
The Lost Codex by Heather Lyons

audiobookingwithleah's review against another edition

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A disappointing ending to one of my favorite series...3.5 Out Of 5 STARS worth

I wanted to love this…I have loved the first three books in The Collector's Society.  This has always been a uniquely told book series, but this one was just too out there in left field and left me feeling confused and sadly disappointed.  It felt like it dragged a lot of the time and was the longest 411 pages ever.  I've adored these characters and I have been fascinated with the premise, so I tried to let that reflect in my rating.  I guess, overall I just wanted this play out differently…and that ending…well, I guess ultimately that ending left an opening for this story to play out differently...
I actually finished the last half or so of this book with the Audio version, because I was being plagued by migraines and couldn't continue reading.  I did not care for the narration of this at all, though.  Heather Lyons, in my opinion, this series could have benefitted from a different narrator, in fact adding a male voice would have been worked much better for Finn's parts and for the print version, you really need to have someone proofread it.
~~~~~MY RATING~~~~~


Plot~ 3.2/5
Main Characters~ 5/5
Secondary Characters~ 3.8/5
The Feels~ 3.7/5
Pacing~ 3/5
Addictiveness~ 3/5
Theme or Tone~ 4/5
Flow (Writing Style)~ 3.7/5
Backdrop (World Building)~ 4.3/5
Originality~ 4/5
Ending~ 4/5 Cliffhanger~ This is supposed to be the last one…but it could be continued…with the way it ended.

Book Cover~ It's fairly cool…
Series~ The Collector's Society #4
Setting~ The Institute, Antarctica, Wonderland
Source~ I own Kindle eBook



bookishzelda's review against another edition

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The Lost Codex hits the ground running. We finally find the fates of our friends and enemies is the emotional and complex ending to the series.

The plot is fast paced and action packed. There is soo much that goes on in this book. So very much. There are so many loose ends that are tied up in the race to the finish. You can’t even really get into details because it’s possible to give something away.

I have always loved the writing in The Collector’s Society series. It just has the lyrical way about it that reminds me of Wonderland.

I love Alice because there are times when I don’t like her. Not because she is annoying for making dumb decisions but because I don’t always agree with her. She is so stubborn and bull headed at times that it can be frustrating. She is also loyal and true to her heart though and thinks of her people above all. She is such a great character because she is such a faceted character.

Finn is always the more docile narrative in the series. He’s kind of like the calming voice to Alice’s stubbornness. With him going through so many different things we don’t see him as much.

This was definitely a perfect end to the series. There were many things that surprised and some things that were like ah yes that makes sense, like The Librarian’s identity. I’m sad to see the series go because it’s been such a fun read.

cchestnut's review against another edition

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Whoa. What a ride. That was a roller coaster of a series - romantic, suspenseful, action-packed, it had it all. Book 4 did not disappoint and it was a great ending to an amazing series. This author can do no wrong - love her books!

fpdixptkfl's review against another edition

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Just the perfect conclusion to this series that I have grown to love. Kudos to Heather Lyons for writing this bad-ass book!

rachelreadsravenously's review against another edition

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4 stars!

“The beauty of free will is that we can choose whether or not to do what we wish.”

A truly epic series, something unique and original that you don't see very often. Lyons has said this is her ode to literature, and I can see why. From the beginning of the series I was fascinated by the idea of taking characters we know and love from multiple books and stories, and weaving them together to create an action packed adventure, mystery, fantasy series.

I can't say much about the plot, because that's one giant spoiler for everything, but know I was riveted from the first page, trying to figure out the mystery of the ending of book three (which was luckily revealed sooner than I expected). From there so much happens, you just have to read it to find out!

I love the different ideas Lyons has for her characters, though they may originally have belonged to other authors, she has respectfully crafted them into her own. Very fast paced and incredibly well written, this series to me was grand time and one I can see myself returning to in the future to reread. I'm sad that this series is over and I will miss these characters.

Every time I read a book in this series, I find myself wanting to return to classic literature. A lot of the references I understood, others I had to figure out. But ultimately it made me want to read more and learn more.

“We are not bound by prophecies, but by choice.”

ARC provided by author in exchange for review

bookbriefs's review against another edition

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**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs:**NA ReviewMy Thoughts

Note: I will try my best, but there will probably be some spoilers from the first two books. If you are new to the series, check out my review of The Collectors' Society HERE and my review of the Hidden Library HERE and my review of The Forgotten Mountain HERE. These books need to be read in order.
