
Reckless by S. C. Stephens

pamgodwin's review against another edition

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Not as good as the first two. Reads more like an epilogue. But hanging out with these characters again is enjoyable nonetheless.

The first 30% drags without conflict. The last 20% is a snooze-fest of book writing and wedding planning.

Kiera's book might pull you out of your fictional world. Knowing she's writing their story is a constant reminder that you are reading it, and that Stephens is actually writing it, which makes it difficult to be submerged in escapism.

And the weddings, ugh! Too, too, too many words are dedicated to weddings...yes, more than one wedding. I loved the tie-the-knot-at-the-bar approach in the previous book. Should've stuck with that. It was more Kellan/Kiera's style and had more heart.

But the center part of this story contains the hard material...the complicated, suspenseful, memorable moments that make the book. The drama with Sienna is compelling and stirs a lot of emotion. This is extremely well done.

That said, you don't need Reckless to find closure on this thoughtful, arduous, unforgettable romantic story. It simply makes a nice supplemental epilogue.

lisadouglas_ot's review against another edition

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Good but predictable ending to a great story I felt.

gthomson31's review against another edition

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the whole series in my option is perfection I loved all 3 books and have and will continue to re-read them in the future. Thats when I know a books good the character don't leave me I will be reading another book and these character will pop in and I'll be like not as good as thoughtless... If your not into cheating I can see how you can dislike this but to me yeah they done wrong that's what makes it so much more real in this book we saw all the character more mature keria and kellen being honest was the glue that kept them strong all insecurities seem to disappear it was a beautiful thing and denny hes such a beautiful character joy to read im so glad this all worked out for them all this book and overall the series deserve a perfect 10! but since they only have 5 starts that will have to do !

simplyxkate's review against another edition

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While it was exhausting at times reading the Thoughtless series, I'm glad I stuck through it to the end. Reckless is the best book of the three. The writing improved, as did the characters. Kiera wasn't nearly as annoying (I don't think she blushed as much in this book) and it was nice to see how much the characters have grown from book one. The ending felt a little rushed. I think the author could have had a little less drama throughout the book and spent a little more time wrapping everything up. Even though it was rushed, I was happy with how the author chose to end Kellan and Kiera's story.

casimoore's review against another edition

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It was a good mushy end to the series. Some parts were boring, some parts made me want to scream (hate Sienna anyone?) and Kierra's insecure horndog personality got on my nerves. I liked the direction Griffin's life took. And this is just me being nit-picky but since it is my job, I didn't like how they kept saying ultrasound techs made mistakes on gender all the time. Maybe years ago but machine technology is too good now. :)

tawanda_fgt's review against another edition

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Just a fuckin awesome series! Great ending! Fuckin loved it!

rmoon28's review against another edition

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Omg, so good. Review to come

patriciadanisova's review against another edition

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Uff... Konečne. V istom momente som mala pocit, že je to nekonečné. Táto posledná kniha bola celkom fasa. Zasmiala som sa. Poslzila som si. Nasraná som bola. Taký pekný mix emocii.
Mám zmiešané pocity z tejto série. Prvá kniha ma tak trochu doháňala do agresie. Druhá kniha ma ani nie, že vytáčala... Skôr som myslela, že sa zadrhnem iritáciou. Tretia kniha ma tak trochu objala a konečne som si užila vzťah Kiery a Kellana. Kiera už na toľko emočne vyrástla, aby bola schopná ma nehnevať svojimi priblblými preakciami hodnými pubertiačky. V tejto knihe sa už chovala viac ako dospelá žena, ktorá vie čo chce. Amen, hallelujah.
Krásne to bolo. Hlavne posledné kapitoly som bola dojatá tak veľmi, že mi skoro oči zaslzili. Skoro. Hold, až tak ma to nevyhecovalo.
Jedno je však isté. Vdaka prvým dvom knihám mám chuť hladkať každého chlapa v plnohodnotnom vzťahu z čistého súcitu, lebo žiť zo ženou - to si proste zaslúži veľký rešpekt. Nezávidím vám chlapci. Boh ochraňuj môjho budúceho :D

sanya's review against another edition

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I like happy endings, but everything was wrapped up very neatly... a little too neatly. I'm a sucker for depressing things, apparently. It was also quite lengthy, and I think may have been better had it been shorter. I still liked it though - she's a great writer!

meghayes11's review against another edition

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Seriously depressed this series is over...