
Yours Truly, 2095: A Time-Travel Romance Adventure by Brian Paone

filmingpages's review

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*Thank you Voracious Readers and Brian Paone for the free copy of this book in exchange with an honest review*

My general impression of the book is that it has an interesting theme and that I would love it way more if it managed to convince me about everything that happened in it more. If the plot is convincing enough, I can believe even the most outrageous thing and go with it. But this book didn't manage to convince me about almost anything, if everything is justified properly... Most importantly the character motive's and their ever-changing opinions, especially Jeff, not only I couldn't figure him out, but he also outraged me at some points!

Now that we touched Jeff, let's talk a bit more about him. at first I was on his team, because he was stranded in a different year thanks to his cruel great-great-grandson and he was trying to find his way home. Understandable. But then, he started supposedly having feelings for J0 (the robot that looks like his wife) and starting trusting her more and he eventually develop feelings about her! But it was not justified! At all! One minute he was talking about time travel and then he was like: "I think J0 is changed, I think I love her, do I really want to go back to Julie?" What the heck dude?

The next topic is the million music references. And I'm not exaggerating. It felt like a trip down to memory lane that although I enjoyed, didn't feel like it fit well with the whole theme of the book. It felt a little bit forced for me... What more, there was an ongoing pattern where jeff would see his wife Julie in his dream, every single night. Like literally every night. The first two times I though it was pretty clever, but then it became pretty tiring.

Summing up, "Yours Truly, 2095" is a book with great potential and a very interesting theme, that I believe could have been executed a little bit more effortlessly.