
The Queen's Witch by Karen Chance

lynseyisreading's review

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The Queen's Witch

The Queen's Witch picks up just days after the events in The Gauntlet and sees Gillian the witch—this time written in first person from her POV—up to mischief once again. With a plot against the Queen under way involving precious jewellery and magic, who better to assist Kit—willingly or not—than a former jewel thief slash coven witch?

Again, this was a fun read, but it could be skipped as it doesn't really progress anything with regards to either the Cassandra Palmer series or the Dorina Basarab series.

3 Stars ★★★

This book is free either on the author's website or Smashwords.

eserafina42's review

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OK - not great. I didn't really care much about the characters, nor do I feel any compulsion to seek out other books by this author.

mousie_books's review

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Kit Marlowe and Gillian Urswick investigate a threat to the queen.

court_of_stars's review

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Kit Marlowe, what a delightful creature. Need I say more?

redhairedashreads's review

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Gillian and Kit team up again to stop a plot against the queen. I really enjoyed this little story and hope to see more of them in the future.

paperbackstash's review

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It was decent. Karen Chance wrote well again, as always, but I wasn't too invested in the characters or the story. Some funny stuff but nothing that amusing. There's something missing with this one I just can't put my finger on. Had trouble holding my interest.

heregrim's review

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Good story, but only a play on a "lost" piece of jewelry.

lpcoolgirl's review

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Oh, this story is a bit sad knowing what sate the covens are in, in the series!

*First read January 26th 2013*
Great to see these characters interact again, and yeah, great short story, where the Coven magic starts to gain back some of it's power with the Queen from The Circle!

laurla's review

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free on authors website.

marlowe rescues gillian again and she poses as a redheaded witch for him to help thwart a plan against the queen, gaining a new job for herself.

"it isn't fair, but we live in this world as it is, not as we would like it to be."

thenia's review

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