
One Silent Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon

jscarpa14's review against another edition

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Every time I read this book I'm always kind of divided on my thoughts about it. On one hand Stryker is one of my favorite villains I've ever read. I like him because despite being a villain he has honor, a twisted sort of honor yes, but honor all the same. He's also one of the best kind of villains, the ones that aren't inherently evil. He's not bad for the sake of being bad, he's bad because of a need for survival for both himself and his people. And he's got a chip on his shoulder because he's been just as crapped on as every other hero in Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series. That said it's also a little hard to root for a guy who has the subjugation and destruction of my species on his to do list. As I'm not the human that killed his grandchild nor are most of his victims I don't really feel that the entire human species should be deserving of his hatred and to be honest I think if it were to come out that there really were preternatural species in our world I'd be one of those people that would be like that's cool, let me and mine live our lives in peace and I'll afford you the same courtesy. I've never been one to hate for the sake of hating or fear because something or someone is different. I'd like to think that most modern human kind of have the same outlook so it's hard not to take a little offense that he hates us all just for being born human. Just sayin'.

Anyway I personally didn't feel this book started off strong, it took me a bit more to get into it than other novels in the series, but that said it was kind of like March if it comes in like a lamb it goes out like a lion or vice versa. I enjoyed the insights in to Stryker's past and meeting Zephyra who I thought was a really interesting multifacted character. I also loved the interplay between Stryker and the other characters within this story. Anyone who reads this will be hard pressed not to see Stryker as a creature with a strange sort of honor after it's completion. The scenes between Stryker and Appolomyi were actually some of my favorites. However where I think this novel really shines is in the story lines of the secondary characters - the introduction of Nick as the Malachi and the introduction to Jared all together (not to be confused with Jaden who is a whole other entity I'd love to know more about) Additionally Savitar's scenes with Appolomyii were great. (I'd love to see those two get together, that would be a story I'd kill to read.)

Kenyon adds even more layers to her world with Stryker and Zephyra's story making it even more rich and multifaceted than ever before. When this story ends the Dark Hunter World becomes and whole new ball game and I for one can't wait to see how it plays out.

mooncricketjp's review against another edition

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Always more needed.

So, this isn’t my favorite of the series and I think some parts weren’t needed, it still made me want more.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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Oh how the plot tickens, and how we learn about our enemies weakness... Very exciting! And I love the fighting scenes :)

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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One Silent Night
2 Stars

Determined to end Acheron and Nick once and for all, Stryker awakens a monster from the depths of Hades only to learn the fatal truth - all creations turn on their creators. Then, just when he thought things couldn't get worse, his ex-wife arrives and she wants nothing more than to remove his head - unless he can convince her that their love is still alive and kicking.

Unfortunately, this installment in Kenyon's series is a dud. The only thing that makes it somewhat of a worthwhile read is the development in the ongoing storylines involving Acheron, Nick and Savitar as well as the introduction of Jared who is very intriguing.

Stryker and Zephyra's romance is ridiculous in the extreme. Stryker is one of the main villains of the series who has committed some pretty heinous crimes against innocents, and Zephyra, a completely new character, is downright evil. Consequently, it is impossible to care one way or the other about their relationship. 

The series started out so well, but has been going down hill for a while and not even Acheron's book could redeem it. I'm willing to continue until the new story arc, however, if things don't improve, the Dark Hunters and I will be calling it quits.

angie_stl's review against another edition

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I have seriously wondered how Mrs Kenyon could do Stryker's story, as that he's been the big bad of so many of the novels so far. But it really worked out quite well. I'm quite impressed by the way she showed how his evilness came to be, and some of the many reasons he has to hate his father. I did feel that the Artemis angle was left open, but I'll just have to wait and see if it cleared up at a later time. Now my next big question is how she does Styxx's book, but again, I'll have to wait and see, since I don't want to read anything out if order.

violentends's review against another edition

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Far from the best of the series but I gave it an extra star for the wiki telling me that Zephyra’s favorite pass time as: torturing mankind

thegeekyblogger's review against another edition

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Read for Fun (Kindle)
Overall Rating: 3.00

One Silent Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon: Not much to say other than I really didn't like this book. It didn't work for me other than the parts of the book that were about the group of people that I care about.

Author Website:

hoosgracie's review against another edition

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Interesting to have a story about the enemy. Overall, enjoyed it.

stewartbrittany26's review against another edition

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dragon_lion64's review against another edition

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I, personally, don’t think there were any silent nights in this book. It was packed with action and there were some major game changers.
This book is about Stryker. We know him as the enemy but this book gives us a closer look into his character and why he is the way that he is. Stryker is downright hardcore. He killed his own son because he betrayed him. He calmly walked up behind him, hugged him and slit his throat. But he also is known to have a knightly code of honor even though he is on the wrong side, he thinks worthy opponents should die with honor instead of humiliation. We didn’t know that he actually had a softer side to him. We learn that in this book.

