brockletsread's review

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The art is fantastic but the story is all over the place. Whackness beyond whackness.

entazis's review

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I love Jodorowsky. With his bizarre and strange motifs he is telling us a stories about a family and trauma. His stories (both in movies and comics) are shortly psychoanalysis 101 - illustrating the Oedipus complex, incest, castration... - and full of spiritualism, metaphysics, and biopolitics. So, I really enjoy his works, especially his family saga The Metabarons, which is almost perfect in depicting Oedipus complex. Also it has great grotesque atmosphere and beautifully weird illustrations (thanks to illustrator Juan Giménez).
So it hurts me a little when I give so low rating on The Technopriests.
Of course it has some fucked up shit, in a positive way. Something interesting, and weird and bizarre happens now and then, it has a great critique of modern decadence and you can easily recognize Jodorowsky in that stuff. But this comic is just too much repetitive. Always same formula of narration, just different levels of difficulties that protagonist needs to solve. And although The Metabarons also have repeating pattern, it is because it's a story about constant falling and rising of different generations of one family, while here it's really not necessary. Naive kid - comes to place that crushes his dreams - does something rebellious - goes to another training place - that place crushes his dreams - so he again must do something rebellious - goes to another soul crushing place... and again and again. And since we have three parallel stories, all three of them has its own pattern.
Also, just like in The Metabarons, protagonist is unbeatable. And again, in The Metabarons it has perfect sense - it is a story about best warriors of entire universe, and in there that motif of unbeatable hero is raised to an absurd level - while here it just looks cheap.
All in all, The Technopriests have their moments, but I just didn't enjoy in them in the way I enjoyed in some other works of Jodorowsky and I have a felling that he just wanted to make another Metabarons.