
The Neighborhood by Stylo Fantome

kpaladino's review against another edition

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The Big Bad Wulf

No disappointment from book number two. Stylo Fantome did an amazing job as I hoped. Katya, Wulf and Liam's story wasn't exactly what I expected and I was pleasantly surprised to see how she flipped the roles, added some twists and turns and played our emotional heartstrings like a symphony. Definitely looking forward to Liams story next.

slim709's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

emhof96's review against another edition

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Overall rating: 5 stars

Genre: Love Triangle Romance
Plot: 10/10
Ending: 8/10
Writing: 9/10
Heroine: 6/10
Luke: 7/10
Wulf: 8/10
Humour: 4/10
Steaminess: 7/10
Feels: 8/10

ghada95's review against another edition

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4.75 STARS

ghada95's review against another edition

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amgs90's review against another edition

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2 Stars!

Sorry... I didn't like this book as much as the rest of you.
I saw a lot of good reviews about it, and it caught my attention, but I was so disappointed.

First of all...some things about the writing felt odd to me, sometimes there was some situations that made me roll my eyes or think 'WTF, this makes no sense'. But at first, this story was pretty addicting, and I couldn't stop reading. But at some point, I stopped being interested.

I usually love a good neighbors romance, if it's well written and the characters are likable enough, and of course if the steamy scenes are hot and nice. This was not the case.

The heroine, well, she was kinda annoying. And Wulf? Omg, he was evil!! I hated his character so much, I had to skip sentences every time he made an appearance. He was arrogant, disrespectful,, uncaring, cruel, cold... and Katya was obsessed with him. What's the problem with you, girl? Run, run away from him.

Liam on the other hand... he was the best part of this book to me. Even though he had some weird things as well, but at least he was normal.

The heroine's attitude towards these men was stupid. And don't get me started with the fact they didn't use a condom in the whole story! I mean... she meets some guy, he takes her to a sex club, they have sex right there in the open... and they didn't even think about protection! Nobody even mentions it! And then she meets another guy, and it goes the same way with him.

Stupid, totally nonsense.

I'm giving this book 2 stars just because of Liam and the ending. That ending was the only thing that made me feel something while reading this (and I'm not even sure if that's a good feeling).

So yeah, it was a short story to read, quick paced and a bit addicting. But I don't recommend it.

booklovershangout's review against another edition

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Liam and Wulfric!! What's a girl to do when she has two neighbors such as these? I fell so hard and so quick for this story and these characters.

Liam is sexy and pushes Katya's boundaries and Wulfric is brooding and there is mystery about him and is also damn sexy! I loved seeing Katya's changes and growth in the story. I felt like I was on a journey with her.

I was on the edge of my seat wondering what they were going to do next and where the author was going to take this story.
I could not have guessed.

That ending!! I absolutely cannot wait for the next book. I loved every bit of this story.

booklovershangout's review against another edition

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Just a quick review to say amazing series!! I absolutely love this chapter and Liam and Wulf. I need neighbors like these ;) These are my first books by Stylo and I will definitely be looking for more and can't wait to read! Great stories, well paced and developed characters. I enjoyed everything about this story.

rihoward's review against another edition

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Mind blown. This book deserves more than five stars

Where oh where do I begin? Let me first start with my feelings about this author. I have a degree in Literature because I love the power of the written word. Therefore, when I discovered Stylo Fantôme I became obsessed(I promise not in a creepy stalker way!) She has a cadence and style that invokes feelings, makes you smile, laugh out loud, or yes even makes you cry over characters that seem real. She inspires me to write, to study and deconstruct her work in order to learn why she makes the stylistic choices she does. She is my interpretation of what the mellifluous sublime is. She is truly one of the best.

From the very first word of hers that I read in the Kane trilogy to now- I have been hooked. I knew I would not be disappointed. Sweet Katya trying to break out of a shell from being a good girl to one having to decide between Liam and Wulfric. Dear dear Liam, the handsome charmer lover and who is what every girl should want. Hell I even did at times. Then Wulfric! Controlling asshat but with moments of vulnerability that it saved me during those times that I wanted to reach through my kindle and smack him. I remembered how Ms. Fantôme works and knew there was another Jameson in the making. Jameson Kane is still my number one book boyfriend but Wulfric might be edging him out, but then so might Liam. Oh what a tangled web you weave Stylo.

We don't know who wins or if either of them do win Katya's heart, since the book will be continued after a pretty mind blowing secret is revealed ( like seriously where did that twist come from?!? TOOK ME TEN MINUTES AND A GLASS OF WINE TO COME BACK TO THE BOOK). What we do know is that we will not be disappointed because we will get the answers and the ending we deserve as well as more of the best and hottest sex scenes ever written.

Do yourself a favor, buy this book. Savor it. Have a book hangover with me (it is 4 am and I have to be up in a few hours) but I promise you it will be worth it. Then join me in stalking this amazing author. I really do need to find out how to have first dibs on her work so I can beat the release date - a date that I might have in my phone calendar so I don't make other plans.

Bravo again on a suburb book. I am eagerly awaiting another book hangover when the next part is released. Please be good to my heart and make it soon!

anne_mercier's review against another edition

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Neighbors is sexy, sassy, profound, gritty--everything I've come to expect from a Stylo Fantome book! I'm going to be waiting impatiently for the next one in the series! A top 2016 read!!!