
The Silver Dragon's Slave by Genna Donaghy

mwana's review

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I hate books that leave me with questions. I understand this has a sequel that may answer some of those questions but I'm feeling a petty type of way.

This book had a lot of promise and it tanked considerably. It would be like casting Angelina Jolie and not having her kick ass or something.

I was thoroughly disappointed. I need some more dragon lore to cleanse this mess.

And I still have a whole lot of questions.

Why was Sebastian a silver dragon? It's in the title and it seems significant and it wasn't even explained??? Why did that veil between their world and the human world drain Kai's life? Why is Kai the one with the mythical name and yet he's the one from the drab human world? How is the air in the dragon realm not affected by the bullshit that comes from humankind? Why did the food have a metallic taste? Why couldn't Kai make his own damn food? Why was it only the female dragons who could flame up? What kind of damn dragon doesn't flame? Why does their law declare that men who discover them must be kept or killed? Why the fuck were rich AF dragons robbing a motherfucking bitch ass human bank? Why was it only the female dragons who could somehow break the rules?


Mwanamali mad.


xiaxia's review

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2.5. stars because this book needs inline editing. Polishing it to perfection is not enough.

Here's where I think the characters need some work:
1.Kai was a little too glib for one kidnapped by robbers who then turned to be bus-sized shape shifting dragons

"So I will give you a choice. Either you come with me, here, now, astride my back. Or you will ride with me inside my stomach."
"Okay," Kai said through lips gone numb. "I'll come."
In answer, Sebastian sank his sinuous body almost to the ground and looked at Kai with expectation. Kai took a couple steps forward, craning his head to look at the withers. He had never ridden a horse before, much less a dragon.
“So do I just... climb on?” Sebastian rumbled deep and low in his throat. “Guess that’s a yes,” Kai muttered.

2. Sebastian's sexual attraction to Kai and viceversa wasn't a pager turner. The tension was built by telling most of the time, and not showing. For example:

Kai would sometimes find himself staring at Sebastian's back when he was turned from him; admiring his broad shoulders, and the defined muscles in his arms. Sebastian never touched him, though, and Kai was glad. If Sebastian were just a man, if Kai wasn’t his slave, if... well, a lot of things were different, Kai might have made a move on him. But they weren’t, and Kai kept to his side of the straw mattress. If he awoke half-hard.


[...]he had caught the dragon looking at him a time or two with an assessing gaze. Kai didn't know if Sebastian was evaluating his performance as a Servis Prime, or if he was just hungry. Now, he wondered if Sebastian was attracted to him.
Am I attracted to Sebastian? he asked himself. The answer was yes. Sebastian was a fine man—except that he wasn't a man. And he owned Kai.

3. When the magic happens, it's dull:

Sebastian pulled down Kai’s pants, and after Kai managed to kick the clothing off, ran his fingers up the length of Kai’s body. “You are mine,” he said again, gripping Kai close.
Kai nodded. “Yeah. And tonight, you’re all mine.” Sebastian gave a growl that rumbled through Kai’s body. He kissed Kai hard, tongue and teeth clashing for a moment. Breaking it just as abruptly, Sebastian said, “This is acceptable.”

Sebastian, dude, you are a dragon! I need you to tear the house apart with your passion. I can't believe I'm saying this but even Edward Cullen could do better during sexy time with a mortal.

4. The king and queen - I would have liked to see more emotional depth in them.

5. Albert the dragon - this guy seems to be the villain but he didn't impress me. Maybe in the second book.