
Everywhere and All Around by Pimm Van Hest

emleemay's review

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The real highlights of this little children's novel about grief are the gorgeous illustrations. They are absolutely stunning and alone make this book worth taking a look at. The story, however, wasn't as strong. Not bad, but repetitive to a fault, the "point" already felt hammered home halfway through the book. Sweet little message, though.

geekwayne's review

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'Everywhere and All Around' by Pimm van Hest with illustrations by Sassafras De Bruyn is a touching, beautiful book for a child that has lost a parent.

Yolanda's mother has died. Yolanda was with her and held her hand as it grew colder. Now she wants to know where her mom could be. She asks family and friends of her mother, and they each provide their answer to where Yolanda's mother is. Things like "mom is in stories, and in stories is mom" and Mom is Yolanda and Yolanda is Mom."

The book is filled with simply gorgeous illustrations. Every page is two pages wide and the art fills the page. The message would be of comfort to a child who had lost a parent, but might be confusing to one with a still living character. Still, there must be books for times of grieving, and this one is filled with beauty and hope.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Clavis Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

novelesque_life's review

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Written by Pimm van Hest
Illustrated by Sassafras De Bruyn
Summer 2016; 32 Pages
Genre: grieving, death, families, picture book, children

(I received an ARC from the NETGALLEY in exchange for an honest review.)


This beautifully written and illustrated book is a bit...sad to recommend as it is about a very young girl who has to come to terms with her mother dying. Death is difficult to comprehend as an adult so imagine trying to explain it to a child - and not scare them for life. This book helps, in my opinion, to explain what dying means to young children. When the young girl asks people in her life where her mother is she learns that while she is not here physically she is everywhere and all around.

kim3100's review

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is a very beautiful story about how to explain death to a child. To mother of the protagonist has died and she goes looking all over for her mother. Everyone gives her beautiful answers about where to find her.

kittykult's review

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Everywhere and All Around is a touching story about losing a loved one, accompanied by beautiful illustrations. The book covers how we keep our loved ones with us, and the complicated feelings we may experience during grief, as well as how we can find comfort and find with the support of others.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

debstep88's review

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I received an ARC from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This book is beautifully illustrated. I wanted to tear out every page so I could frame it! I love how the author took such a challenging topic, losing a parent, and made it relatable to a young audience. This is such a sensitive subject, and this book is a stunning and powerful tool to help children process their loss and grief.

thecolorsofboredom's review

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An interesting story, and a book about how to deal with a death of a parent as a kid is a good idea, but the style of writing seems to adult for a children's book, and I don't think many kids would quite understand what they are talking about. It's too philosophical for a kids book, I think it would be more successful if it was in a child's voice, not in an adult voice like it is now.

This book was given to me by NetGalley.