
Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols

memica's review against another edition

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Cute book x)
It was lil~hard to get into it tho , but I didn't give up :D

franciscapcneto's review against another edition

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quero os meus neurónios de volta

donttakemybooks's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this! It is always so refreshing to read a romance-- particularly a young/new adult romance-- where the characters actually communicate and explain misunderstandings and accept apologies and mistakes from one another. Things were not easy for Meg and John and they did have some huge misunderstandings, BUT they would then talk and make up minus the angst and drama. Their characters also had a lot of chemistry and despite their whole "opposites attract" thing, they were actually similarly damaged people. Basically, this is what I want in a romance novel. It's easy to read, the characters make sense together and are imperfect people falling in love. It was missing some intensity/deep connection for me, which is why it didn't get more than 4 stars. I can't really figure if that means I wanted more sex or if I just needed more emotional depth from the characters. In any case, this was good and I'm glad I finally read it after nearly 4 years on the ol' TBR.

starlight126's review against another edition

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Rating: 3¾

emiliebookworld's review against another edition

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Like a lot of book I’ve been reading lately, I picked up Going Too Far because of all the great reviews I had seen online. I now see what all those reviews were going on about and I have to say I absolutely agree with them. It was a fantastic read that had me from start to finish. I absolutely could not put it down until I had read every last word. That’s just how good a book it was.

Meg wants nothing more than to get away from her small town and go to university. She already knows the night of her graduation she is leaving and most likely not coming back. The last thing she wants is to end up like her parents. And then one night she gets in trouble and meets Office John After. John just wants to stay in this small town and protect teenagers from what happened ten years before on the train bridge. Both have their secrets and will push each other to new extremes and who knows where it will take them.

I loved Meg as a character. You can really see that she grew through the course of the story. She starts out as someone who doesn’t really care about anything except getting away from home. She is the go-to bad girl even though her reputation may not always be accurate (it just may have something to do with her hair). She doesn’t plan anything because that would mean thinking too far into the future and that’s something she just can’t do. By the end of the book she is making plans and actually enjoying making plans and looking forward to the plans she made. Meg was also a really realistic character; despite not having gone through all the same things as her I could relate to her on so many occasions.

I don’t even know where to begin with John’s character. You think he’s one thing and then a few pages you realize you may have gotten it wrong. And when you think you finally have him figured out it turns out you were wrong once again. He is such a complex character and you don’t understand him completely until the very last page of the book. I’ll admit that may have had something to do with me not putting the book down. I was so obsessed with figuring him out that I would not stop reading until I was able to know who he truly was. It was really a great incentive to keep least for me.

The story is basically all about Meg and John’s relationship. Their relationship is such a complex one that you need the entire book to figure it all out. Just like with John’s character, I just had to keep reading so I could find out what happens between them. And like many things in this book, I didn’t find out until the very last page. Despite everything not unravelling until the very end of the book, the was never a time when the story dragged on. The book was relatively short and the story was fast paced which only served to make me read further.

It was my first time reading anything by Jennifer Echols and I can honestly that I will be picking up more of her books in the future. I truly enjoyed Going Too Far and would recommend it to anyone looking for something different. It wasn’t completely out there but it was definitely different from most of the books in the same genre.

jlove731's review against another edition

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This has easily become one of my favorite books I've read all summer. I loved it so much that not only did I finish it in one day, but I just ordered "Forget You" by Jennifer Echols. Honestly if you give me a tortured, rebel teen dealing with their own demons and throw in a romance, I'm sold.

Meg is a seventeen year old girl with blue hair who doesn't make plans, shuts people out, and loves to be a rebel. She abuses drinking, drugs, and sex to help her deal with her own personal demons. She just wants to get out of the town she lives in and away from her parents. John After, on the other hand, wants to stay in town and enforce the law to stop people from getting in trouble. So when these two meet they push and pull at each others emotions,and the emotional roller coaster begins.

I absolutely love Meg and I absolutely love John. I forgot to mention how sexy he is! Whenever he smiled, I smiled. Both characters are fabulously written and also so are all of the friends we meet along the way. I loved John's friends, I was laughing out loud so many time during this book. Also, in my last review (Feed) I said i'm not the type who cries over books... but, yes you guessed it, in this book there was one part where I started to tear up. I also love when books talk/have sex in them. Yes, I'm 20 years old, but I also think having sex in a book makes it real. Teens are doing this stuff nowadays and by stuff, yes, I mean alcohol, drugs, and sex.

I thought this book was amazing. I'd gladly recommend it and probably read it again. This book is real. It's real life and what's happening out in the world all the time. It's amazing, 5 stars for sure. :)

cruzm1's review against another edition

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Could. Not. Put. It. Down.

krish_'s review against another edition

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Definitely one of the better YA novels out there. Really, really good.

eb00kie's review

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This book had such a cool teaser and heck
chemistry between-made up
simple apparently interesting plot-"apparently"

What can I say? the good part is in the second half.

briannarengland's review against another edition

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The writing wasn't the greatest, I admit it.
However, the characters were fantastic (minus a couple) and the situation was something new (from my eyes to the paper at least).
I couldn't put it down, but I was forced to because if I don't pay attention and take notes in class, my grades will go down the toilet. But I didn't even really care because I wanted to continue.
I even stayed in the car while my mum and brother went into the bank and I NEVER wait by myself because I'm paranoid. But I did it to read this book.
And now, I want to pick it back up and reread it.