The Lost Codex is the fourth and final book in the New Adult Fantasy Series, The Collectors' Society. I was so freakin' scared to pick up this book because I have loved loved LOVED the first three books so much. I didn't want the series to end. But fear not Collectors' Society fans- The Lost Codex is the perfect ending. I don't know why I am surprised because all of Heather Lyons' books are pure perfection. I have loved everything about this series, starting with the covers. They are some of my favorite covers for any series. Which is fitting because The Collectors' Society is ONE OF MY FAVORITE SERIES OF ALL TIME. There I said. Favorite of all time. I can't remember a series where every single book has gotten a full 5/5 stars from me. But truth be told, the books in the Collectors' Society deserve more than 5 stars each. This is such an amazing series, and Heather Lyons really ripped my heart out with the Forgotten Mountain, and now again with The Lost Codex.

As is the case with all of the books, The Lost Codex picks up right where the Forgotten Mountain left off. This book is action packed, but even so Heather Lyons's does an incredible job making this very character driven. I loved getting to see Alice and Finn and all of my favorites again. But be warned, not everything is bright and shiny and happy all the time in these books. Loyalties will be tested and there are certainly some cry worthy moments. heather knows how to tug on my heartstrings. But through everything, I really do love Alice. She is so strong and loyal and sharp. I love her ability to see through everything and read people so well.

The real magic of these books is Heather Lyons' writing and her way with words. Every time I see her talk about someone from wonderland, I feel like I am reading Lewis Carroll himself. She has captured the essence of the books in her timelines so well, all the while putting her own crazy spin on them. Heather Lyons continues to surprise and delight me with her masterful writing and story telling. I am so in awe of Heather and her writing. I read The Lost Codex and the entire Collector's Society series really, with wide eyes and dropped jaw, bouncing on the edge of my seat the whole time. The characters all hold a place in my heart, some I hate, some I love, and some totally creep me out, but everyone in this very large cast of characters are so distinct that they stay with me long after I put this book down.

Heather is the best at weaving different characters, clues, and minor plot points that come into play later. I just love reading her books, even when she does things that make me want to cry. Her writing is so exciting and emotional. I want to live inside this series. I just love it so much. Everyone needs to read these books. If you are looking for a fantasy series, an action series, a series for lovers of classic literature, a romance, or just a series that is original and so well done- you are looking at the Collectors' Society Series! It is all of those things and so much more. The ending of this book completely wrecked me. I need the next book now. I cannot say it enough, this is one of my all time favorite series. Read this series! If you haven't you are doing yourself a disservice. I can't wait to re-read this series time and time again. Now I need to get all the books for my bookshelves.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs

jbenando's review

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Epic, emotional, and exciting! Definitely a hit in my book.

I received an ARC for an honest review. Full review will come during the tour.

dany_cp03's review

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**ARC provided by author in exchange for honest review.

This is the last book of The Collectors’ Society series by Heather Lyons. You should not read this review unless you have read the previous books, in case it might have any spoilers. You’ve been warned

prationality's review

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Let me tell you a story. It's a romance of two lovers, born in different times and different places, who meet when one is mad from heartbreak and the other is on assignment.

They don't fall in love immediately. They don't get along or trade coy looks or veiled compliments. She who was a Queen, who left her heart behind with her Crown because it saved the land that claimed her and which she claimed in return. He who lost everyone he loved, who was betrayed by someone he considered close, who felt the weight of obligation and duty to save others.

Admiration of the other's strength of will turns to admiration of form. Faith in the other's individual martial strength turns to faith in their ability together. Respect turns to love turns to fierce protection and possession.

Through many worlds, many times and many trials they fight. For each other, for the ones they love, for the ones they left behind and the ones that need them going forward. The story of Huckleberry Finn Van Brunt and Her Majesty the Queen of Diamonds Alice Liddell is a story full of romance, fury and passion. It's a fairy tale who's moral is to never underestimate love. Its an acknowledgement that sometimes love can be--will be--enough if one is willing to be open to the sacrifices it can make.

In the end THE LOST CODEX is everything and more that I wanted for their story's ending. The anxiety I felt over their ending, the grief I felt over fallen comrades, the tears I's both enough and not enough to explain what this series has meant to me.