskāk.

UN ZIRGI! Štrunts par visu citu, tie zirgi, bruņas un ieroči bija ahhhhh!! Katram horseman ir stilīgā aproce savā krāsiņā, un tad var "izsaukt" savus zirgus, kuri materializējas visādos episkos veidos :D tāpat kā bruņas un ieroči. Asgdshfdjfjd sign me the fuck up!!


Karoč, viss ir baigi super, tikai emocijas kaut kā pa virsu nošļūc. :D Man īsti nebija ticības momenta, ka visi apkārtējie tā vienkārši pieņēma, ka lol okay mums tagad ar dēmoniem jācīnās. Mitoloģijai vienkārši nebija atsvara un... tā briesmīguma efekta? Tāda sajūta, ka pietrūka vēl vismaz 100 lpp, lai es sāktu tiešām par to uztraukties un just līdzi. [bet tad vairs nedarbotos tas divu līniju pārstāstījuma stils, tā kā ok, piedodam]

Es arī neiebraucu tajā Gideona acumirkļa hate pret Death horseman. Abi jau no pirmā skatiena nosprieda,ka ienīst viens otru un pusi laika vienkārši kāvās. Burtiski. Saskatās un atkal - okay aizejam pļaviņā noskaidrot šito ar dūrēm. Plus, nelika mieru, ka tas vilka uz black guy stereotipizēšanu.
Vispār ņemot vērā,ka šitā ir 2016.gada grāmata, pēc statistikas loģiskāk par Death būtu ielikt the white guy. I'm just sayin.


Bet neņemot vērā šādus tādus neloģikas caurumiņus, tas viss turējās kopā daudz labāk, nekā biju gaidījusi. Vēl viens cepums par pašām beigām, kas īsti Megijas Stīvoteras garā atstāja pēdējo teikumu nepateiktu, bet tikai nojaušamu.

Tagad būs vien jāgaida, kad maijā iznāks turpinājums, kurš pa daļai koncentrējas uz Daryn, pa daļai turpina neatrisinātos notikumus no pirmās daļas fināla.

Eh, šitais nudien bija makten izdevies action gabals.


bookeliina's review against another edition

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3,5 Interesanti pasniegts stāsts, bet ne pietiekami aizraujošs, lai ieinteresētu lasīt turpinājumu.

kerrycat's review against another edition

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The feeling of imminent danger and the constant battles with terrifying creatures help bring this vivid story to life. However, the depth of characterization is what will make readers connect to this small group of teens on a mission to save humanity. Gideon and Daryn display a powerful chemistry from their very first meeting, while the personality conflicts between Gideon and his fellow horsemen keep this adventure both intense and humorous.

Gideon has been plagued with guilt since his father’s death a year ago, but just as he begins to find meaning in his life with the Army Rangers, he dies in a parachuting accident. Brought back to life, he heals at an inhuman rate, and when the beautiful, focused Daryn finds him, she reveals that he has become the incarnation of one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Together they search for the other three horsemen while protecting a heavenly object from demons who would use it to enslave the world. (TOR TEEN, Feb., 368 pp., $17.99, ISBN: 9780765382542, HC, 13 & Up)
Reviewed by:
Kerry Sutherland
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keilamichelle's review against another edition

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Solid, outside of the box, with likeable characters.

smlplatz's review against another edition

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Having been a fan of Rossi's Under the Never Sky series, when I heard that she wrote a book about the freakin' HORSEMEN, I was naturally convinced that it was going to be great.

And I loved this book.
It may not be for everyone, but I thought it was a great read that tiptoed into dark, heavy things without losing its sense of hope.

What I liked:
- The mode for telling the story. We're getting the story mostly after it's happened, during an interrogation.
- The characters. They all had their own personalities and we eventually see how that works for them as a team.
- The romance. It was present. It was definitely there...but it wasn't the most important thing happening on the page, even for the characters involved, and that was refreshing to see in a YA.
- The horses. I love horses. And these horses are so bad ass. I want them all.

What could have been better:
- Pacing. There were times I felt it lag a bit, but it wasn't enough to make me ever consider putting the book down.
- The baddies. I felt like they weren't dynamic enough. I mean, we're dealing with evil in its purest form, so it's not like I'm looking for a sympathetic villain...but I think their type of evil definitely has room for more-ness.

What I didn't like:
- Nothing. I mean, there was just nothing that rose up and slapped me across the face with its awfulness.

I just really enjoyed this book. I mean, I gave it 5 stars and I'm *very* stingy with my 5 Star Ratings.

blurrypetals's review against another edition

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I tried really hard to like this book, because I really wanted to love it. I did. I tried. I even gave it a little space and time to try to see if I was drawn back to finding out what happened, and that feeling never came. I even tried listening to it just now while I was folding some laundry and, just as I did when I started the book last week, I couldn't believe how bland, uninteresting, and paint-by-numbers they made the story of the modern four horsemen of the apocalypse, so this is going to be a good ol' fashioned DNF at the 53% mark.

The way this is written has two huge things going against it, too, other than the fact that it's just boring. The first thing is the fact that the main narrative is told by the main character in the first person in past tense. The reason that's a bad thing is because we know, no matter what, Gideon and his cohorts all make it to a certain point, because he's telling the story during an interrogation. It sweeps the legs out from under any tension that was possible, in my opinion. I've never been a fan of the whole idea of starting a story at the "end" and having the narrator go back to the beginning. Sometimes it's used well, if that end at the beginning is vague enough (like Flynn Rider saying this was the story of how he died at the beginning of Tangled) but this book seems all too eager to tip its hand, even though Gideon keeps saying Daryn is keeping secrets. It's pretty clear from the word go what will likely happen because of the fact that we know they all make it to that point.

The other thing I don't like is that the writing style is painfully juvenile. Gideon is incredibly bullheaded, stupid, and childish for every moment of the book and he has the same amount of charm as a plain bagel with no cream cheese. His refusal to just trust Daryn has things handled is one of the most frustrating things I've ever experienced, especially since he's so head over heels for her. You would think he's just let her take the wheel at a certain point and just let her call the shots. Also, his relationships with the other three horsemen are so contrived and lame, but they're played as if they have so much history between them when they really don't.

Long in the short of it all, this was a dud, big time. I thought this could have turned out to be a big dumb fun sort of book but instead I got Snoresville, USA and one of the most needlessly frustrating protagonists I've had the displeasure of reading about. Not even Dan Bittner's narration could save this one, no sir.