
For Crown and Kingdom by Grace Draven, Jeffe Kennedy

mdlaclair's review

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Nice read, I enjoyed both stories

galian84's review

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Spectacular collection of novellas from two authors I love to read! Wonderful worldbuilding, likeable main characters, and beautiful prose in both stories. Definitely swept me away into their worlds.

I havent read Ms. Kennedy's Tala series yet, though it has been sitting on my to-read shelf for some time. I'll be honest, it took me awhile to figure out what was happening, since I wasn't familiar with the characters or storyline. Probably would have helped, were I familiar with the series. I enjoyed it nonetheless, about the coronation of the new High Queen, although I wouldn't classify this as a romance. A bit slow paced, but still held my interest. I liked the FMC so much that I picked up the new series in Ms. Kennedy's new series, the first book which has Dafne as the focus.

I've said it before, but I'll read anything that Ms. Draven writes. Her novella is typical of her story arcs and characters, a slow-burn romance with a tough FMC and quiet, brooding bad-boy MMCs, who are ultimately likeable and relatable. I don't like most bad-boy MCs, but I like hers! She writes them so well that you can't help but fall for them as well, and hope they find their happily ever after. The story was haunting, romantic, sexy, and mysterious, all at once, with a little bit of drama and action thrown in. I, too, would have loved this to be a full blown novel instead of a novella. I felt there was much more to tell of their tale. Imogen and Cededa rank up there with Ildiko and Brishen as my favorite couples from her works. Definitely enjoyed this novella more than the first.

Four stars because while I liked Ms. Kennedy's novella, I didn't love it. Enjoyed this duology and of course will be looking out for future works from both these talented authors

renpuspita's review

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4 stars

So many reviewers on Goodreads here stated thay they just read and rate The Undying King. Make sense, tho. But for me, since I had read Jeffe Kennedy's Twelve Kingdom, I rated this anthology fully. If you not familiar with Kennedy's writing, you will get very confused read her novella The Crown of The Queen, because its story is the continuation after [bc:The Talon of the Hawk|22891407|The Talon of the Hawk (The Twelve Kingdoms, #3)|Jeffe Kennedy||42461498]. I don't know why put Kennedy's novella first, but I guess they have their own reason. If you not read Twelve Kingdoms yet, just go ahead to read The Undying King, even you not read Draven's book yet. The Undying King is stand-alone

The Crown of the Queen is full of intrigue and told from Daphne Mailloux's POV, the librarian that accompany Salena's daughter, Ursula, Amelia and Andromeda from the beginning of the story. Its deal with the event after The Talon of the Hawk, the coronation of Ursula as the new High Queen of Twelve Kingdoms. I really like this novella, I can see Daphne's struggle to make sure Ursula's coronation run well. It never a dull moment, and always lovely to read the sisters from another POV. Kennedy write Ursula coronation regally. No happy ending, and yes, no romance either. This novella indeed for Twelve Kingdoms readers. Anyhow, if you not read Twelve Kingdoms yet, I said "just read it already!". I think that series is very underrated. Twelve Kingdoms is a unique fantasy romance, and if you like a fantasy with intrigue, magic, romance, character development and also steamy sex scene, try read the first book of the series [bc:The Mark of the Tala|18371373|The Mark of the Tala (Twelve Kingdoms, #1)|Jeffe Kennedy||25981463].

The Undying King is a stand alone novella by Grace Draven, told story about Imogen, a women whom touch kill anyone. After her mother's death, she search a fable, legend, city called Tineroth. Imogen believe that Tineroth's ruler, Cededa -once called Cededa the Fair, then Cededa the Butcher, but more known as The Undying King- will help her get rid of her curse. Both Imogen and Cededa never thought that they will attract to each other. Another is Death's handmaiden, and the King is live eternally for 4ooo years, yet when Cededa touch Imogen, he feel so alive for the first time.

