
Tatterdemalion by Anah Crow, Dianne Fox

shazov's review

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This was an interesting (but not an easy) read. Definitely outside the usual fare that's offered. We are introduced to two damaged MC's. Their relationship is slow in building and not an easy road once started. At times I found the way the partnership was described slightly annoying; the strength of one and the neediness and insecurity of the other, but this wasn't enough to put me off the story.

I loved the world building. It was set in a modern time in RL settings, but with magic and an old-world feel overall..

The ending was finished, yet not. There are still issues left unsolved and open, yet it wasn't a cliff-hanger finish. I will definitely seek out the next installment.

msmiz95's review

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For lack of a better review, this was fantastic. So much going on and yet left me satisfied and wanting more at the same time. I have questions, a ton of them actually. It was like being dropped in the middle of a scene, with no back story. Not that it is bad, just I want more - bigger picture information - oh and I want more Dane and Lindsay!

nightcolors's review

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3.75 stars.

mrella's review

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I don't know what happened here. I read [b:Slow Bloom|7844441|Slow Bloom (Slow Bloom #1)|Anah Crow||10947088] and [b:Uneven|6467115|Uneven|Anah Crow||6657621] and this, in comparison, is a complete and utter chaos.

It has all of the elements of a potentially good story, but at the same time there are lot of things missing (like first two chapters, for example) and there are a lot of things that do not need to be in the book at all.

Some of the "WTH" moments, clumsy sentences aside:

SpoilerFlight from Germany to NY - 10 hours. Via what, North Pole on Harry's broomstick?

Powerful ancient spell that Ezqel cast on Jonas lasted the whole day and a half. Powerful and terrible indeed.

Dane kept carrying Lindsay around. Was there something wrong with the boy's legs?

I love Anah Crow's books and I was looking forward to this one. Many things in this book appealed to me: a big bad alpha male with a gentle side, a poor little mansel in distress, shifters, ancient magic and even demented nurse Mildred Ratched ...Dr. Moore (lo-o-oved the evilness!). But somehow I feel cheated and disappointed. 3 stars.

angelwrites's review

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Oh. My. Goodness. This is actually a 4.5

Are you looking for an easy, unchallenging read, full of cliches? Then do not read this book. Are you looking for the same old tired m/m plot lines? Then don't read this book. Do you need to have everything explained to you upfront in great, info-dumping detail? Have all your questions answered? Then Don't Read This Book.

From the first heart-pounding scene to the last, Tatterdemalion seizes the reader in both taloned fists and refuses to let go. Action and violence enough to satisfy the adventure-lover, sex both tender and heated to satisfy the erotic lover, and world building enough, ah, yes, to satisfy the fantasy lover.

World building. So often lost in erotic romance or scattered about in such scant and negligent detail to feel almost insulting. Not. Here. Breathe it in. Let it take you. The fairy house in the woods was painted in such wonderful detail. The grime and grit of alleys. The anthill scurry and anxiety of airports. I'm so often busy analyzing that I forget to enjoy. I enjoyed, and often became anxious, actually Anxious for the characters, so much so that I snapped at my family to go away during tense scenes.

The characters? On the surface, you may think you see the classic m/m romance couple - Big Tough Man and little pretty man (boy). Ah, but it's only surface. Our Alpha is not cast from the typical mold - Dane is damaged and confused by human interaction more often than not. And Lindsay, though horribly broken in mind and spirit, is hardly the cringing flower in need of constant rescue. The growth, together and separately, was both satisfying and believable. There's enough left open at the end where there could be more, but I didn't feel it was necessary. If the writers want to leave us there, I'm content.

There were a couple of pacing oddities, but these were minor bumps and I did sort of cock my head to the side like a puzzled terrier when Lindsay never really confronts that fact that he killed a heck of a lot of people. He understands it was horrible, though it was a desperate sort of accident on his part, but he sort of holds the knowledge at arms' length, I thought.

Want some lovely writing and a ripping good story? Want characters who get to keep some of their secrets and who dare you not to fall in love with them? Read. This. Book.