
The Sapphire Talisman by Brenda Pandos

hdbblog's review

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If you haven't yet read my review of The Emerald Talisman, let me fill you in really quickly. The last book kind of left me feeling a little bit let down. Not because of the writing, and definitely not because of the characters, but because one of the key components of the book felt unfinished. It was Julia's empathetic abilities that drew me to the series, and I had felt that they weren't fleshed out enough. My hope was that by diving into The Sapphire Talisman I'd find the answer to what I was missing before. How right I was!

This sequel blew my mind. The first chapter covered the basics of what happened in the last book, and essentially allows you to read this one even if you hadn't read the last. Although I wouldn't recommend it. How will you know the sheer epicness of this book if you miss the first half of the story? Sorry, I digress. Needles to say that everything I loved about the first book was still present, but (and I didn't know this was possible) the writing was even better and so were the characters. I was completely absorbed into Julia's world.

It's a bit difficult to review this book and not spoil something important for you, dear readers. There is so much going on that I am still reeling from just recently finishing the last page. I'll slake my hunger for spilling the details by simply telling you that the blinding love that Julia has for Nicholas is fantastic. Above all else, it was that deep love that she had for him that kept this book moving. Sure, at times she was irrational. However Julia's character was so well developed that I knew her irrationality only stemmed from the need she felt to be with Nicholas. There was no confusion here about how she could adore him so much. Trust me. He's an amazing guy.

I'll end here, for fear I give away some of the plot. I realize that this review is vague, but those of you eagerly awaiting this book's release will probably thank me. I hate spoilers, you hate spoilers, I keep them out of my reviews. It's easy for me to admit that I am fully on board with Julia, Nicholas and the rest of their motley crew. I cannot wait to see if Brenda Pandos has more in store for us!

radioactivechick's review

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I'm not into love triangles but this one wasn't too bad. You always know where two of the characters stand. Rather than some of the flip floppy characters of popular vampire books we all know! Can't wait for the next!

kaitrosereads's review

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The Sapphire Talisman is a strong followup to The Emerald Talisman. When I finished The Emerald Talisman I wanted so much more Julia and Nicholas and I got my wish. I had a hard time putting down The Sapphire Talisman and Brenda Pandos has once again left me dying for the next book.

Julia Parker's life has been a lot easier with the vampire coven gone from her hometown. She and her boyfriend Nicholas finally have some time together but it doesn't last long. Alora is back and meaner than ever. Julia knows that she and Nicholas can't fight her on their own but how can she convince Nicholas to ask his father for help? And what happens when Alora reveals the biggest secret of all? Will Julia and Nicholas' relationship survive or will this be the final straw?

The first thing I liked about The Sapphire Talisman was the fact that Nicholas finally revealed some of his secrets and so did Julia. Finally things were out in the open between those two. I felt like they could finally grow because they knew everything about each other. Then things took a turn for the worse. Obviously I'm not going to tell you what happened but I will say that their relationship went through the worst situation it possibly could. I was shocked at everything that happened in The Sapphire Talisman and the wait for the next book is going to be even worse.

The action in The Sapphire Talisman took off from the very first page and didn't slow down at all. By the time I got to the end of the book I was biting my fingernails and hoping for the best but knowing it was going to be bad. I was just really glad that there was some closure between this book and the next. The wait will still be bad but at least I know some of what is going to happen.

Overall, The Sapphire Talisman is an amazing book and the best possible sequel to The Emerald Talisman that I could have imagined. The Talisman series is one of the most unique vampire stories that I have read and Brenda Pandos is an amazing author. I know that I will love whatever she does next.

msglam's review

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review to come...

valeriew's review

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I love these books!! I can't put them down

erikawastaken's review

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Meh...I thought it was interesting that 1/2 way through the second book we finally got a description of the main characters. I'm baffled by the amount of time spent on inane conversation so the character can get a zing in. I feel like these stories have promise, but again it feel like I'm reading an early draft rather than a completed manuscript.

cgarcia529's review

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This is the enthralling sequel to The Emerald Talisman. Just like the first book this is fast pace and gripping. Brenda introduces us to new characters. She also throws in a lot of shock and surprise.

The Sapphire Talisman continues shortly after The Emerald Talisman. Julia and Nicholas are still exploring in their new found romance and learning more about each other. Everything has gone back to normal until a pesky cat tells Julia that Alora is back in town. Julia starts lying to everyone and sneaks behind her dad's back.

During a trip to LA, Julia gets to meet the people that helped raise Nicholas. She also went to see her grandmother that revealed a family secret and how to control it. After their trip to LA that's when the real action begins. I was glued to the book. I couldn't put it down until I was done.

The Sapphire Talisman isn't all about love and romance. It is heartbreaking, thrilling, maddening, and suspenseful. It leaves hungry for more.

I recommend this to everyone.

madetofly's review

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Sequels usually get a bad reputation, but I honestly liked this one even more than the first in the series. I'm not entirely sure why that is, but I think it had a lot to do with the plot. I found this book a lot more suspenseful, and I was more invested in what was happening to the characters. I also grew a lot more attached to the characters in this book. While I liked both Julia and Nicholas in the first book, I grew to love them even more in this one. Their relationship was the same for me. I liked it in the first book but loved it in this one.

I also really grew to like Phil and Scarlett, which I wasn't expecting. They both added very interesting elements to the story. Tyler and Katie did as well, but I'm not too sure how I feel about that storyline yet. I'm interested to see what happens with Katie in the next book before I decide how I feel about her.

I absolutely cannot wait to read the next book. I think that's the book I'm reading as soon as I get done with the one I'm currently reading. The story just got so much more intense in this one, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how it pans out in the last book.

lenoreo's review

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Much better than the first book... I'm still not all over the Nicholas/Julia thing, but at least there was more chemistry in this one. And there was a lot of plot I didn't even remotely see coming. I think the addition and expansion of some awesome secondary characters really makes this book. Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm rooting for as I finish this book and finally go to the conclusion. Nicholas was seriously harsh, and so it's gonna be interesting to see where this all leads.... I still don't find Julia to be that redeemable of a character, but I'll give her another chance...

heatherhy01's review

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I must start off by saying that I HEART PHIL!!! I was not so sure about him in book one, but now, I am so hoping that Julia will end up with him!

This story picks up with Nick out fighting ordinary crime like some super hero. He leaves the thieves tied up and tips off the police. This is all just while he is waiting for the vampires to start another attack. Julia’s aunt has her baby, a little girl! Her and Nick’s relationship is going along great until one night, Julia sees Enigma and finds out that the vampires are back.

This just starts off a long series of events. Nick and Julia go on a road trip together. Julia’s Dad gets hospitalized and you find out a lot about Nick that will be a total shocker!!!

I loved the way the whole book played out, but was very frustrated when it ended! You are sort of left with a cliffhanger and I am patiently(well, trying to) waiting on the next installment…The Onyx Talisman, due out in December 2011.

“But you…he…that night….” I choked out.

“I’m suppose to be dead?”

“Uh, yeah?”

“I was-I mean technically I still am, but I’m back. Long Story,” Phil said with a snort. “Good thing, isn’t it?”
