
The Lonely Dark by Ren Warom

paracynic's review

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This is a delightful little read. It's a very different take on science fiction. Most of the action takes place inside the mind of the protagonist. The journey into space is rivaled by the journey through memory. I found this a very fresh, unique twist on traditional space travel stories.

The real reward in reading this book is the way Ren Warom uses language. Her prose is like dessert, to be lingered over an savored. She can disarm you and leave you stunned with a turn of phrase. I hesitated a while writing this review, hoping to find a way to express just how much her writing impressed me, but I finally just decided that I can't do it justice.

All I can say is you really should read this book.

frasersimons's review

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Great concept, i for the most part, really liked the prose and style. I’m not a big horror reader but I identified strongly with the theme and what the loss of agency was about, specifically.

Strangely, even though it was first person I felt detached from the characters and didn’t get invested but I tend to be more interested in theme, symbolism, structure, etc., anyway.

It’s short and punchy and, from what I know, original. I was full of trepidation because I don’t like horror usually but it, as you can see, exceeded my expectations. I came to the author by way of her cyberpunk duology, which are both great too. If you dig this, I recommend diving into those for more of her writing~~

And oh snap! This turns out to be the very first book I added to my TBR on goodreads! Oddly satisfying crushing this one, despite the fact that it’s just 1 down out of 500+, but it’s neat?