
The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen

mirigeller's review against another edition

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me ha parecido un libro muy simple. me ha aburrido mucho, no lo he podido terminar.

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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In the existence of our lives, there is a single coincidence that brings us together and for a moment, our hearts beat as one."

wow and wow. We are all broken, just in different ways. We all struggled, we've all had to pick up the pieces of who we once were and try to put them back together.

But every now and again, two people are so broken and their pieces so scattered, that when their two paths cross - they are more whole then they were before. This is Callie and Kayden

I'm so glad that Kayden doesn't have anger issues and doesn't try to beat up every person Callie talks to. I love that he's not possessive. He's real. He's broken and he's struggling. And he's sweet beyond belief.

And Callie is so real in her need to hide, disappear and run. This topic is very real, very dear to me. And Jessica Sorensen does such a wonderful job or respecting the pain, the struggle to understand the loss of something not tangible - and the wonder at the healing process.

and together they aren't suddenly two halves made whole - they are finding themselves. It's a tough juggle to not make them co-dependent, and Jessica Sorensen does it flawlessly.

I just can't say it enough. I loved this book.

faizahanika's review against another edition

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How to screw up a book with all the potential to become one the best ones in the genre in every possible way: 101

How and why this has a rating above 4 is truly beyond me.

tzd's review against another edition

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Writing was bad, 
She’s traumatised, he makes moves anyways and is super forward.
There was no chemistry and no tension lol can’t establish why he likes her… 

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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My first thought when finishing the book was "Holy Shite!" It was one of those books that grabbed you by the collar, shook you around and refused to let go. It was gritty, heartbreaking, refreshing and infuriating (but only at the very, very end). Jessica Sorensen created a story with a storyline that was completely sad but at the same time had hope sprinkled in with two characters you fall in love with and need to find a happy place...especially with each other.

Callie has spent years hiding herself in baggy clothes, black make-up and hair purposefully made to look horrible. She was hiding from the secret she's kept since her twelfth birthday and it made her an outcast her small town. Not only with her classmates, but with the residents in general. The only thing she could do was countdown to the time when she went away from college and could leave everything behind. But a chance encounter with her high school's star quarterback proves to her that despite appearances things aren't always perfect for everyone.

From the moment I met Callie on the first page of the book, I felt a connection with her. I felt her terror when her mother forced her out of the car to get her brother. She surprised me when she intervened in a situation that terrified her. And I was happy for her when she started to spread her wings. She was a girl who, for whatever reason, had no one that she could confide in or that was willing to stand up for her. Her parents, who seemingly wanted her to get over whatever had caused her drastic change, never seemed to actual question just what happened to her. She went from a happy-go-lucky eleven year old to a twelve year that withdrew into herself and hide from everyone. Sure, they took her to counselors to try and get to the bottom of things, but I have to think at some point something would stand out to make one of them realize something really bad happened and they needed to figure out what. It was heartbreaking to think that this poor girl spent six years living the life of virtually the walking dead because no one took the time to actually stop and look at what was going on with her.

Kayden was in a similar situation. On the outside he appeared the perfect golden boy from the perfect family. But no one bothered to look at what was really happening and question things. His best friend, Luke, having an idea of what was happening at Kayden's home, wasn't enough to raise the warning flags that things weren't really all they seemed to be. Where Callie withdrew into herself and tried to hide, Kayden took a different direction in dealing with the pain he was suffering. He manifested his in a more physical manner, which was the only way he could deal with everything that was happening to him, but no one stopped to ask him why his body looked the way it did. He always had an excuse, but at some point all these convenient excuses become just that, excuses, to which someone should have dug a little deeper.

For Callie and Kayden, their saving graces were leaving their small hometown and finding each other at college. They learned to trust not only in other people, but in themselves. It was a valuable lesson both of them needed to learn. But that also lead to them realizing they were worth something to someone else. They knew, without fail, that they would be there for each other. And nothing proved that more than the last 40 pages of the book. These also happen to be the most gut-wrenching, soul shredding pages that had me literally wanting to lay in a ball until the next book comes out. They are that good!

Of course, the last few pages of the book also make for the most irritating portion of the story...the cliffhanger ending. It's hellish and another reason I wanted to roll into that ball I just wrote about. I wanted to throw my iPad across the room, pick it back up only to kick it back to it's landing spot. I'm desperate to find out what happens next to Callie and Kayden, but I'll have to wait somewhat patiently (along with everyone else) for the conclusion to their story (which should come in August).

As I continue on my New Adult reading kick, I'm going to go on a limb and say this is my absolute favorite. Callie and Kayden are sweet, hot and heartbreaking and I can't wait for August to come around. Congratulations, Ms. Sorenson...I'm hooked.

thewordyhabitat's review against another edition

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As posted on the wordy habitat:

The first time I read this book was in 2015. That was my New Adult romance phase. I devoured books about characters going to college and finding themselves, reinventing themselves, and healing.

This was one of my favourites then because it has characters who are so broken and slowly become better through distance from their families and home, new good friends that become family, and time.

It’s not a happy book and can be triggering for many people, but it gives hope. I really love the relationships in this book, especially the friendships. I love how the characters are all going through so much and still show up for each other all the time. Each of them is struggling themselves but they help the others rise.

It is not one of the best books ever written, I’ll admit, but it gives a specific kind of comfort.

katie_barty's review against another edition

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“There are no accusations with writing, no judgment, no shame, only freedom.”

_book_topia_'s review against another edition

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After seeing this on Instagram I decided to take the plunge without knowing much about the story.

