
Angel's Hero by Liz Borino

darkromancelover's review

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I Received An ARC Of This Book In Exchange For My Honest Review!

This is part 1 of a 2 part series so it does end with a cliffhanger. Don't worry though because part 2 "Angel's Truth" is out now and available for download.

This book introduces us to Jordan, a Army Captain, and Aaron, a CIA Agent. These two are married and through a series of flashbacks that cover the last ten years or so we see how changes over time with Gay rights and marriage approvals impacted the lives of Jordan and Aaron.

From the moment they met Jordan knew that Aaron was his "Angel" and his forever. It wasn't a one sided attraction at all. Aaron also knew that Jordan was his "Hero" and his forever. They have a strong love and are very connected to one another.

Jordan leaves on his last mission for the Army but something goes wrong and at a scheduled meeting he ends up getting captured and taking prisoner. It doesn't take long after his meeting takes place for Jordan's government to declare him dead. Something that Aaron doesn't believe because they have no proof. There's no body or DNA evidence just a burned uniform and dog tags. Aaron's refusal to accept that Jordan is dead puts him on the outs with his job which he loses and his family. Without proof that Jordan is dead he won't give up on his search.

Join Angel in his search for clues or proof that Jordan is either alive or dead. Join Jordan while he deals with captivity and betrayal. Will the Hero find his way home to his Angel and if so what is going to be waiting for him when he gets there? Liz Borino manages to deliver a book that is suspenseful and romantic at the same time. She kept me on my toes and the edge of my seat from beginning to end. I couldn't put this book down a definite must read.

the_novel_approach's review

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What seems to be a routine mission starts off with a little apprehension from the get-go. Aaron is taken off the mission abruptly, without a real explanation as to why, the first of many little nuggets the author gives that tell us something is not quite on the up and up. So with Jordan off to Afghanistan, Aaron holds down the fort stateside, waiting for his return, not knowing how difficult their life is about to become. I was also not disappointed; this one kept me on my toes.

See the entire review at The Novel Approach: