darkness223's review

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What a fantastic collection of sexy hot reads.These were really good smoking hot little reads there is something for everyone in this collection they were well-written and had good characters and storylines.I really liked these stories about a BDSM club and the fun these couples have on valentines day

ashezbookz's review

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I LOVED THIS - I was so shocked when the beginning just .. ended (yes I don't read descriptions) but then it went to each persons perspective (most of the players anyway) and I was in heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were some amazingly well written stories (and 2 that I didn't like) and I just, I needed more, Bene is now one of my top favourite authors I've read - so gooooooooood I can't even express

rihoward's review

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Two words to describe this collection of novellas== HOLY. TITFIRE. I am pretty sure my iPad almost melted. For the review I am going to write it in the order of the anthology rather than the order of my favorites.

Introduction and conclusion written by Livia Grant and Jennifer Bene

4.5 stars
One of my favorite things about this anthology and its predecessor is the details it takes in setting up the stage so to speak. It offers a fluidity in the story. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the characters from before that are all essential players in making this night happen. I especially love that they show what the hard limits were/are and what they get instead I loved that they tie up loose ends that have all been interwoven in the standalone stories. My only complaint in this case was I still need to know more about what is going on with Chase, Jaxson, and Emily. I would love another story of them!

Unrestrained by Jennifer Bene

4.6 stars.
This was one of my favorite stories. I need a Silas in my life. It is the story of Silas and Bianca. I loved that Silas, known for being sadistic, shows a side to him that is caring and protective (the OJ and aftercare scene and the checking to make sure that everything was okay when there was a major disturbance). Their second scene was hotter than Hades. Who am I kidding? They were all hot as hell. These two had amazing chemistry.

Brat by Livia Grant

4.5 stars
I loved the introduction to these characters before they became partners at the club. It helped give dimension to the story and let the reader know what was behind their animosity. I loved when Gabriella was trying to figure out the acronym meaning when she was walking to the costume room. This is something I myself didn't know so it was a new thing to read about. The author did a great job explaining things. I loved watching both Gabriella and Connor as they came to turns with how they really felt about each other, especially Connor. I would love to know more about the issues behind Gabriella and her father in a future story. There was so much more room for a full-length story.

Forced by Renee Rose

4.9 stars
My favorite of the anthology and considering that every story was amazing that says something. Victor and Mariana (Brooklyn) were so hot together. To the point that if they got anymore hotter they would have combusted. That second scene was EVERYTHING. I loved the after effects and emotions that created a war in Mariana’s mind as she vacillated with how she could like something that goes against every idea of what a woman wants, needs, and deserves. How do you balance between what your body likes and what society says is acceptable? I definitely know that I struggle with this, so it was refreshing to see the author expand on this idea. Victor does a good job on articulating his feelings on this and helps her understand that she is not wrong for liking what she likes.

Doctored by Sue Lindon

4.6 stars
This was a story that intrigued me because it was another area that fascinates me, but I do not know as much about. The author did a great job with showcasing why trust is such an essential part of BDSM especially in that first scene. For so many women that first scene is such an uncomfortable position to be in (even though necessary). Natalie and Knox had a lot of past feelings that needed to be addressed and it was nice to see them discover each other after a long five years. These two had an intimacy to their story and I immediately connected with them.

Shameless by Maren Smith

4.7 stars
This story, while it did not my favorite of all the roulette scenes, was my second favorite of the collection. Although, the shower scene after the time was up WAS one of my favorites (can I just swoon now at how nurturing and protective that Garreth was?). Hadlee. Sweet lord the things that this girl was trying to overcome with her previous master. I loved how the author worked in the dynamic of how Noah and Garreth worked in tandem in their scenes (the first scene was powerful as hell and if I closed my eyes I could see every connected hit and mark. I, also enjoyed the “pep” talk between Noah and Garreth in the end. I am beyond ecstatic that this book will be a full story this year because there was so much to be expanded on with the menagerie.

Edge by Alta Hensley

4.5 stars
The characters, Dean and Melinda, knew each other before. They had a past that needed to be addressed. I loved that author addressed those feelings. I floved that Dean took control rather than, “testing the fates and seeing where [it] land[ed]” by allowing them to do things at their pace and to establish that trust again. This was important considering what their first spin was. Without doing this I am not sure the story would have worked as well as it did. Dean did a great job of building up Melinda’s self esteem after losing her identity in her previous relationship.

Confessions by Measha Stone

4.5 stars
I loved the backstory to this story. It gave it a different dimension to hidden desires and loving someone that you thought was unattainable for a plethora of reasons. I loved the moments when Grayson and Dani struggled with their feelings for each other, feelings that had been there for years but never addressed for fear of the domino effect that it could possibly have in their lives. The first scene had me fanning myself. It was pretty intense. I wish there would have been more of an explanation of Scott and why he had to drop out to care for his sub. I would love to see more of these characters. All of them.

