
Dark Secrets by Edward Kay

mountie9's review

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The Good Stuff

Geeky adventure for the middle school reader
good for boys or girls
Strong and intelligent main characters
Liked the development of Eugenia's characters
Nice morals about forgiveness thrown in without being obvious which kids totally pick up on by the way -- they don't like to be preached too - trust me I'm a Mom
Good fast paced story with a few twists that you don't see coming
Kids save the day and are smarter than the adults -- which obviously kids love and believe to be true -- that's why my kids think anyway LOL! I liked that in this second story some of the adult characters were a little less bumbling and admitted their mistakes
Written by a Canadian Author and doesn't depress the crap out of the reader (Yes I know I have issues here - Children Canadian Authors are so much cooler than Cdn Literary Fiction Authors)
Love the humour as much of it will be appreciated by both young and old readers
Looking forward to reading more by the author
Totally got Jake (My 10yr old son) to read them, by telling him that the author is the co-creator of one of his favorite shows, Jimmy Two Shoes -- even-though main character is a girl he wants to read!

The Not So Good Stuff

While good for kids and those who haven't read the first book in the series, I was a little bit irritated with some of the repetition about what happened in the first book
Some of humour might go over the head of the average middle school reader

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"That was not something Amanda needed to be told. So far, all of Eugenia's surprises had been about as pleasant as finding a scorpion in the toe of your shoe."

"Because its true. We adults do owe the greatest reverence to children. For without children, what future is there? I think about that every hour of every day."

"Evolutionarily speaking, you're a squirrel with an OCA1A gene mutation-better known as an albino. Instead of dull grey or black fur, you have beautiful white fur. Just imagine how wonderfully that nice white fur will stand out to predators in the green and grey of the forest. You might as well be wearing a big red sign saying 'Eat me!" "

Who Should/Shouldn't Read

Perfect for the geeky (THIS IS NOT AN INSULT BUT A COMPLIMENT) middle school reader
Don't necessarily have to read the first book in the series to enjoy, but would recommend it as it was quite good too
Not for the more reluctant reader

4 Dewey's

I received this from Doubleday Canada in exchange for an honest review