Stryker has lots of enemies but he has a couple who he hates and wants to see dead more than any of the others. Number one on his list is Acheron. I’m not exactly sure why he hates Acheron so much…well, there is the obvious fact that he leads an army of Dark-Hunters to fight Daimons and Stryker is the leader of the Daimons but Stryker’s hatred goes deeper than that. I think it stems from the fact that Apollymi loves Acheron more than she loves Stryker. When Apollymi lost her son, Apostolos, and adopted Stryker and showed him how to take in the souls of humans to beat the curse of the Apollites, he believed she loved him. Then when Apollymi ordered him not to hurt Acheron, their enemy, he started to suspect that he was Apostolos and started resenting it. I thought he was just jealous which is true but it is because he felt Apollymi used him instead of really loving him just like his father Apollo did.

He also hates Nick Gautier now because he killed his sister Satara in the last book. Satara was as cruel and evil as they come so when Nick killed her for asking him to rape Acheron’s girlfriend, Tory, I was doing a little dance and singing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead…the witch is dead…the witch is dead and thought that everyone in the world would be doing the same but I guess Stryker really loved her…well, maybe not loved but cared for her as much as it was possible to care for someone like Satara. She was there for him for centuries and that counted for something in his eyes.

Stryker wants Acheron and Nick dead so he sneaks into Tartarus with the blood of Typhon, the son of the primordial god Tartarus, whose name was given to this realm. Typhon was so powerful that he could have taken down Zeus but the Olympian gods trapped him under Mount Aetna. Stryker uses the blood to awaken War. War was created by all the gods of war to pursue and kill the Chthonians. War and his minions, mainly Ker and Mache, hunted down and killed all but three of the Chthonians who he was just about to kill but they tricked him with a spell that cast him into his current status of looking like a stone statue, standing next to the Ker statue and the Mache statue.

Stryker awakens War and tells him who he wants killed. War says, “It is done.” And vanishes. Just as he is awakened, Hades and Ares arrive and yell, ‘NOOOOO!” because they know how terrible War really is. Hades asks him, “Do you know what you have unleashed?”

Stryker answers, “Cruelty, pestilence, wrath, violence, ultimate suffering…what other gifts did the gods bestow on him?”

“You hit the highlights. But before you released him, you should have bothered to learn that he always destroys the one who commands him.” Hades goes on to tell him that it took all the different pantheons along with the Chthonians together to contain him last time and that was back when they were worshiped and at full strength. The gods aren’t worshiped anymore so they aren’t that strong.

The Greek gods are frantic when they learn War has been released. They know that he’ll be headed towards them soon. Artemis believes that if Stryker is stopped, War will be stopped so she summons the one person she knows who might be able to kill Stryker…Zephyra. She took Zephyra in thousands of years ago when the woman had no place else to go. It was one of those rare moments of compassions for Artemis. She asks Zephyra to kill Stryker and she agrees.

When Zephyra attacks Stryker, he fights back and almost kills her until he recognizes her. He was married to her over 11,000 years ago. She was a poor fish monger’s daughter and they had fallen in love and married but Apollo was livid over the marriage. He had a noble woman for Stryker to marry so he demanded that Stryker leave Zephyra to marry the other woman. He told Stryker that he would beat and kill Zephyra if Stryker didn’t listen to him. He told Zephyra this but she said she would rather go down fighting than lose him to another woman. What Stryker didn’t tell her is that Apollo had threatened to have her raped and tortured too. Stryker left her.

Just as Stryker was getting ready to release Zephyra, an exact replica of Zephyra slams into him and tells him to get his hands off of her mother. Zephyra introduces Stryker to his daughter, Medea, and then knocks him out. She is getting ready to kill him when Medea begs her not to kill him until she has a few minutes with him.

Stryker wakes up chained to a wall next to someone named Jared who looks like hell. He’s filthy with his hair all matted and has bruises and bite marks all over him. Jared tells him that Zephyra and Medea torture him. When Medea comes in, she slams Jared with her powers and puts a muzzle on him. Stryker actually feels sorry for Jared. He hates to see anyone unnecessarily tortured. He learns that Zephyra owns Jared and he is her slave but Jared is a powerful demon…I think he is a demon. He is actually the Sephirii, a being created to fight the Malachai. I have explanations of what those are on the bottom of this review/summary.

Medea unchains Stryker and takes him out of the room and orders him to follow her. As soon as he leaves the room, his powers come back to him and he grabs Medea from behind and flashes back to Kalosis. He uses her as leverage and strikes a bargain with Zephyra. She’ll give him two weeks to try to win her back and if he doesn’t, she can kill him.
War goes after Acheron and almost kills him. It seems War negates the powers of gods when he is near. But Savitar and a bunch of Charonte demons poof in and save Acheron. War disappears.

War then goes to kill Nick. When they are fighting, something happens to Nick. His skin turns red and black designs appear all over. His eyes turn red with black streaks and his hair turns black. War vanishes and goes back to Kalosis. Menyara, who has always been like an aunt to Nick and even delivered him, tells him that she bound his powers when he was born so that he would have a normal life. His powers would only unlock if he was in danger from a Chthonian or someone like War.

