
Resthaven by Erik Therme

mehsi's review

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I was looking for a new creepy read, and I just had to try this one out. The blurb, and the cover, looked really interesting.

Sadly, the book didn't turn out to be that good. Yes, it was creepy, yes it had some exciting and scary moments (especially when one reads this one at midnight), but I had so many questions, I had so many points that were frustrating.

1. The characters. Dear Lord, talk about terrible characters with terrible attitudes and personalities. The MC and Wren were the only 2 characters I slightly cared about, though Wren's took me until a certain event for me to care for her.
The other characters, sorry, but they just pissed me off. I was hoping for Anna to turn out great, but sadly she was weak, pathetic, told everyone's secrets in trade for attention, dramatic and much more.
Then we have Jamie, or the worst character possible. Spoiled, bratty, frustrating, a bitch, and I could go on with the list. I was delighted that she wasn't around so much in the book. Because if she was around more, during the creepy parts? I would have just dumped the book right there.
Sidney was so-so, but I was frustrated with how she acted. Instead of being honest, instead of trying to be herself, she fitted herself in a form and then was angry when people only saw that form/personality. *sighs*
I just was so sick of all the drama that these girls had. In the end I was just laughing at the silliness and rolling my eyes.
2.) More character stuff, I get that you want to do background stories to make your characters more rounded, but it was just ridiculous that none of the characters had a good life it seems. They either had divorced, dead or in prison-staying parents. Then there was their whole life up until that moment that they met, and sorry, it was just a bit too unbelievable. I can imagine 2 characters, or maybe 3, but then one with at least a happier life, but all of them? All of them have problems and stuff going on? No. No. Just no.
3.) The old man. He was one of the biggest frustrations. I still don't get what was wrong with him. I get he wanted to protect the boy, but seriously, 4 very afraid, very scared teenage girls are being threatened by him, because they might steal away the boy? Um, dude, maybe you need to check your eyes. If these 4 girls were adults, I might have given it a yes (even though it was implausible), but 4 teenage girls, who clearly state to be afraid and just want to get out? What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you hunt, hurt, and haunt them so? Why not help them out? Not like they will talk about what they saw. No need to do all the shit you pulled on them.
And then that personality change at the end (and the magical backstory), which was just highly unbelievable with all that happened in the book and with that character.
4.) The ending. I won't say much about that one, but while the last part was creepy, and certainly heart-pounding, it was also just a bit annoying (especially the Jamie part, and how the girls magically turn out to be that). Sorry, but what?

I will give it 2 stars for the awesome/creepy atmosphere, and because of the place it all took place (an old/abandoned retirement home). Add to that the apartments still had stuff or surprises lying about and I was definitely creeped out.
Then there was also the mystery (what was up with the old man (though that one stayed pretty much unanswered), who is the kid).

But all in all, this was a disappointment, it sounded so epic, so creepy, so wow, and then I get horrible characters, and unanswered things.

Review first posted at

pause_theframe's review against another edition

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This book had a brilliant level of fear factor for me. It wasn’t a horror, in a full-on sense, but it really was great for building up suspense and dropping you in on something you definitely did not expect, especially if you are our main character.

I foul that this book, like all good scare reads- horror or psychological thriller - built itself on the base of the story. There was a brilliant level of background and detail put into the world around our main character, and her original group of friends. When the boy was found, there was so much given to us, in the form of our five senses, that I truly was able to feel as though I was there, feeling, seeing and fearing exactly what they were.

I liked the way the story was told. It kept me guessing, kept me interested and definitely kept me wanting more more more. I was rushing through the same thoughts they were, trying to figure out what was happening, who (or what) went bump in the night and how the hell to get out alive.

I loved this read and really feel a lot of fellow readers will as well!

angelic712's review against another edition

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First, I am SO glad to not have to interact with middle school girls anymore... they are THE WORST. Second, this book was truly thrilling, and not just for the YA crowd. Highly recommend.

beastreader's review against another edition

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I concept of this book is creepy. Just the thought of visiting an abandoned retirement home at night or even in the day sounds scary. Thus the reason I wanted to check this book out. Ok, I was not overly fond of the characters in this book, except for Kaylee. I found the other girls to be mean. Kaylee was such a sweetheart. If they had treated me that way, I would have walked off and left them.

However what Kaylee and the other girls did experience inside the walls of the abandoned retirement home would have had me letting out a scream. Although, again while I found this book to be a quick read and intriguing, it was not as scary as I had hoped it to be. I wanted to feel goose bumps. Yet for the younger readers this has the right amount of "scary". I would check out other books by this author.

tmleblanc's review against another edition

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Author Erik Therme has been In the Spotlight twice here at Second Run Reviews and this is the first novel I’ve read by him. Resthaven is a young adult thriller novel and is told in an unique fashion.

Like binge watching your favorite series on Netflix, Resthaven is a single narrative told over the course of one thrilling night in an abandoned rest home. There are no chapters and few breaks in the story. The way the novel is constructed lends itself to a reading it in a single sitting rather than in short doses over several days. This was by far my favorite thing about Resthaven. Resthaven fell short for me on two points though.

