
A doua șansă by Christine Riccio

sydneyjacques's review against another edition

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Not to spoil the video review I'm about to film, but wow was I disappointed.

I knew that this book had generally horrible reviews across the internet. People hated it. People hated on Christine for being published in the first place (I'll have lots of thoughts on this in the video). People just generally thought it was crap. But I was optimistic. And my feelings are... conflicted.

The first half of the book is a charming self-discovery story about our MC Shane. She's studying abroad and has this list of things she wants to achieve during her second shot at college. She has specific goals, and she's likable, unique, quirky. I loved the direction and the setup. I liked the romance too.

And then the *thing* happens. No spoilers, but a big leap happens about halfway through the book, and it left me feeling totally misled. All of those goals Shane had were thrown out the window, and none of them were followed through. We're essentially given a copout of her development as a character, so that when this big thing happens, she is finally the person strong enough to create the life she dreamed of in the beginning. And she gets it. She creates that life. We just skipped most of the getting there.

Needless to say, I was disappointed. I'm glad I didn't give up on the book, because the ending is better then the entire middle, but that doesn't change the fact that I was seriously considering DNFing this.

I do think that Christine has a lot of potential as an author, though, and I'd love to give her another shot in the future. Maybe a couple of books from now. I think she'll write some good stuff. This just didn't work, in my opinion.

annavvvv's review against another edition

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Дуже мила книга, яка, мені здається, зробить читачів щасливішими:).

Отож, за сюжетом двадцятирічна Шейн приїжджає до Лондона з Нью-Йорка за обміном в коледжі. Вона мріє "перезапустити" навчання, адже батьки наполягли на тому, щоб дівчина вивчала лікарську справу, проте її серце бажає осягнути ази письменницької діяльності. Більша половина сюжету тут відбувається у гуртожитку, в якому Шейн знаходить крутих друзів і кохання.

Шейн у нас трохи сором'язлива, проте не скажу, що інтроверт, просто вона дуже хоче влитися в компанію, але маючи гіркий досвід, робить обережні кроки. Цікаво спостерігати, як вона проводить час в університеті, вивчаючи мистецтво написання історій, читачам, здається, передається її запал до цієї справи (мені навіть хотілося писати комусь листівки, як вона робила це на початку кожного заняття). Наша головна героїня має власний блог про своє навчання за кордоном, подорожі і тп, він називається Французькийкавун19, цей пунктик робить мою любов до неї ще більшою. Окрім цього, вона ще веде записники, в які пише свої думки, не публічні речі так сказати, називає їх горокраксами. Шейн прагне віднайти себе, піти власним шляхом, а не тим, що їй вибрали батьки, через що вона їх обманює про своє навчання, що, звичайно, нічим хорошим не закінчиться, але це буде потім, а поки вона має прекрасно проводити час зі своїми новими друзями.

Шейн ділить свою кімнатку з двома дівчатами - Бейб та Сейрою (Сейру я уявляю чомусь як Кейт Шарму з 2 сезону "Бріджертонів"), навпроти них живуть Аттікус та Пайлот (останній у нас написаний в дусі любовних романів: красивий, милий, розумний, дотепний, ііііі, як ви вже здогадалися, він і є любовним інтересом героїні). Отож, тут створюється прекрасна гуртожицька компанія друзів, які майже щовихідних подорожують Європою, збираються ввечері на кухні, щоб пограти настільні ігри, багато фотографуються і обожнюють шаурму. Кожен з них живе своєю юною мрією, чи то Діснейлендом, чи то музикою. Шейн також любить читати, вона обмінюється книжковими рекомендаціями з друзями, тут у нас неодноразово згадуються твори Дена Брауна, Кассандри Клер, ну і звісно ж, багато згадок про безсмертного "Гаррі Поттера". Серед друзів панує дуже комфортна атмосфера.

Шейн відразу сподобався Пайлот, ще коли вона вперше побачила його у вікні на кухні:). Отож, дівчина намагається спочатку розібрати свої почуття і потім спробувати знайти розуміння того, чи відчуває Пайлот щось до неї, спойлер: відчуває, але ж "невсетакпросто". Між цими двома постійно відбуваються наймиліші та найкумедніші діалоги про поп-культуру, книги, музику та й взагалі про все на світі. Дивлячись на їх взаємодію можна припустити правдивість інформації про соулмейтів.

І ще, більшість подій тут відбувається у 2011, і авторці таки вдалося передати атмосферу того року - гра "Angry Birds", ера Фейсбуку, листування поштою та багато іншого, що викликає ностальгію. У другій частині книги відбувається дуже неочікуваний поворот подій, навіть трохи дивний, проте я рада, що все склалося саме так.