Callie and Kayden
Two broken souls
Two twisted fates
Two halves of a whole

Callie suffered at the hands of a monster. One that she is reminded of on a constant basis. Kayden suffers at the hands of a monster. One that he had to lives with.

Without realising it, they’re fated to help each other heal.

This book has a great story. It’s characters are well written and are people you would happily want in your life. The hard hitting topics are dealt with in a sympathetic yet honest way. And it was so enjoyable I bought the 2nd book straight away.

I loved Callie’s journey to healing, and Kayden’s to unraveling. Seth and Luke are both great side characters. Seth is a particular favourite, I want a best friend like Seth. He’s honest, open, loyal, supportive and loving. He’s not afraid to move forward. And he’s exact the friend Callie needs.

The only downside is the parents in this book. Both slightly unhinged on their own ways. One more so than the other. But they were just too oblivious to me. Too involved in their own lives. Wants and hopes. Which I guess is part of the point. But it’s just sad.

mariapatrickwrites's review against another edition

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Captivating, interesting, and definitely a page turner.

eevebooks's review against another edition

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Este es un libro que me ha sorprendido gratamente aunque no me esperaba nada de él. El libro en sí es muy ameno y no tiene ningún giro drástico de trama, de hecho me esperaba un libro similar a cualquier historia de amor con una buena dosis de toxicidad. Sin embargo, no ha sido el caso y me he encontrado con una historia de amor tierna y llena de superación. Los personajes es lo mejor que tiene el libro. Tanto las interacciones por separado como juntos hace que los conozcas mejor y desees protegerlos. Ambos han tenido un pasado muy trágico que los atormenta y juntos consiguen que el alma les pese menos. Me ha gustado la complicidad que se ven entre los dos y aunque ha habido alguna que otra actitud que me ha chirriado los dientes, el resto me ha parecido enternecedor. No es de mis romances favoritos, pero me ha resultado ameno y me ha volado de las manos. Además que luego de un final tan intenso como este necesito ponerme pronto con el segundo para saber el destino de los personajes.

Ahora os hablaré un poco de los personajes principales. Por un lado tenemos a Callie, nuestra protagonista femenina. Ella es una chica que ha vivido un infierno desde que era una niña. Tiene un trauma que es incapaz de borrar de su mente y eso la ha llevado a no ser capaz de acercarse a ningún chico ni darle la oportunidad a estos de conocerla. El único que sabe el motivo es su mejor amigo Seth, quien siempre ha estado a su lado para protegerla. Un día Callie conoce a Kayden en una situación peliaguda. El padre de este le está dando una paliza a su propio hijo y a pesar de las alarmas que saltan en su cabeza, Callie salva a Kayden de que le sigan lastimando. Piensa que esa será la única vez que se vean, hasta que descubre que ambos han acabado en la misma universidad. Y aunque desea alejarse de los intentos de Kayden de conocerla, una parte de ella anhela tenerlo cerca. Porque es la primera vez que siente que es posible para ella volver a empezar. Callie es un personaje que adoras desde la primera página. Es una chica con unas emociones muy humanas y un trauma que consigue encogerte el corazón. Sus capítulos son desgarradores y te dejan con una sensación de vacío en el pecho al pensar en todo lo que ha tenido que sufrir ella. De los dos es a la que más conoces porque sus emociones son muy tangibles, al punto de hacerte sentir que eres tú la que está sufriendo todo eso. Por otro lado tenemos a Kayden, nuestro protagonista masculino. Él es un chico que se ha pasado toda su vida intentando aguantar el infierno de su vida en casa. Su padre lo maltrata diariamente a la menor oportunidad desde que era pequeño y él se ha resignado a tener esa vida porque cree merecerla. Cree no tener la menor salvación. Por eso cuando conoce a Callie el día que ella se interpone y lo salva, Kayden se queda sin palabras. Después de ese día, siempre sintió la necesidad de volver a verla y darle las gracias que no pudo darle en ese entonces. Por eso cuando ambos coinciden en la universidad, él está dispuesto a conocerla, a agradecerle todo y a salvarla de la oscuridad que parece ocultar en su corazón. Kayden es un personaje con una personalidad muy amable y tierna. De los dos reconozco que es el que puede exasperarte un poco, sobre todo por esas escenas donde se deja llevar demasiado por las hormonas -ya os hacéis una idea de a dónde quiero ir a parar-. Por lo demás es otro personaje que siento que ha sufrido demasiado y que ni él ni nadie merece pasar por esas circunstancias. Es un sufrimiento muy real que viven muchas personas diariamente y por eso te ayuda a empatizar con el personaje. El giro de su trama en este primer libro te deja sin respiración y con la necesidad de descubrir qué va a ser de él y de todo lo que tiene dentro.

En resumen, "La coincidencia de Callie y Kayden" es la primera parte de una saga que me ha sorprendido para bien. No deja de ser una historia de amor sencilla con sus subidas y bajadas, pero creo que los personajes y sus transfondos han sido el punto mejor llevado de la novela. Los personajes están muy bien definidos y la complicidad entre ambos es preciosa. Hay algunas actitudes que no te convencen del todo, pero el resto me ha parecido muy significativo y cuqui. La pluma de la autora me parece diferente, muy fresca y te hace muy amena la historia. La trama es muy sencilla pero no pierde la ternura que reflejan las acciones de los personajes. Hay muchas escenas entre ellos que te ablandan el corazón y otros que te lo rompe en pedazos. El final de este libro es muy intenso y te deja con muchas incógnitas para la segunda parte que leeré en breves.