1. The characters. I did identify with Kaylee, but her connection to the other girls in the story left me feeling flat. The tension between her and the other girls, which is the main reason for them being at the rest home, was not strong enough. I didn’t feel the animosity between the girls and so their driving need to initial escape the situation wasn’t as compelling or strong. The girls had to be in physical danger before their need to escape made me feel anxious.

2. The rest home. I will admit that when it comes to “seeing” myself in a location and “walking” around it in my imagination, my skills are seriously lacking. As a result, I got more turned around and lost in Resthaven than the characters. And since the location plays an important part in the telling of this story, when the characters were not standing still, I was lost.

Resthaven is a new adventure in binge reading. Geared towards young adults, anyone looking for a unique approach to the thriller genre may appreciate Therme’s Resthaven.

This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews

wolfshine's review against another edition

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What starts as a seemingly normal scavenger hunt through an abandoned building turns into pure chaos for a group of girls. After moving to a new town, Kaylee isn’t excited about trying to make new friends, but after her mom insists, she goes to hang out with a group of girls who aren’t too thrilled about her being there. After getting into a fight with the alpha female, Jamie, Kaylee along with the rest of the group, are locked inside an abandoned house. At first, things seem as if they’re going to be okay. Until the girls realize they’re not the only ones in there.

While this book was full of action and suspense, I think what really made the story pop was the dynamic differences in the characters. Each had their own personality from Jamie and her Queen Bee vibes, to Wren’s smart down-to-Earth character, and even to Anna’s whiny save-yourself mentality.

As the girls try to find their way free of the situation they’re in, each of their unique personalities pushes the story forward. I absolutely love this book, and I recommend it to all fans of YA as well as mystery/suspense.

This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review.

aly36's review against another edition

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I loved this book. It was full of mystery, thriller & suspense. I was caught from the beginning to the end. I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. * I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

lorrainewardy's review against another edition

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I enjoyed reading this book for the story, but the reason I'm only giving the book 3 stars is I found it quite hard to read as there were no chapters. I can only fit reading in, in bits, and found with having to stop "mid chapter" it was difficult to pick back up again. It made the book feel like someone was chatting away without taking a breath, if that makes sense. Its a shame as it spoilt my time reading the book, if it wasn't for this, I think I would have really enjoyed it.

dtaylorbooks's review against another edition

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SPOILER WARNING (not sure if I’m spoiling or not but I’m finding I can’t talk about certain parts of the book without mentioning relevant plot points so just to be on the safe side)

This looked like it was pegged as a horror novel, which is why it had me interested. But ultimately the story is kind of depressing and leaves threads dangling that probably should have been tied up.

The characters themselves almost felt like caricatures of teenagers. For most of the story there are just girls that all fit very particular molds, none of them really like each other, and it seems like the only way they knew how to talk is by screeching at each other. It got to a point where I was flinching every time one of them talked (or yelled, they yelled at each other a lot) because it was hard to tolerate their dialogue. I think it was meant to be a result of a stressed situation for all of them, but since this cattiness started prior to everything happening it didn’t work out that way for me.

The story thread with Jamie is just left dangling and that doesn’t sit right with me. Circumstances were set up with her that pointed to potentials later on in the story that didn’t end up panning out. I’m not opposed to red herrings but Jamie’s part in this story isn’t finished. It’s not even explained. She served the purpose of the story happening and that’s it. The part where Kaylee overhears Jamie’s guardians was ultimately irrelevant. The whole padlocked into the building was left unanswered although vaguely explained (which obviously wasn’t satisfying for me because in all their running around no one found the alternate entrance they mentioned? really?).

Then the actual “horror” part was actually just a sad story but the tension kept trying to ride itself on it and it just wasn’t working for me. To me the real villain of the story disappeared for most of it while a stand-in was left there to keep things entertaining, but the tension felt forced.

RESTHAVEN tried to maintain tension, but it wasn’t working for me. I felt a lot of what happened was self-imposed by the characters being overreactive idiots, and I think the horror would have been better placed in Jamie than where it ended up. Where it ended up just ended up turning the story into an unexpected buzzkill that felt off the mark.


I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

wellwortharead's review against another edition

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Kaylee is the new girl in town, and slightly miffed at being so. She has been uprooted due to her parents splitting up and is not too thrilled to have left her former life behind.
When Kaylee is invited by Anna, a girl in her building, to go to a gathering at a friends house her mom pretty much forces her to attend. When she finds out that this gathering is actually a scavenger hunt in an abandoned rest home she is less than impressed.
Jamie, a "mean girl type" rich girl passes out digital cameras and promises $100 to the winner of the scavenger hunt. Reluctantly joining in, Kaylee and the other girls are trapped inside when Jaimie disappears, seemingly locking them inside. They find however, that they are not the only inhabitants in this spooky old building and have a harrowing time attempting to get out.
This was an enjoyable read, and I think it would do quite well with a younger audience. It is fast paced and suspenseful, and I would highly recommend it for any fans of R.L. Stine's Fear Street series.

I received a complimentary copy for review