Surrender by Maggie Ryan

4.6 stars
This novella takes the student teacher role play to a whole new level. HOT. AND that combines second/third scene, sweet lawd above. If that scene didn’t make you hot and bothered than I am convinced you must be a robot. I loved that Owen finally got to show his true feelings for Marty. Especially as these feelings had been building for along time. I like that Marty finally got to see herself as beautiful after so long of being an anomaly as a woman who was the height of a man. Society is so cruel when it comes to what it thinks beauty is.

Taken by Jane Henry

4.5 stars
These two. Talk about unresolved feelings. They take Hate F@&%Ng to a whole new level. I loved that the author took the time to build on this and slowly progress to the reasons why it was the way it was before they found their HEA again. This was important and led to a story with fluidity. I really wanted to know more about these two because they intrigued me. I love it when exes get together and especially loved Brayden and Della.

I would HIGHLY recommend this anthology. I would also read this entire series or at the very least the Black Light Valentine Roulette Anthology. Huge congrats to all the authors on this exceptional collection of stories.

mom2three's review

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I don't know how it happened, but I somehow didn't discover this series until this book. Now, I'm in a huge rush to read all the other books, starting with the Valentine Roulette. This is a wonderful anthology takes place in Black Light, a BDSM club in D.C.. Each story revolves around a group of people who sign up to be paired with possibly a total stranger (or not) and spin a roulette wheel to find out how they will be spending the evening with said person.
Most of the authors are ones I am familiar with, and the ones who I haven't read before have now been added to my list of authors to read. Even though each story is different, there wasn't any story I didn't like. I liked them so much, in fact, that I read this book in one sitting. I don't think I need to give you a synopsis on the stories, so I will just tell you that I loved the originality of the story lines, the amazing characters, and the super sexy scenes. I loved the angst that some of the couples had, and the instant chemistry that the new couples experienced. Like I said, this is a new to me series that won't be new for very much longer!

lifeinthebooklane's review

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*** I shall be adding to this review as I read each story in the book ***

I loved the intro to this and would love Livia to write the scene that happened with Chase, Emma and Jaxson following the meeting (hint, hint). I liked that it didn't focus on the games and limits so much this time, but more on those who would be organising and running the event. I love how the couple matching not only ties all the stories together but really whets your appetite for what is to come.
The writing by each author is so well done, that even if/when the kink isn't your thing the story is still engaging, fun and easy to read.


"Unrestrained" by Jennifer Bene

I loved Bianca and her 'make me' attitude, she may be a sub but she isn't a pushover. She more than met her match in Silas, which led to one super hot encounter that definitely pushed the pain limits.
I'm not a masochist and would definitely have called 'red' in Bianca's situation. I more than likely wouldn't have been able to read this had it been written by a less talented and knowledgeable author. However Ms Bene not only gave us several very hot scenes but she cleverly wove SSC/RACK into her story. (I'm thinking of when he made her look up and speak to the watching crowd and DM). This allowed me to feel more 'comfortable' with the story too.
I loved the ending, yes we want them all to fall in love but that isn't realistic even for a book! However IWOULD love to read more about Silas and Bianca, they certainly make one hot and amazing couple.


"Brat" by Livia Grant

Short stories often leave me dissatisfied and needing more of a story. In Brat the author managed to give both background to the characters and include plenty of steamy actions. The book also held a lot of emotional depth too.
It did leave me wanting more of Ella and Connor, I loved this couple, Ella in particular totally drew me into the story. You know you're going to get kink but the plot and where the story went was just so unexpected. Oh and the ending..... ***sigh**** it fitted this story perfectly.


"Forced" by Renee Rose

I need Mariana as my new BFF. I totally loved her and her non-submissiveness and I loved the twist Renee put on this story.
I love kink, I love kinky play but I'm not at heart all that submissive. Yes I want guy to take charge but I personally an not going to find pleasure in humiliation or a TPE. So I just totally got Mariana, the character is totally on my wavelength.
Victor was really well voiced in the story too. He's obviously a very dominant and alpha guy but the dynamics of the scene and how his partner felt and responded were more important to him than the type of scene or play.
I love BDSM stories - I wouldn't be reading this book if I didn't! - but this one is currently my favourite. I could read stories like this until the cows come home. It was much less about the kink (which I normally love) and much more about their connection and understanding one another.
Victor certainly proved that he understood Mariana and her needs became his priority. I'm generally not a fan of insta-love but -wow- Ms Rose you certainly made it work in this story.
Loved the characters, loved the unusual story, loved the ride in the car (again Victor putting Mariana above all else) and love, love, floved the epilogue.


