
Blue by S.M. West

thesassybookworm's review

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descriptionI like this cover. It's a good representation of the heroine (story). Good use of graphics. Good composition and interesting title work (although the OCD graphic designer in me is annoyed the "E" in the title goes off page. Thus making it not completely centered. *lol*)description

descriptionSo where do I star with this one? I rather enjoyed it immensely, to be honest. Although it did have a few issues that lowered my rating somewhat.

Let us start with what worked for me. I thought it was well written and (fairly) well paced. I loved the fabulous cast of secondary characters. Finally, a family that isn't hellbent on keeping the heroine/hero apart with the standard you can't date my little sister/daughter, etc. Everyone was very supportive of the relationship even when they were still young. Even when Evan had hurt Carys, they understood he had his reasons. There was no OW drama. There was a little bit of OM drama. I wouldn't say this was terribly angsty either.


Both main characters were likable (for the most part) I ADORED Evan even if he did have a bit of a martyr complex. He was always making decisions for others when he should have been including them. His heart was in the right place though so I didn't hold it against him (much). What I especially loved was this hero remained a virgin because he had feelings for the heroine (he did date, kiss, fool around with girls when he was in high school) because the heroine was three years younger than him and therefore still very young. They officially become boyfriend/girlfriend when she is 15, and he is 18 and from that point on there is never even a thought of an OW for Evan. Carys I liked a tiny bit less. She came off childish at some points. But she was still young, so I understood where she was coming from. My biggest problem was I found her wishy-washy behavior with Greg annoying. Now usually in my second chance romances, I prefer they both move on, or they both stay celibate. In this one, the heroine does move on and has sex with her boyfriend. Considering the way Evan broke up with her and the fact that it did take her two and a half years to move on (Evan was gone three years). It was completely understandable IMO. She had NO idea if she would ever see him again or if he was even alive. She was trying to get on with her life.


So what didn't work for me? I thought maybe this one was a smidge too long. It did drag for me in a few places. It also hops back a forth in time A LOT. Which I am not a fan of, to begin with. Now I realize we needed that background information so we could feel how deeply this couple loved each other but I think the flashbacks of them as kids and teenagers could have been pared down. Which brings me to my other issue. The timeline was a bit odd (for lack of a better word). We see them as kids. We see scenes when she is 16, and he is 19 and going off to join the army. We see them again when he is back three years later (after he hasn't seen her in all that time). They finally
Spoilerlose their virginity to each other 19/22
The now takes place when the hero is 35 and the heroine 32. So he ended things when he was 32, and she was 29. What we don't get is really any information about what they were doing relationship wise in those ten years? We get a few details of Evan career path. Ten years is a LONG time. I would have expected them to at the very least be engaged by that point. I would have preferred fewer kid flashbacks and maybe some of how there were during that ten year period.

Wow, so apparently I had a lot to say about this one. *lol* Please excuse the book length review. I did enjoy this one a lot and definitely, recommend it and I can't wait to read Coop's story! Two thumbs up from yours truly.description



elylibrarysec's review

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Evan “Van” Hart has a right to be angry – I would be too. Carys Wolfe gets the shock of her life – it will take time and patience to figure out if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. She’s suffered a loss that hits home for me – especially since it’s only been a couple of months. She shares that tragedy with Evan. I hope that most, but it would be nice to say all but I can’t, will never have that type of pain. It’s the type of pain that can affect you no matter your age.

It’s a sad way to start a story but in today’s world it’s all too common. You keep reading because you want to see that sadness turn into hope and than hopefully love. The author does a great job of creating tension between our two main characters - although most of it seems to be coming from Carys. There’s a slight age difference but I didn’t find that it made any difference. How many of you had a crush on your brother’s friend? This takes that crush one step further.

Some may not like the fact that the story goes back and forth between the past and the present. I found that it just added to the story. We all have a history and don’t you read a story and sometimes wonder about a character’s past? It’s a story that we need to hear but I don’t think I would have enjoyed the story as much if the past our author reveals was all done at the beginning of the book. Evan and Carys show how much passion they have for each other and how that passion slowly developed.

Even though this is the second book in the Love In Color series, you could consider this book a standalone. This author caught my attention long before I even got halfway through and that just means that at some point I will have to take the time and go back and read Red. And once I got to the end of this book, I was happy to see that there’s another book coming out next year. This is an author that will stay on my radar for quite a while.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

the_sassy_bookworm's review

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descriptionI like this cover. It's a good representation of the heroine (story). Good use of graphics. Good composition and interesting title work (although the OCD graphic designer in me is annoyed the "E" in the title goes off page. Thus making it not completely centered. *lol*)description

descriptionSo where do I star with this one? I rather enjoyed it immensely, to be honest. Although it did have a few issues that lowered my rating somewhat.

Let us start with what worked for me. I thought it was well written and (fairly) well paced. I loved the fabulous cast of secondary characters. Finally, a family that isn't hellbent on keeping the heroine/hero apart with the standard you can't date my little sister/daughter, etc. Everyone was very supportive of the relationship even when they were still young. Even when Evan had hurt Carys, they understood he had his reasons. There was no OW drama. There was a little bit of OM drama. I wouldn't say this was terribly angsty either.


Both main characters were likable (for the most part) I ADORED Evan even if he did have a bit of a martyr complex. He was always making decisions for others when he should have been including them. His heart was in the right place though so I didn't hold it against him (much). What I especially loved was this hero remained a virgin because he had feelings for the heroine (he did date, kiss, fool around with girls when he was in high school) because the heroine was three years younger than him and therefore still very young. They officially become boyfriend/girlfriend when she is 15, and he is 18 and from that point on there is never even a thought of an OW for Evan. Carys I liked a tiny bit less. She came off childish at some points. But she was still young, so I understood where she was coming from. My biggest problem was I found her wishy-washy behavior with Greg annoying. Now usually in my second chance romances, I prefer they both move on, or they both stay celibate. In this one, the heroine does move on and has sex with her boyfriend. Considering the way Evan broke up with her and the fact that it did take her two and a half years to move on (Evan was gone three years). It was completely understandable IMO. She had NO idea if she would ever see him again or if he was even alive. She was trying to get on with her life.


So what didn't work for me? I thought maybe this one was a smidge too long. It did drag for me in a few places. It also hops back a forth in time A LOT. Which I am not a fan of, to begin with. Now I realize we needed that background information so we could feel how deeply this couple loved each other but I think the flashbacks of them as kids and teenagers could have been pared down. Which brings me to my other issue. The timeline was a bit odd (for lack of a better word). We see them as kids. We see scenes when she is 16, and he is 19 and going off to join the army. We see them again when he is back three years later (after he hasn't seen her in all that time). They finally
Spoilerlose their virginity to each other 19/22
The now takes place when the hero is 35 and the heroine 32. So he ended things when he was 32, and she was 29. What we don't get is really any information about what they were doing relationship wise in those ten years? We get a few details of Evan career path. Ten years is a LONG time. I would have expected them to at the very least be engaged by that point. I would have preferred fewer kid flashbacks and maybe some of how there were during that ten year period.

Wow, so apparently I had a lot to say about this one. *lol* Please excuse the book length review. I did enjoy this one a lot and definitely, recommend it and I can't wait to read Coop's story! Two thumbs up from yours truly.description