Seems simple right? Yep, very simple, but this is Draven we talk about. I read her Wraith Kings series, Radiance and Eidolon, and love it's non-traditional take of romance trope. So many things can go wrong with Undying King, yet Draven can make it so right for me. Virgin, untried heroine not my forte, yet I like how Draven portray Imogen. I grown to attach to both Imogen and Cededa. I feel how Cededa suffer for thousands years and find his own happiness in Imogen. The ending also non traditional as well. The ending -its have HEA- will begging reader for more. I want more Cededa and Imogen, please!! The sex scene also very steamy, and while I don't like virgin heroine that suddenly know about sex while she's so skittish at first, Draven handle it well.

For Crown and Kingdom is great if you like fantasy romance. I really enjoy this anthology since I'm a fans of Jeffe Kennedy and Grace Draven. Can't wait for their next collaboration!!

Her hand drifted down his arm in a languid caress. "I never thought I'd meet a king", she said in a sleepy voice. "Especially a fabled one."

Cededa hugged her to him. Her breathing slowed and her body grew heavy against his. "I never thought I'd hold Death," he whispered in darkness. "Or beg her love and mercy."

nelsonseye's review

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I enjoyed both Jeffe Kennedy and Grace Draven's stories.

lindca's review

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4.5 stars

(Read only the Draven story)

The Undying King by Grace Draven

Ms. Draven does her usual outstanding job of creating complex characters and unique fantasy settings. Imogen and Cededa's story evolves slowly as we gradually come to know their pasts and how they became the people they are. Imogen's sweet pragmatism perfectly complements Cededa's anguished regrets and their coming to know and appreciate one another makes for a satisfying story. Minor editing issues don't detract from the tale and, as with most of Grace Draven's books, I finished the story craving more.

Many thanks to N for the loan!

megan_roze's review

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Grace Draven has done it again. Loved 'The Undying King', a wonderful short story about an unlikely couple.

Very sweet and a joy to read.

I skipped the first novella. I was very confused. I feel like there wasn't enough help to understand the world since it was set in an already established series. Wasn't interesting and just made me frustrated so I left it.

ashleyreads88's review

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I haven’t read anything by Jeffe Kennedy before reading her novella The Crown of the Queen. However after reading the novella I’m intrigued to read The Twelve Kingdoms, and then possibly re-read the The Crown of the Queen. I have also never read anything by Grace Draven before. After reading Draven’s novella The Undying King I wanted more. I rated this three stars because I found some things confusing in Kennedy’s novella The Crown of the Queen. I’m thinking after I read The Twelve Kingdoms I may not be as confused. I did enjoy both novellas, and the writing.

saidahgilbert's review

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The Crown of the Queen
- It was interesting to see the coronation of Queen Ursula.

The Undying King
- This was the more fleshed out story in my opinion.

I'd gotten this book for Jeffe Kennedy's novella and the second book surprised me with its engrossing plot.

blodeuedd's review

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I know this was your story Dafne, but I was all about the rest and the whole omg, will they never be able to marry? No one is having babies!
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaadness! And since the next book is about Dafne, that is just, sad you know. No one gets to share their love, well except for Andi. No one is having babies, except for Ami. Now I am sad.

Now when I have that off my chest. This is about Ursula having doubts, others having doubts about her taking the High Crown (to me it would be better if everyone took care of their own business and cut the high stuff.) And it's about who will take over after her.

And it is about seers making hints that maybe Dafne has a future too. Yay, I can not wait. Especially since book 4s blurb sure seems interesting. No, it has nothing to do with that premise that I love, fine, yes it has everything to do with that premise.
(edit, reading this later and I have NO idea what I am talking about)

This is mostly a talking and thinking story. Trying to put the kingdom back together. I just want everyone to be happy though.


The Undying King

My thoughts:
This should so have been a book! I mean, the ending, was a solid ending, BUT there is danger and I am all then what? More!

Imogen is the daughter of a witch, who is dying, and with her last breath the witch sends Imogen to find the Undying King.

I liked Ceneda, he was so amused by this strange woman showing up in his dead city and calling in a debt.

Duh, of course they start to fall for each other. I liked hearing his story first, that would be quite a book, but I am sure I would not like him. Now, he has mellowed. A bit. And Imogen was so nice. They fit each other well.

But alas there is danger too!

Should totally be a book, or another novella.
