
Shattermoon by Dominic Dulley

riverwise's review against another edition

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There's a lot to like in this debut novel. It captures some of the caper style of Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat books, as well as the deep space gothic of Alastair Reynolds' Revenger, which are all Good Things round here. It starts with a simple con job, and soon escalates to inter species space conflict and the threat of planetary annihilation. It's a fun space romp to begin with, with gradually increasing amounts of grimdark fantasy style violence before ending with a genuinely exciting atmospheric climax. The characterisation is serviceable, and I did find myself rooting for the super-resourceful Orry, while the worldbuilding is interesting, with plenty of tantalising background details dropped in.
Somehow though, it just didn't quite click for me. Ultimately, it's the fast pace which is the book's undoing. It's a big book, and it is so relentlessly slam-bang that it just left me feeling exhausted. Orry spins from one crisis to the next with barely a moment to draw breath. At half the length I would have loved it, or maybe even longer if the author had taken advantage of the extra space to build in some downtime, but as it stands it's a bit too wearing. I'll read the next one, but I'll probably have to have a nice sit down afterwards.

wyrmbergsabrina's review

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A very entertaining ride through space, filled with great world building, entertaining characters, moments of real peril and a huge intergalactic war looming.
Orry is a fun character to lead us into this new world, spunky, bright and yet flawed and still learning. She works with her father and brother pulling cons on the rich people in this world, only this time, they are in the wrong place at the wrong time, and she finds herself hunted and also the hunter.
The supporting characters are nicely fleshed out with Mender and Jane getting the lion's share of the attention, making you feel for them and when moments of peril do crop up, and this is not a nice universes, I felt for their safety.
Shattermoon is a place in this universe that has links to another race and some seriously superior tech, and considering some of he first aid going on, that's saying something. I'm not certain why it's the focus of the title, but it's a very cool place.
This is the first in a series, with the next one due out April 2019, so I haven't long to wait.
Very enjoyable, good scifi space opera drama and some seriously fun characters.

nietzschesghost's review

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This is an edge-of-your-seat, exciting science fiction adventure that I thoroughly enjoyed. It mixed two of my favourite genres - thrillers and scifi.

I was drawn in almost immediately when I started due to the clever, complex plot, and wonderful characters.
Orry is an admirable heroine and is clever and resourceful, I found myself rooting for her throughout the novel.

We readers tend to complain a lot about slow paced books but the one issue I had with this was it was very fast paced. This pacing may have worked well for SHATTERMOON had there not been an awful lot of things going on, it was rather relentless, in that respect. The author sure knows how to write and this is impressive for a debut novel, all Dulley needs to do to cater for more readers is to not make them as frantic in the future. It is also worth considering that others may find the pace perfect, that's the subjectivity of books!

All in all, a great space opera debut from Dulley. He is definitely worth looking out for in the future, I will be doing so. I feel he has a long career ahead of him, a competent composer of science fiction, I look forward to entering this world once again when book two of THE LONG GAME series, MORHELION, is published in April 2019.

I would like to thank Dominic Dulley, Quercus Books UK and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

robosquid's review

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What a delightful rip-roaring space opera! This book has it all for science fiction fans - a brave and resourceful heroine, a sentient space ship, evil aliens, and a long-dead powerful and mysterious race. Presiding over it all by means of military might, a decadent ruling class with a vice-like stranglehold over a vast human empire.

I was drawn in from the start by the rich, complex plot, the interesting characters, hair-raising situations and astonishingly inventive technology. The Shattermoon of the title was fascinating, although it did not feature in the story for very long. I would have liked to find out more about the original inhabitants and am hoping we will in future adventures of Orry and her companions.

The action was non-stop - perhaps a bit too much so! It would have been nice to get some indication of time passing between the incessant disasters and relentless crises facing our little group. However, the quick-thinking and resourceful Orry specialised in getting out of sticky situations in a way which was clever, inventive and fun for the reader. All in all, a great read and I was surprised to hear that this is the author's debut novel as it is so sophisticated and polished.

blodeuedd's review

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I must say, I think this one would work so well in audio (yes yes you all know I love audio these days ;) But seriously, the action kept coming so I am sure I would have enjoyed it a lot in audio for that reason. But back to the actual book now!

Space, new worlds. One ruler, and some aliens on the fringe. Orry is a con artist together with her dad and brother. She is smart and good at it.

Also there are some secrets we learn at the end that made me go all whaaat! Intriguing.

But before that she has to go on the run when accused of a crime. There is a mysterious pendant that many want and will kill to get. Which takes us to other planets, space and the underbelly of society.