Я справді в захваті від цієї книги!

pmmdive26's review against another edition

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lighthearted reflective medium-paced


gracemessi's review against another edition

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3.75 stars
I really enjoyed this! It was such a fun and happy book, but also really emotional! I thought Shane was such a relatable character and loved her perspective. I just wish there was not quite as many pop culture references, and I found the time jump part sort of jarring - although once I got used to it I really enjoyed the last part of the book.

cristinastassis's review against another edition

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I wasn’t the biggest fan of how it was written or the main character’s taste in guys, but I didn’t expect the time travel aspect so there was a fun twist at least.

kathhill's review against another edition

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magic. just magic. Amazing characters that were so well-written and relatable. Romance, comedy, and coming of age all in one.

booknerd777's review against another edition

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This book was soo good!! I love Christine and I loved this book so much!! The plot for this book was so unique. I loved the setting and all the traveling. I also loved the characters so much! I loved Shane and identified with her so much! Also Pilot was so swoony! The dialogue made me laugh a lot and I just loved everything about this book. I can’t wait to read Christine’s next book. If you love “Fangirl” and “Anna and the French Kiss”, this book is for you :)

ratnix's review against another edition

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I can't believe I finally finished reading this oh my god (wait what does babe say? Oh Mylanta?)that was bad

My faces while reading this book

Let me just start this by saying that Christine showed me to the world of booktube and I thank her a lot for that. I really like her, she seems like a great and a fun person but this book is

The first chapters of the book seemed promising but after that...oh boy....

Shane Primaveri is annoying as hell.
Let me just say that she is so shocked when she sees different packaging of pasta(I think?? I don't remember that well)in London. Like what did you expect?? You're going to a different country and you think that things are going to be the same as in USA?

Come on man....there are Lost,Harry Potter, Twilight,Taylor Swift,,The da Vinci code,the beetles references in the entire freaking book. Am I reading a book or a guide to fandoms by Shane Primaveri?

The fact that the love interest,Pilot Penn(yes when I saw his name I wanted to puke) has a freaking girlfriend the entire time like WHAT THE HELL HE JUST FORGOT TO MENTION IT?

Her friend,Babe(again.what a name.),is such a Disney fan that I just....can't. Babe says these iCoNiC phrases like:

Oh Mylanta!

Jiminy Cricket!

Holy crap on a cracker!


All the dialogues between pIlOt and Shane are so cringy and 6yearoldish that you just want to hit your head from the cringe.

"What’s your favorite Beatles song?” Pilot asks.
“What’s your favorite Beatles song?” I throw back.
“Shot, you answer first,” he says calmly.
“What do you mean, shot, you answer first? You can’t shot that I answer first!” I laugh.
“Uh, first rule of shotting, you can shot whatever you want to shot,” he responds with his voice all goofy


"Yeah, but a date is a day, it’s right there in the word, if a date was a weekend, it’d be called a wate.”
“I mean, if you’re gonna do that, I feel like week-ate makes more sense.

Yeah I don't even have any comments about this.

Also something I wanted to mention not so important but.... Correct me if I'm wrong but when Shane's laptop breaks down(The laptop's name is Sawyer by the way)she says that she doesn't have money(to fix it I guess)
But then she,Babe and Sahra(that's her other friend by the way,one of the only characters with braincells)go to Prague, Amsterdam,Paris(for the second time I believe,since she returned to 2011...oh yeah there's a time travel thing too)and Edinburgh.
What are you a bank?

At this point I want to say that the only characters that have a brain and use it are Sahra and Atticus which is bad because we didn't see much of them. All I know about them is that Sahra has a boyfriend and Atticus is gay.

And then out of sudden,2017 comes! Yay! Shane is studying to become a doctor and pIlOt... actually I don't even know what he does that's how indifferent he was. Yet,they return to 2011 to do what? I don't even know. I never understood. Not that I cared. I just wanted to finish this book as fast as I could.

Overall,it wasn't a good book. There was no plot except for Shane-goes-to-london-to-study-creative-writing(?)-while-lying-to-her-parents-that-she-is-studyig-medicine.
I wouldn't recommend it.Save your time and money there are better books out there.

rileysyd's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional funny inspiring lighthearted reflective fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


morganbrabender's review against another edition

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This book was all of the things I didn’t know I needed in a book. The first half was good enough and I was definitely into it, but the second half was SO GOOD. Shane just might be one of my favorite protagonists and definitely one that I relate to on many levels. This storyline is just so good with all of the feelings I wanted. And on top of that, with so many references to Lost, Harry Potter, The Beatles, and TAYLOR SWIFT, I was smiling at my book. I just couldn’t read it fast enough at the end. But also wanted to read it slower because I wanted it to last longer. Just like all the best books.