War tells Stryker that he left out a few things when he awakened him like that Acheron is a Chthonian and has an army of Charonte demons behind him and that Nick is the Malachai. Stryker is shocked to hear that about Nick but still wants him dead. Zephyra volunteers to send Jared after him. Jared has to do whatever she orders him to do. She adds incentive by threatening to kill Nimrod, a strange slug demon who lives disguised as a tattoo on Jared. Jared has a soft heart towards Nim so he agrees to kill Nick.

Meanwhile, War is off causing all kinds of problems. It is what he does. He causes strife and war. He spreads rumors in the Greek pantheon that Menyara aka the Egyptian goddess Ma’at is protecting the Malachai because she plans to use him against them one day. He tries to get Zephyra to kill Stryker and he gets Kessar and his gallu demons to turn on Stryker.

To beat War an unholy alliance must be made. Everyone will have to work together but can Stryker, Nick and Acheron put away their differences long enough to fight and conquer war?

I actually was routing for Stryker and Zephyra’s romance but I really didn’t like Zephyra much. I understand Stryker’s point of view and respect him a lot more but I just couldn’t get into Zephyra. She is way too cruel and mean for me. She had no problem torturing Jared. Medea, at least, showed a little compassion in her eyes towards him but Zephyra seemed to relish torturing and hurting him. Even Stryker didn’t like that.

Now that Nick is the Malachai, he has a lot more powers which may not be a good thing. He just has way too much anger towards Acheron and it could turn him towards evil. I hope not because I really like Nick.
There were a few other game changers in this book but I can’t share them at this point or I will spoil the entire book but let me just say that they are BIG.


Apollites – A race of people made by Apollo with the intention that he would one day replace Zeus. He thought that he could create a race superior to humans. Apollites are stronger and taller than humans with psychic powers. Angered by this, Zeus made declared war on them and exiled them to Atlantis.

When the Apollite queen became jealous of Apollo’s beloved mistress, Ryssa, she ordered Ryssa and her newborn’s son to be killed and ripped apart. In sorrow and rage over this, Apollo cursed all Apollites to die painfully on their 27th birthday because that was how old Ryssa was. They also could no longer live in the daylight and had to live only off of Apollite blood. In doing this, he also cursed his son, Stryker.

Daimon - some Apollites live longer because they have learned to suck the souls out of humans to extend their lives but they have to keep a steady diet of souls to live. Daimons have black tattoo-like marks on their chests like inkblots where they gather souls.

Chthonians – Humans, Atlanteans and Apollites born with godlike powers to protect their people against gods who would abuse them. They have the ability to slay a god without upsetting the balance of the universe. But for every god they slay, they lose some of their power and they will die if they kill too many gods.

Dark-Hunter – a warrior who sold his soul to the goddess Artemis for a single act of vengeance. They hunt and kill Daimons to protect mankind and are immortal. Each warrior has his own unique power or set of powers such as mind-reading, telekinesis and healing. Because Daimons have animalistic instincts and features such as fangs, so do Dark-Hunters but they do not drink blood. They also cannot go into the sunlight. They cannot marry or have a lover for more than one night. Because Dark-Hunters are so powerful, two cannot be near each other or their powers will drain. They also cannot hurt or kill each other because what one does to the other happens to them also; if one hits and breaks the nose of another Dark-Hunter, his or her nose will break also.

Kalosis – the Atlantean hell realm where Apollymi is imprisoned…well, not exactly imprisoned since she is lives in a palace and rules the realm. There is no sunlight in Kalosis so it is dark all of the time. Stryker and his Spathi Daimons also live in Kalosis.

Gallu Demons – created to fight the Sumerian pantheon’s enemies, specifically the Charonte demons. The horrible demon Asag was used as a donator father for the gallu. The gallu turned on the Sumerians and were uncontrollable. They have two rows of teeth and can turn anyone into one of them if they bite them. They can also enter a person’s dreams if they touch a person first but they are unable to kill anyone in a dream. The only way to kill a gallu is by beheading it, hitting it between the eyes or severing its spinal cord then burning it.

Malachai – created when the Primus Bellum was fought, the darkest power (the Marvomino) created the Malachai to fight the Sephirii. In the past, all Malachai were evil and cold-blooded because they were raised without love or compassion. They were tools of absolute evil and have the powers to destroy gods and absorb their powers without disturbing the fabric of the universe.

Sephirii – originally created as consorts to the three primal gods of light, they served to protect humans. Sephirii are the only ones who can bring down the Malachai.

Marvomino - three evil primal gods, Noir, Azura and Braith

Savitar – nobody knows much about Savitar except he is the mediator of the Omegrion, the Were-Hunter council, and he is so powerful and scary that the Greek gods don’t even mention his name for fear of him hearing it and coming after them. He once wiped out the entire Arcadian jaguar race because their leader seriously pissed Savitar off. He is also a Chthonian.