
Mickey and the Animal Spies by Becka Moor, Anne Miller

mehsi's review

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A girl wonderful at solving codes, a secret animal group, and tons of fun adventures!

I picked up this book in the first place for the illustrations by Becka Moor. I am a giant fan of her art and I need all of them in my life. And then I also fell in love with the blurb. I love solving codes, I love secret spy stuff, and I love animals!

I am a bit tired, so I will list all that I loved:
-The animal group named Cobra with, as expected, a cobra as the lead person.
-I loved seeing what animals were in the group, like Tilda the sloth, or Bertie the giraffe (who was afraid of everything and I had such a laugh seeing him stand on that desk).
-The codes. I had fun breaking them before Mickey could do it. I didn't solve all of them as I was lying on my bed and didn't have any materials with me to write on. But most I just did out of my head and that was fun.
-The missions and their names. I agree with Mickey that they weren't that well fitted as anyone could guess what they are about. :P
-It was just so much fun seeing them go on the missions, try to infiltrate into events, and to find out the culprits. I had a laugh at how easily Mickey was able to get into the event in the beginning. Just shout a name many people have, it works I guess.
-The whodunnit. I had fun figuring it out and as soon as I knew who it had to be I wanted to know more about the whys and the hows.
-I guess animals talk in this world, but I would think that someone else would know about it? I wonder how many confused people are walking around thinking they heard Kitty or Waffles talk to them or to someone.
-I loved seeing Bertie's disguises and I seriously doubt people and their skills on seeing things around them. I mean Bertie is big enough that even if you dress him up he should stand out.
-The illustrations, they were wonderful again!
-The ending! It promises so much more fun adventures and I cannot wait! I definitely would love more books with codes, animals, and spy missions. See Mickey get better at spying, at codes, and see more agents in the field.
-I loved the birdmail and had a laugh that some birds had their ways to send mails (so in short don't send them by gulls unless you know the road is clear of food/distractions).

Things I am not sure about, not dislike but just unsure.
-How the parents apparently didn't care that their kid disappeared for hours or I should say, didn't even notice...? Or during the last part? I would definitely want to know who the kids are that my kid is going away with. Maybe me, but Mickey is what? 10? 11? Still a child and I would like to know that the people are OK to be with.
-How the group reacted when Mickey had a crucial information to share. I get that she is new, I get that the files said x, but you could at least take her more serious. It was just painful to read.

All in all, a wonderful, delightful, and humorous book that fits perfectly with what I needed at this moment. Something fun to distract me. And this book did. I read it in one go. I want more! I would highly recommend this one to everyone looking for a fun book with codes and animals and spying!

Review first posted at

ettegoom's review

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Very cute. My niece would enjoy it i think.