
Red Hots by Yvette Hines

xakyr's review

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While I believe in the "Live and Let Live" philosophy when it comes to Interracial or LGBT relationships, I tend to stay away from reading Interracial romance novels, because my experiences with them have been too preachy to be enjoyable. When I read the cover blurb and looked at the cover to see if I would find it interesting, nothing was said about the heroine being an African-American female. The female on the cover of the book is very fair skinned, so that I could not tell one way or the other. Very early on in the story, I discovered that the heroine was an African-American woman and I was immediately turned off of the story. However, the hero intrigued me enough to continue with the story.

The heroine has serious issues when it comes to control, to the point of causing herself considerable pain to deal with the stresses in her day to day life. It is this self-flagellation that made me dislike the book even further. It came across to me that she was using it as a destructive means of coping, rather than doing something like finding a life outside her job via hobbies. Her name was also very distracting, because every time she was called Kindle, I was jarred out of the story and my thoughts turned to the device I was reading the story on!

The hero also had problems. He was TOO well controlled, and his first encounter with Kindle was confusing because he had two completely different thoughts and headspaces concerning her. He had the controlling side of the dom, but then desired her as a man and the two couldn't or shouldn't intersect at all. It confused me.

While the scenes of introducing Kindle were interesting and informative to me, it is the only thing I enjoyed in the book. Upon finishing the story, I learned that the hero's brother had a story as well and my first thought was that I didn't want to read it at all. All in all, I am sorry I spent the $3 and took a chance on this book. It is getting deleted out of my Amazon Library for certain, and I would not recommend it to others.