
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon

laceydbell's review against another edition

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And this concludes my BTAT 2017.

Enjoyed this book. Very cute and adorable contemporary with a cast of really great characters.

bella_and_the_bookstack's review against another edition

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3.2 out of 5 stars

*possible spoilers?*

I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I want to give tons of stars to this book because I was so ready for a good book with Indian culture.

I think When Dimple Met Rishi provided a good, modern day look into second/third generation kids within an American society.There were many Indian songs, movies, outfits, and cultural elements laid within the story. I loved all those parts of the book! I think Sandhya Menon did a nice job of creating a semi-realistic story.

Yet, the other aspects of this book were what bothered me. There were so many problematic issues that lessened the overall appeal of it.

vibecalledjess's review against another edition

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“I don’t know how I can explain it... it’s just this need inside me. I guess I just feel it stronger than most people our age. I feel like I need to speak out, because if no one speaks out, if no one says, ‘This is me, this is what I believe in, and this is why I’m different, and this is why that’s okay,’ then what’s the point? What’s the point of living in this beautiful, great melting pot where everyone can dare to be anything they want to be?
Besides, haven’t you gone to India and just stood among your relatives and listened to their stories and felt like...I don’t know, like you wanted to tell more people?” - Rishi, Page 143

When Dimple Met Rishi is a YA contemporary romance and it’s about two high school grads at a STEM program before college, and their reactions to their parents’ plans to find them the “Ideal Indian Husband/Wife”. Rishi is more of a traditionalist and is excited about the prospect, but Dimple is appalled.

This was a fun read! For me, the first half flowed better and I appreciated the character development. With reading more diverse books, I’m learning so much more about different cultures. In this case, Hinduism and the Indian culture. I read some reviews that talked about Dimple being an unlikeable character and finding her to be difficult. When compared to Rishi, she was more difficult; however, we’re reading about teenagers here. I am almost guaranteed some unrealistic teenage expectations! I have two teenage nieces that I’m always wondering did I act this way? (The answer is no, of course not lol) I would like to read Menon’s 2018 book, From Twinkle, With Love.”

whitmc's review against another edition

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3.5 cute teen romance; would have totally loved this in late high school/early college. Appreciated the additional depth of second gen kids handling pressures of cultural traditions. Wished there was more discussion of the tech project that was the foundation for the book. Dimple was billed as a kick-ass coder girl but then the bulk of the book once she met Rishi was about their relationship. A bit more about the project she was apparently obsessed with would have been a nicer balance.

heroicandromache's review against another edition

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Oh, that was cute.

sania06's review against another edition

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This was such a cute book. I love how the two main characters changed themselves for each other (in a good way). I wish there was a sequel bc I want to know more abt their love story

juliterario's review against another edition

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LOVED IT. En serio que tenía grandes dudas respecto a si leer esta novela o no. ¿Valdría la pena? ¿Qué iba a encontrar acá? Pero como era un libro corto... Lo leí igual.
No me esperaba lo que encontré en este libro. Los personajes, los temas tan profundos y significativos que Sandhya Menon explora en esta novela... Lo adoré todo. Me encantó Dimple, tan fuerte y soñadora y trabajadora. Me vi reflejada en ella taaantas veces, tal como me vi reflejada en Rishi más de una vez. Me gusta pensar que la autora quiso esto desde el principio: volcar pequeñas partes de todos nosotros en dos personajes tan opuestos, pero tan reales al mismo tiempo. "When Dimple Met Rishi" es algo que podría llamarse una historia de amor. En este punto, cuando me dicen "historia de amor", se me vienen a la cabeza mil clichés y diálogos forzados y súper profundos. Este libro no es así. ES REALISTA. Porque, vamos, el romance adolescente es awkward; es embarazoso y torpe. No está formada de conversaciones profundas y escenas donde todos siempre dicen la cosa perfecta. Me pareció que "When Dimple Met Rishi" era una historia de amor adolescente de este estilo, REALISTA. Y amé cada segundo de eso.
DISFRUTÉ MUCHÍSIMO ESTA LECTURA. Si, leería este libro dos veces más y todo.
¿Por qué le di sólo 3 estrellas, entonces? La verdad es que, sin importar lo mucho que haya amado este libro y lo mucho que me hizo pensar, no se me ocurre ninguna razón para darle más estrellas. Simplemente no encuentro esas razones.
¿Qué no me gustó? Es un libro un tanto predecible. En mi cabeza, tenía dos posibles finales. Uno era el que yo creía, el que volvía el libro súper predecible, y el otro era un final alternativo al anterior, uno que me sorprendiera. Pero ese último nunca sucedió. Me pareció que esta novela habla de temas duros y reales, habla sobre ser un adolescente de una manera que nunca había visto antes; pero a la vez es demasiado "¡Yey! ¡Arco iris y unicornios!" No sé. Hubieron partes que odié porque contradecían lo que para mí era la esencia del libro, y otras que lo volvieron inolvidable.
¡SE LOS RECOMIENDO a pesar de todo!

loriemegistus's review against another edition

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Honestly, this was cute and really helped with a reading slump I felt myself going in. It wasn’t ground-breaking and I really kind of hated some of the things Dimple did and also just in general kind of hated her as a character but other then that.... it was what I was wanting to help with a slump. 2 and a half stars.

meowlo's review against another edition

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This was an easy, fairly cute read with some problems.
There was a WHOLE LOT of “not like the other girls” trope going on here, as well as woman on woman jealousy, hate, etc. This book is about teenagers, so it’s slightly excusable because teenagers definitely can be that way, but it was annoying to read.

The first scene of them two together was more than a bit much. Rishi “attacked” her by walking over and making a joke? Hm. I don’t know how the author defines “attack” but it doesn’t seem to be in the way the rest of us do.

Dimple goes off about misogyny a couple times in this book and it feels heavy handed. Are these things misogynistic? Yes. Do I need you to spoon feed that to me? No.
I felt similarly about the ending. Is it crappy and obvious why the “aberzombies” (I never want to see or hear that phrase again) got what they got? Yes. You don’t need to have a character sit me down and head pat the lesson to me or to Dimple. Dimple knows why it happened. She doesn’t need to be told so therefore, I, as the reader, also don’t need to be told.

Dimple can be incredibly mean to people but there is some character growth on that front, I guess. She eventually stops speaking before thinking. Good for her. She slips up when emotional, but don’t we all.

Anyways. It was a cute easy read but, to reiterate, has a decent amount of flaws. I wouldn’t recommend this book to my friends unless they were already holding it in their hands, desperate for anything at all to read on a summer day.

drshakespeare's review against another edition

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One of those satisfying books where the nice thing almost always happens.