
Summon by Darci Cole, Darci Cole

jennjohnson's review

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I finished Summon yesterday, and I keep reaching for it, because I don't want it to have ended. I was sucked in, first by the plot, and then by the characters. I adore them.

Of the main characters in the first book, I understood Carina the least (I may have been a wee bit distracted by a certain scarred prince at the time) — but now I see her clearly, and I love her. She's complicated and imperfect and smart, and has a toughness from what we saw her go through in Target that just endears her to me. This is in part watching a damaged person heal themselves and rise above their past.

It's also a retelling of the Excalibur story, which is fascinating. Nothing in this book felt unearned. The opposition, both external from other people and personal from within the characters, made every progression and setback believable.

Merlin is mysterious and I loved every moment he's around, his mix of capability and casualness, his reasons for every thing he does. He's a delight. I want more time with him.

And Ahnri. I loved him instantly. I didn't get impatient with Carina's POV, but I was always excited to see Ahnri's name. I can't wait to find out more about him.

Before I started this book, I wasn't sure I'd love it as much as Target, especially as this follows the character I was least sure about. It is so tightly paced that reading it was a joy, and every person in it has won me over to their side. This book has hope, and humanness, and strength in vulnerability.