
Darklands by Nancy Holzner

katleap's review

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3.5 Stars

Vicky is going to kill me. I spent most of this book wanting to shake her.

Pryce is back. He steals a magic cauldron, kidnaps a bunch of demons and then enters the realm of the dead to try and recreate his demon so he can be restored to his full powers. Vicky is the only one who can stop him.

What I liked:
I liked meeting her mom, and her dad. The parents are cool. I like most of the family dynamics. the situation with Gwen and Maria is interesting and I really liked adding Vicky's mom to the mix.

I LOVE the world building in this series. The different characters and the mythology mixed in are awesome. Exploring the Deadlands, the hag, Arwan, spectacular! This is why I keep coming back to this series, because the world is so vivid and ideas awesome.

She got territorial about Kane. Halleluiah. Finally some actually bone-a-find attachment. But she won't talk to him about it and worries about every single possibility. She doesn't even try to talk to him about it. She's female, she should try to talk to him.

What I didn't like:
Summoning a guilt demon, was one of her stupider moves. I got really sick of Vicky feeling guilty about everything and after a while started skimming those parts.

When Pryce shows up and starts throwing around magic, Vicky just stands there. She is so afraid of getting shot with an arrow that she just watches until its practically to late to do anything. Vicky is the KickA$$ heroine. She should not be standing around gawking while her evil nemesis takes back his power.

I couldn't make up my mind if I liked Vicky's father or not while in the deadlands. However when I encountered him in the real world he went firmly in the not like category. He wants what he wants and he is not perfect. Vicky has idolized him but he's flawed and is going to get her in big big trouble.

The last sentence about choosing between Kane and Dad, the answer is easy, Kane. Besides Mab (who has her own agenda), Kane is the only one who really really cares about Vicky. Her father is not as good as he seems.

chllybrd's review

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I gave it 3.5 stars

First thought when picking up the book was how much I dislike the cover, I really don't picture Vicky looking like that and it throws me off. If i didnt already like the series I probably wouldnt pick up DARKLANDS for the cover alone.

Unfortunately for Vicky (well and the world really) Pryce is back and already up to no good. It doesnt take Vicky long to come up with a game plan to once again get rid of him no matter what she has to sacrifice to do it. DARKLANDS brought out a lot of insecurities in Vicky especially revolving around her relationship with Kane. By the end of the book they seemed to finally come to an understanding but there are some new circumstances that are now in play that hopefully will bring them closer together and not push them farther apart. Kane really did some amazing things to prove to Vicky how much he loves her and I think she is finally seeing that they have something that will last.

A good portion of the book takes place in the Darklands and I hate to admit it but it was kinda boring to be there. There were a few good points which I wont point to as they will be to spoiler filled but for the most part even though I can see how it needed to happen to advance certain parts of the story I just couldn't get into it. There is still plenty of action packed moments and there is also some great Mythology thrown in.

DARKLANDS wasn't my favorite book of the series but I still enjoyed it and I'm still going to continue reading it.

wildflowerz76's review

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A lot of times, if I haven't read the previous book in a series recently, I get to the next one and have NO recollection of the previous book(s). This happened just recently with the Kalayna Price. I even read the entire next book and had no recollection of even reading the first one. Not so with these books. I definitely remember them!

I enjoyed this one, but it's no secret that I REALLY don't like it when books go into heaven/hell/fae/etc. I don't like the woo-woo of it and just can't picture it. This one was better than most (for me) at it, so it didn't bother me quite as much, but I still didn't really enjoy that part.

brokensky's review

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One of the best in the series, most certainly better then the last book which I felt was a bit slow. I enjoyed Nancy Holzner's vision of the 'darklands' and the world she built within the world she had already established.I rarely get time to sit an read for long periods but still managed to read this in a matter of days.

paperbackstash's review

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I love the Deadtown series - it has unique world-building, a large mishmash of supernatural critters, they're out and about in the world where everyone knows their name, and the main character Vicky has a unique job I haven't read about before.

This time she goes on a creatively constructed, surreal battle into the Darklands to be reunited with old foes and family. There's a surprising return of a villain I had written off as long gone. The author grows adventurous with the underworld and its rules, honest to God quests as part of the adventure (three of them), and a weird fantasy pot and magic and spells and all that jazz.

There's finally some developments with Kane but that grows old. I like the guy but Vicky is kind of annoying by still being a little too standoffish and refusing to compromise more. Other than that, Juliet is still funny, Tina wasn't as annoying this time but makes a case where Vicky should never EVER go to her school again, and we get a dream or so of the Aunt who keeps overplaying the "child" nickname.

The Eidolon was actually fun! I'll kind of miss him...

Despite the creative story and revisiting so many beloved characters, the story lacks a little of the cohesiveness the first three books had. It's just not as exciting for some reason, and I didn't like the battlefield leaving the familiar town and settings as much as I liked the battles in it. I also thought Vicky was being a little too careless with her daring rush into the Underworld despite all the warnings and common sense lectures.

noveladdiction's review

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Look for my review of DARKLANDS on Romance Reviews Today in November 2012.

But to put it shortly - AHH, I need the next book!

wealhtheow's review

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Vicky has to stop Pryce yet again, and yet again various things go wrong. I could not care less at this point. This book felt like a poorly done retread of the previous three books.

veronica87's review

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The Deadtown series has fast become one of my favorite UF series. It has just the right mix of supernatural s*%$ hitting the fan and romance.

Since book one (or maybe it was two), we've known that Vicky has carried the world's weight in guilt over the death of her beloved father. That all comes into play in this installment as Vicky travels to the land of the dead in order to stop the latest bid to end the world as we know it. The things that subsequently happen will have consequences and we'll just have to wait to see how it all plays out.

One of those consequences will undoubtably affect Kane, Vicky's scrumptious werewolf boyfriend. I just love Kane but then how can you not love a man who will literally follow the woman he loves to the very gates of hell? Vicky has always been a little committment phobic even as she's found herself being drawn further into this romance with Kane almost without her noticing but her feelings about him are firm and clear. I think that some dark days may be coming, not in terms of what Kane and Vicky feel for each other, but in terms of what they may have to face together. They have become one of my favorite UF couples so I'm rooting for them to stay strong.

As far as covers go, this one is not my favorite. It looks like the cover model is wearing a bad wig but hey, never judge a book...right? lol

I eagerly await the next book.

suzjustsuz's review against another edition

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Enjoyable but I'm getting tired of the story line, particularly with the "prophesies" that was only get vague references to but never actually learn what they are.

I liked the return of an older character in this but felt a bit like the reveal at the end surrounding this character was a bit like god-moding, it was too convenient.

Still, over all it was an engaging, competent, and predominantly consistent entry in the series.