Other characters are Mender, this old grumpy captain. And you know what I shall say no more. There are good guys, bad guys. People I want to hit in the face and people that step up.

The book has an ending, yay. More books are to come, but I was happy where I left her at the moment. Of course things are about to get bad, for sure, but for now all is good.

I shall read more and see what she gets up to. I want her to confront X...

Nice beginning.

wordsofapaige's review

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I don't venture into sci-fi all that often, and I think this might be the first time I've ever read a space opera. I've definitely had my eyes opened and I'm so glad that 'Shattermoon' drew my eye. The beautiful cover mixed with a female heroine, a mysterious pendant and a talking spaceship. I'm all for this! I got some serious Ann Leckie vibes during some parts of this book and that's probably one of the biggest compliments I can give! Dulley has some serious writing power and I was sucked into the book from pretty much the first page.

Orry travels across many different worlds with a whole variety of people, and thats what I loved. The absolute variety, Dulley made the various planets all seem so unique and I loved finding out things about each planet, and pretty much all of them were of epic proportions. Especially the Shattermoon itself! The people were also so varied, from aristocrats to space pirates, some of whom had some seriously strange characteristics and I enjoyed trying to picture each new addition. Dulley has made an amazing universe and I can't wait to explore more of it as the series continues.

Our main character Orry is wonderful. There's hardly any romance in the book and it's actually refreshing, I didn't at all miss it. Orry forms deep relationships with many of the characters in the book, and I loved the different ways she thinks about them. She's a deep and complex character with her own agenda. Dulley also creates a wonderful cast of characters, all of whom you care about in one way or another.

This is an epic masterpiece. I can't recommend it highly enough!

bibliophilebookclub's review

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Shattermoon is the first in a series featuring Aurelia (Orry) Kent, and it definitely packs a punch as a series opener. Orry and her brother Ethan help their conman father run his plays but when a young member of the Ascendency is killed and a pendant is stolen, Orry becomes the number one suspect. What follows is a high-octane chase through space with plenty of action and intrigue.

I found Shattermoon to be a really easy read. There is something happening constantly so the reader is flung into the drama right from the off. When Orry meets a space pirate called Mender, that’s when the fun really begins as the quest for the pendant takes precedence over everything else!

I don’t want to go into the plot, partly because there is a hell of a lot going on, but also because I don’t want to give away anything of the story. It weaves through space and time at breakneck speed and it will definitely take the reader on a thrill ride.

I really enjoyed Shattermon. It has great characters, and I really liked the world that has been created in the book. The action never lets up, and I found myself racing towards the end to find out what was going on.

Highly recommended for a fun space-opera read!

dyslexicreader's review

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Orry has grown up to be a con woman, her father is the best Con man in the quadrant. There marks are the rich and ruling family of the Ascendancy, between Orry, her father and brother Ethan they run elaborate heist and con, than they disappear without a trace.
Normally they disappear without a trace, but Orry goes off script and takes pendant as part payment for an item. Than the buyer who happened to be the Counts Grandson ends up murdered, and everyone thinks she is the murderer. It turns out the pendant was crafted by an ancient race of "people" who disappeared aeons aeon taking all their knowledge with them.
But several people are after this pendant and this places Orry in a very dangerous situation. Now with the reluctant help of Jurgen Mender and his ageing spaceship, Orry will have to put he all her skills to the test, and make some hard decisions that could help prove her innocence and maybe even save some lives.

It took me a little bit for me to understand the world of Shattermoon, as they is a lot going on, but a couple fo chapter in everything clicked and I was hooked. This book builds and builds with so much action that it kept me entertained to the very end.
The relationship of the character reminded me a bit of Supernatural, Orry and her brother are brought into the family business, by the father after the mother died. Orry is the natural con women, where Ethan is the techy smart one. Mender is a smart, grumpy and resourceful which reminds me a little of bobby.
Orry is a con-woman but she is very honest, she is a person that talks before she thinks, although to try hard to think before speaking when on a con.. I like the blunt honesty between Orry and Mender especially  towards the end half of the book  as the hash word hide the fact they like each other.
I LOVE the Dainty Jane, think of KITT the car in Knightrider but a thousand times better, I would love to have a prequel about the Danity Jane.
This book has;
Talking Space Ship
Romance (a little)
Space Pirates
Epic Space fight
Strong Female lead
Great banter between characters
If you like any of these elements, I would pick up Shattermoon.
I can't wait to see what happens next.
I give this book 4.5 out of 5

Thank to Jo Fletcher Books for sending me a copy of the book for a fair and honest review, and letting me on the blog tour.