"Doctored" by Sue Lyndon

This was such a sweet and massively hot love story in just 10 chapters. The excellent character building had me really caring about Natalie and Hunter virtually straight away. The depth of feeling imbued in those characters made this quite an emotional read too.
I was totally caught up in their story and really enjoyed it. I flew through this one, even though medical play can push my 'uncomfortable' button. The author handled the scene with quite a gentle and caring touch, making it really fun to read.


"Shameless" by Maren Smith

Wow, this story wasn't easy to read. Not because of poor writing, not at all. I really believed in both Hadlee and Garreth, they are really well written characters. The pace is good, the story was believable and the writing is excellent.
What makes this difficult is Hadlee's not-so-in-the-past, past. I could have sat in that shower and sobbed alongside her. I can guarantee that you will hate one of the characters in this story. For an author to get that under my skin in such a fairly short space of time reflects an amazing ability.
I can't wait to see how this story progresses....


"Edge" by Alta Hensley

This story was much less about the BDSM and much more about the couple. In many ways this story could have been set anywhere, it didn't really have that much of a feel of being in Black Light.
The story is written entirely from Melinda's POV, but I did still get a good feel for Dean. The couple have history and definitely have unfinished business, mainly due to a very foolish decision made by Melinda. The story very much focuses on the couple, their re-connection and Melinda finding herself again.
I did find the majority of the book fairly vanilla, and even the scene didn't feel very kinky. That said the writing is good and I definitely felt drawn into Melinda's story.


"Confession" by Measha Stone

I loved Dani and Gray's story. I did wonder where Gray's head had been at - Dani had all but offered herself on a plate to him. This had some very good BDSM action in it but also really focused on the couple and their feelings for each other.
I really got drawn into their story - my only complaint is that I would have loved this to have been a full length novel as it had all the makings of a such a good one.


"Surrender" by Maggie Ryan

Marty is a wonderful woman but a terrible sub, who tops from the bottom (I've a feeling we have some things in common!) She has had a massive crush on Owen for a long time, but whilst he finds her attractive as a woman he doesn't want to play with such a poor sub.
Circumstances lead him to decide she needs to learn a lesson, which she very quickly, and painfully, did. I loved that Owen still appreciated her sass and didn't want a docile little woman, and he actually enjoyed the task of subduing Marty.
The story was quite fun, really engaging and had a good mix of character development, BDSM action and plot.

kelly_reads_books's review

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I loved how this book started with a story of the club and then progressed into each couples spin of the wheel and their activities. How some couples were already known to each other and some were not, and how they overcame the emotions and feelings that they were being drawn into.
Great stories!
I had not read any of the other black light series and was truly impressed. Now I will go back to the first book and start over.

jigsawgirl's review

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The premise of all the stories involve BDSM, a private club, invitation only, a roulette wheel, Dom's and Sub's and Valentine's Day.

I liked the fact that the book began with background regarding the rules and pairings before breaking off into the detail of the individual books. I would give each of the books a minimum of 4.5 stars.

Unrestrained - Jennifer Bene
I have read a number of BDSM books, but DAMN. This one was intense. After reading, you need to take a deep breath and come up for air.

Brat - Livia Grant
When Gabby turned up at the club, the last person she expected to see was Connor. Completely inexperienced, Gabby is introduced to submission by Connor, the new trusted of her inheritance. Will Gabby Stafford out of her predicament?

Forced - Renee Rose
Victor and Mariana find they have an insta-attraction, something neither expected. I was never sure if Mariana was a sub and didn't realize it, or if she was just willing to jump in to the unknown with both feet in order to watch out for her sister. A short story about gaining insight to desires that not previously known that ends with a HEA.

Doctored - Sue Lyndon
Hunter and Natalie unknowingly end up reconnecting after several years. They had always had an attraction. Paired up at Black Light, their first scene focused on medical play. This was an ok read.

Shameless - Maren Smith
This short story had a couple of different layers. Hadlee had issues she was trying to reconcile. She was at Black Light to reclaim her. strength, her dignity. Garrett started out being her protector, but he needed so much more from Hadlee. There was a crazy ex involved and a somewhat icky scene. This was a standalone, yet, there looks like there may be a continuation of the story. It's not really a cliff hanger as Garrett and Hadlee get their HEA, but I need to know what happens next.

Edge - Alta Hensley
Dean and Melinda reconnect at Black Light. This is a second chance romance between two people who previously embraced their D/s relationship. A lesson in discovering that you can't live your life for others.

Confessions - Measha Stone
My first thought was this book was going to be about a menage. It's not. You could say it is a romance between two people who embrace kink. The dynamic of their relationship exchanges during their time at Black Light. The chemistry is there, and they get their HEA.

