
Rhapsody by Lauren E. Rico

betweenlifeandchapters's review

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Note: A copy of this book was provided by the author for an honest review.

I am trying to make this as spoiler free as possible, but if you haven't read Reverie I can't guarentee it doesn't give you any spoilers on that one.

Rhapsody follows up on the happening of Reverie, where we only had Julias and Jeremys perspective, Rhapsody offers us the perspectives of some more characters.
We are getting insight into Matthews and Bretts thoughts, as well as Maggies, which is new to the storyline.

Rhapsody is in my opinion different from Reverie when it comes to the darkness, but also very similar. Lauren Rico manages it so well to describe the suffering of the people around Jeremy. How hard it is to not play along with the rules of this Sociopath.
It is amazing to see how the relationships between the characters change and grow and how each individual character evolves.

And of course we are getting insight into Jeremys thoughts as well and of course I got creeped out again, but this time there were also moments when I had to smile and cheer on some other characters that met him.

What I missed a bit in this book was the effect of the classical music. It was still there and everytime it was there the descriptions where as well and as thoughtful as in the first book, but there wasn't nearly as much of it as in Reverie. How the music made the atmosphere darker and darker in Reverie I felt in Rhapsody it was more of a companion for the characters.
I definetly could have had more of it as it was such a great description of the characters feelings, but that is really the only thing I can criticize.

Rhapsody is different yes, especially when it comes to darkness and action, but it is as amazingly written as Reverie.

I definetly see this closer to 5 stars then 4 so maybe 4,75 stars or even 5 stars for me.

Thank you again to Lauren for providing me a copy of her book, I am much looking forward to the third part.

A more in depth review will be up on my blog throughout the week.

cindymarie's review

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I love this series!
This book delves into Brett, Jeremy's brother, and his story and feelings about the things his brother does. Admittedly I hated him in Reverie since he is the one person who knows all of the things Jeremy does but allows him to get away with it. I started to like him while reading this.
Not a fan about a certain comment about conservatives, there are plenty that work in soup kitchens and give to the poor. There are ways to describe what happened, you can be a liberal and still be a bigot. I know plenty of liberals who don't do crap for other people or help the poor. Thankfully it was a small part of the book.
Other than that I enjoyed watching Matt and Julia's relationship develop. The flashbacks had me bawling. I made the mistake of reading this around my boyfriend and his family and they kept asking if I was okay. Anytime someone can write in a way that moves me that much it's 5 stars.
Sidenote: I love how Lauren captures the emotions that course through the musician while they play music. It makes me want to pick up my flute again.