
The Cupid War: All Love Is Warfare by Timothy Carter

sticksnstout's review

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Really funny, feel-good story

marathonofbooks's review

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jeanna's review

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When he fell off the bridge to his death, he was assigned as a Cupid. Yeah, that’s right. He was going to make people fall in love. However, Ricky’s afterlife is anything but sweet. His boss, Louis, is not very nice. And a bunch of Suicides are after him. Fallon discovers a new form of Suicide and it is up to his new Love skills to save the girl of his dreams from a Suicide’s fate.

I love, love, love this book! It is one of my new favorites. At first, I wasn’t really sure I would like this strange book with a sarcastic attitude. But it definitely worked. This book is perfect for a quick summer read. It is simple, yet entertaining and it will keep you wanting more to the very end.

I’ve never read any of Timothy Carter’s previous works, and I might just have to because Carter created his characters so believable that I cannot get them out of my head. Fallon had an attitude, which I would have found annoying if it wasn’t for his circumstance. This depressed, suicidal boy dies and they make him Cupid. Well, isn’t that just frustrating for him. I was surprised how well he caught a hang of the inner workings of the job. Trina also had a bit of an attitude, but she came off very likable.

The plot was predictable at times. But the plot was so much fun, it didn’t seem to matter if I knew what was going to happen. Carter’s whole perspective of Love, how it is a source of food, was fantastic. I have never read a book about Cupids before and the plot was definitely original.

The ending was adorable. It was a beautiful, paranormal tale. I wished there was a bit more depth to the novel. Still it was amusing, hilarious, and entertaining. If you’re looking for something fun to read on the beach, you need to pick up The Cupid War.


Cover: 4
Characters: 5
Writing Style: 5
Ending: 5
Plot: 4
Overall: 5

shutupnread's review

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For original review:

This was definitely one of the shorter books that I have read so far. It’s funny and entertaining but the characters were just meh to me.

Ricky was okay, I suppose. I didn’t particularly feel anything for him and while the overall plot was quite humorous and engaging, I found Ricky lacking. There wasn’t much of a development for him and in fact, the development that was there seemed sporadic and random. It didn’t make much logical sense especially when he was first introduced as this depressive teen who was just about to commit suicide and then suddenly he became a Cupid but then within a few days, he manages to uncover this dangerous new Suicide and basically cause an upheaval in the Cupid world? It just seems a bit ridiculous and highly improbable to me.

I especially didn’t like Susan Sides. She was by far the most obvious character ever. She was needy, pretentious, annoying and extremely relentless. Her character seemed incredibly out of whack because she was “shy” yet she relentlessly followed her target around to seclude them from anyone else. I just didn’t really understand why her target would feel bad and essentially allow her to isolate them especially for the target who came after Ricky. Susan had just moved to a new school so it wasn’t as if this guy owed her anything. In fact, they literally just met so I didn’t understand the reasoning behind this guy and his inability to stand up for himself. The whole thing was just really irritating to me.

I did find the idea of Cupids to be interesting though. The Love cubes and how it nourishes the Cupids was a fun idea but I found the “Source” and the meditating to be somewhat cheesy. It was as if the author ran out of better ideas to really enhance the Cupid’s ability and decided that somehow “meditating” would be the key. And honestly, it was obvious that the Cupids were incredibly weak compared to the Suicides that I’m still surprised that they managed to win.

Overall, it was a funny read and I laughed a few times but that was it. The best part of this book was how short it was.