Surrender - Maggie Ryan
This story focuses on another interesting kink, shibari. One aspect of the story that I found intriguing was a woman who thought she was submissive, but realized she wasn't truly "being" submissive. The man she had been attracted to for quite a while was the Dom who assisted Her in understanding her submission. You also get a HEA with this one.

Taken - Jane Henry
This book provides us with a second chance romance. It seems shorter than some of the other stories in this boxed set. I'm not sure about the length because Kindle does locations in a lot of books, and not pages.

I also wasn't sure if Della was a sub, if she had played before, or if she had just never played with Brayden. I got the sense from the conversation at the beginning of the book that this was something new for her. This book also provides you a HEA.

I also appreciated the "epilogue". The loose ends of the night are tied up, some of the questions are answered, and it has you looking forward to the next Valentine Roulette. I think this set has a little something for almost everyone. If you are offended by dungeons, kink, D/s lifestyle, spanking, etc., take a pass on this box set.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy.

tlea's review

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This is an amazing anthology that offers something for everyone.

Unrestrained by Jennifer Bene - This story puts the S&M into the BDSM. I found it to be an unusual choice as an entry to the book as I found it quite confronting and not what I would normally like. However, I really got a feel for the characters, particularly Silas & found myself happy that he's found someone accepting of how he likes to play.

Brat by Livia Grant - Exactly what you would expect with a title like this. Gabriella & Connor have a long (non-sexual) history. This story delves into age play which isn't really a must-read for me, but I still found it very readable. This author always delivers on great characters.

Forced by Renee Rose - Probably my favourite (so far). I love that we really get inside the head of each of the participants. Here is a Dom who knows just what & who he wants. Meanwhile, Mariana is trying to come to terms with the idea that she might just like being Forced.

Doctored by Sue Lyndon - I found this story quite sweet in the idea that here are 2 people who have both been skirting around their attraction for years without the other knowing. Make one a sub who's been hurt by family & endured a public outing & it made me all melty.

Shameless by Maren Smith - I found this unusual in that not often have I read stories in which the bad guy is so much a part of the community. Which is precisely why Hadlee decided that she needed to fight her demons by getting back on that horse (metaphorically speaking!) & offer herself at the Valentine's Roulette. Throw in 2 strong characters, 1 who thinks he'll never get an opportunity to show Hadlee how he feels & you have everything you could want in a story.

Edge by Alta Hensley - A 2nd chance story of 2 people who find themselves matched up at the Roulette & how they overcome the past hurts to forge a new relationship. I really liked this story. I felt that Melinda was such a strong woman to acknowledge her mistake & to work to set things right. Equally, Dean was wonderful in his sensitivity & ability to put hurts aside. For a kink-story, I found it very sweet. Really liked it.

Confession by Measha Stone - Another great story. This one about 2 people who have unknowingly wanted the same thing for years but neither have been willing to risk the relationship that they currently have. A wonderful read about putting yourself out there & risking everything to potentially get something better.

Surrender by Maggie Ryan - Probably one of my least favourite reads. I just found the character of Marty really unlikable. I appreciate the inclusion of the rope work & the premise was excellent. But I just couldn't get past the character.

Taken by Jane Henry - This is another story that left me a bit ambivalent. Again, I just found Della unlikable, although I did warm to her somewhat by the end. I will agree that this is a fantastic story to finish on. It wraps up the collection wonderfully.

In reading the stories, I didn't expect to like all of them, & while there were none that I disliked, there were certainly some that I liked more than others. But the good thing about anthologies like this is that you can be assured of there being at least some that really grab you & make you pleased that you kept reading. I love that even though all of the stories revolved around a single event (ie Valentine's Roulette), care had obviously been taken to ensure continuity between the different stories. Although I'm itching to discover why Red was called & disappointed this was never resolved for me. Definitely read-worthy.

bexbookrex's review

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A Series that Continues to Excel!!

I have been excited to read this book ever since I discovered the series & read the first Black Light Roulette! I was not disappointed! Nine fantastic stories by nine terrific authors rounded out with a wonderful extension in the form of an introduction and conclusion that ties all 9 stories into one cohesive time & place, strengthening every single narrative beautifully.

There was one little thing that bugged me just a smidge. Out of the nine novellas, seven featured couples that had a history with each other. For a game of chance like roulette, those are crazy odds! These were all great stories. I loved them! I just felt it was a bit over the top of unrealistic. Then again, we left the realm of reality the moment we opened the book, didn't we? Lol!

wineanlatenightreads's review

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Another one for the books

If you have stuck around a year later with all the fun the awesome folks at black light have then you will not be disappointed with Roulette Redux! Enjoy a Viking sadist, who knows how to bring the pain and the big O. And one story will have you hanging on the edge of your chair with a cliff hanger!