
The Feng Shui Detective: The First Master Wong Mystery by Nury Vittachi

lex6819's review against another edition

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Very amusing start to a series I need to track down. Hard to find in the US.

polyhy_14's review against another edition

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Mr Wong is a geomancer who is asked, much against his will, to take on a sassy young western school leaver who is more interested in debunking his methods than learning from them. He speaks text book English, she speaks colloquialese and the frequent misunderstandings that result are often hilarious. However, over a period of time she demonstrates a perspicacity that turns out to be essential in solving their mysteries. Justice tends to be more poetic than judiciary and this adds to the charm of the stories. This was a delightful read with many laugh out loud moments. I’ll certainly be looking for more in the series.

beledit's review against another edition

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I picked this up cheap and was ready to dismiss it as a light and silly read. It's light, yes, but also well written, charming, entertaining and funny. I love the pairing of the 50+ Chinese feng shui detective and the 17-year old American girl, especially as he struggles to pick up new English phrases and to follow her colloquialisms and her phone conversations with friends ("I was like.. and he was like ... Whatever!..."). Delightful.

kayakobold's review against another edition

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Plätschert dahin. Kurzweilig. Als Detektiv jetzt nicht so ganz meins. **
Weil mir schlicht das Ende fehlt. Die Episoden bleiben offen, ich will aber wissen, was der Detektiv mit seiner Erkenntnis macht.

Als Parodie klare ***** und Empfehlung.

Das Besondere:
Alle kriegen ihr Fett weg. Der Meister, die Praktikantin, die Kollegen, die Nachbarn, die Vorgesetzen, das System....

Ich kann deswegen nicht sagen, was genau parodiert wird. Alles und nichts. Und es gehört zu einer guten Parodie, dass sich niemand auf den Schlips getreten, sich ausgegrenzt oder nicht ernstgenommen fühlt.

Die verschiedenen Systeme werden parodiert ohne den Figuren zu schaden.

charles_cbcpl's review against another edition

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Though I was tempted to ditch this book for its flat characters and hyperbolic plot, I read it to the last page because I'm a sucker for cross-cultural themes and understated humor. Though I wouldn't recommend this book to my friends, it hits the middle-aged-woman-on-vacation demographic very close to center.

omnibozo22's review against another edition

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Light weight but sort of fun cultural detective stories set in SEA. The feng shui master uses as much western logical deduction as feng shui to solve situations that often do not begin as mysteries. The stories reminded me of the "Chinese" Judge Dee stories. Might read some more of this series.

phoenixemerald's review against another edition

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This was a new author for me and I am excited to read more. It took me a bit to get used to the accents of the Asian characters, but I think they added a lot to the book. It was fun to see some of the culture clashes as our players each got out of their own country during the book. Add a little mystery and voila! An Asian cozy.

pwinn's review against another edition

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Absolutely marvelous.

mystereity_reviews's review against another edition

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Clever, different and very entertaining.

chyneyee's review against another edition

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The story has overly detailed about feng shui which sometimes I felt distracted from the initial point. Every chapter is a different mystery case and there were exceptionally interesting. However, the most disappointed part for me is the cases consist of too many feng shui elements. I understand that the theme of this book is about feng shui but I wish it wasn’t heavily used and ruined the story.