
How to Kill a Rock Star by Tiffanie DeBartolo

kippins's review against another edition

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DNF :(
I'm putting this aside for now, just wasn't grabbing me and the writing stlye was irratating me. I may come back to it or I may not *shrugs*

kippins's review

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jjuliaagriss's review against another edition

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Had to stop reading at some parts (see: Eliza's sheer stupidity and apparent God complex) hence why it took me awhile to finish reading.

Although some plot points were kinda out there and some "twists" were obvious the book was saved by beautiful quotes about music and fate.

darlingqod's review against another edition

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I don't wanna talk about this ridiculously stressful novel.

This is, for me, one of those you're either gonna give all the stars, or none of it.

I don't want to be the black sheep in these rows and rows of 5-star reviews, but here I am, anyway.

I'm not properly rating this for now because I feel like giving it a five would be a lie, and giving it a one would be hypocritical. To say I didn't at least enjoy this novel would be like lying in confession, but giving it a two, a three, or a four doesn't seem very fitting either.

So then I'd leave it like this for now. Maybe a time will come when I'd ponder on about this book and be able to really rate it.

mandiisbooked08's review against another edition

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Goddammit-should have listened to that pancreas

To what lengths will we go to see someone live their dream? Will we overcome our fears? Will we break our own heart? Will we trade our soul?

Eliza and Paul have to answer these questions to figure out their future. Paul is on the cusp of stardom with the weight of a huge record label, forcing him to fit a mold he despises. He is set to go on tour with his band and the love of his life. The problem is that Eliza is scared to death of flying in an airplane. He can't leave without her, she can't leave with him.

Choices, sacrifices, and lies we tell ourselves to justify our actions. The author navigates this flawlessly.

This book is tricky. It’s complex. It is a love triangle, rock star romance, and deceptively good.

cavityfila's review against another edition

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I loved this book. It was well written, very engaging and heart wrenching. I love Paul and how passionate he was, even to a fault. He was so intense about his music and Eliza. He seemed more likable to me than her and I didn't agree with her behavior or thought processes. The ending was a little Hollywood to me but the rest of the book felt so real I am willing to overlook it. Great book.

ktomalley's review against another edition

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stopped reading @ 35%. after the main characters 40th use of the word gay, I couldn’t take it. the writing style made me feel really disconnected to the characters, too much monologue and no actual conversation between anyone. I was bored and it just wasn’t my style!

mchristinepo's review against another edition

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It took me a really long time to get into this book because I thought the beginning was a slow start. The story was so fun to read and the characters were very well developed even though I thought Paul was annoying. I would consider him to be the good guy with bad habits though. Also, I'm not usually a fan of 'love triangles' but I thought that it was very well played and I liked the end result of the romance. I really liked reading about the many things up and coming musicians go through when wanting to make it into the industry. Many sacrifices must be made and your musical persona may be changed in order to make a name for yourself in the popular music industry today and I like how that was written.

jmoura01's review

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4.5 Stars. This book, I can't even. I loved it. I wouldn't have even known about it if it didn't fit as an answer for a challenge question.

blessedwannab's review against another edition

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Words & Music

"For what it's worth, I think happiness is a fleeting condition, not a permanent goddamn state of mind. I've learned that if you chase after moments of bliss here and there, sometimes those moments will sustain you through the shit."

I had this really amazing review planned, about words sounding like lyrics and the beauty of the writing, and really absolutely all of that is true. Paul and Eliza both thought things lyrically. It was beautiful.

He wasn't what I would call handsome, at least not conventionally. His face, when he wasn't smiling, had a pensive, ominous cast to it, but as soon as he grinned the severity melted into an airy radiance that made me want to touch his chest and feel his heartbeat.

The way Eliza described Paul really resonated. There were descriptions about his looks, his nose that was slightly too long and his greasy dark hair and his lanky, almost too lean, build; but it was more the way she described how he made her feel that really brought him to life. It was the passion he brought out in people that made him so incredibly sexy.

I'd never had the urge to touch anybody's chest, but Paul was so animated and energetic, I imagined a metrical, pumping drum pounding in place of a heartbeat, and I wanted to feel the rhythm. I wanted to merge with it. I wanted to be it.

And it wasn't only Paul, the way that he would describe Eliza... they had a connection. They had a connection that we long for.

Eliza has the sky in her eyes and I've always wanted to touch the goddamn sky.

It was this connection, this link between them, that caused the second half of this book to ROCK YOUR MIND. Did you like the review up there? Did it make you want to pick up this book? Should you? Yes! I would recommend this book. I would also recommend that you come prepared to rage at the pages. Bring your zen, people. You are soooo going to need it.

This book was not all pretty prose and love. It was 'I will rip your guts out and fling them at you'.

You have been warned.

After licking his neck, I wanted to dive into his throat and slide down his esophagus and swim around inside his hands while he strummed.