Reviews tagging 'Sexism'

A Love Catastrophe by Helena Hunting

1 review

doseofromance's review

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I normally don't DNF books if I'm more than halfway through, but when a guy says "are you boning her, you're tapping that, I bet she's feisty in bed" in one conversation and he only cuts it out because the guy that's dating the discussed woman tells him he's serious about her... That does make me make an exception. All throughout the book both the male lead and his best friend bring up how the FMC's job title of Kitty whisperer sounds dirty and how she must know how it would come across. While I generally dislike when MMCs make a lot of (unfunny) sexual jokes or sexualize the FMC or an aspect of the FMC, I also don't even see the point here. It's very very obvious that the title is referring to actual cats. Pussy whisperer would be different, but Kitty?? That is such a reach and just says so much more about these two guys. The way all of the guys in general in this book talk about Kitty (we don't meet other women besides her direct relatives and one friend) is so incredibly uncalled for and sexualizing. And the male lead rarely says anything and if he does, it's clear he's only doing it because he's dating her and likes her, not because the content itself bothers him. Everything is also either played off with excuses like oh he's just a young guy, he doesn't know better yet or he's just like that. I don't understand why a female author would write men like this.
Another problem with the MMC is his absolutely pointless hatred and disdain for cats. Like what the hell is your problem? It's completely fine to like dogs more or even dislike cats, but he's going out of his way to shit on them. Also why would you openly insult cats to a person that has made a career out of caring for cats? At least read the room. Similarly though, Kitty (can't believe that's her full name) is wrong for saying dog people only like dogs because they are obedient and are so needy that you feel good about yourself. Idiotic and shame-y.
Kitty is further annoying for swapping curses with cat words. She uses meow in several instances as a synonym for similarly sounding words. Why? She also says things like "thank catness (goodness)". Please stop. Kitty also gets offended about people questioning the validity of her career as a catsitter and calls it a double standard because dog sitter is a perfectly acceptable career. First of all, neither is a career. A job, yes. A career, no. Like what are your advancement options? What training did you go through? How hard is it to watch a ca? She repeatedly victimizes herself as a cat person and catsitter that is being hated on and not taken seriously by a dog centered world. Please really sit on this thought. Is that really the biggest issue we face? It must also be said that we don't actually see Kitty do that much work. And she's not very good at the little she does do. For example, if I hire you to actively watch and play with my cats while I work and then you text me that my cat knocked over my Lego Hogwarts set and one piece broke, I would simply not pay you. Your specific purpose is to WATCH the cats, so they are kept business and don't destroy my house. Why are they destroying stuff then? Kitty also only has two moves to train cats. Treats and a water gun. Now, I might be wrong, but is it not very bad to spray cats with water? First, it's mean, second, I'm very sure you're not supposed to do that with any animal to punish them. It's not abuse per se, but definitely more than questionable, especially for a payed professional.
All in all, the casual sexism, sexualizing of women, open and unconscious misogyny, and lack of diversity (the MMC's neighbors are a gay couple, but on page we see no lgbtq+ person or person with a disability or poc) were the real issue and problem with this book. Everything else I listed was annoying and made me want to give the books 3 stars at best, if the story wasn't also only meh, but I would have stuck it out. Authors, please please please do better. If I wanted men like the ones in this book, I could simply go outside.

TW: discussions of death, caring for a parent with dementia, off page: death of a parent and a child/brother

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. I voluntarily read and reviewed it. All opinions are my own.

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