
Death On Duty by Graham Brack

cj_mo_2222's review

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The criminal division in Prague receives an alert from the Bosnian government that dangerous criminals from their country may have escaped into the Czech Republic. While Lt. Josef Slonský, along with the two officers he mentors, are looking for informants who may be able to lead them to these men, an undercover police officer is stabbed. The investigation leads Slonsky and his team into the dangerous world of human trafficking, but in spite of the dangers, they are determined to help the vulnerable young women and get justice for Officer Hrdlicka.

"Death on Duty" is the third in the Josef Slonský series. I've read both of the prior books, but since the plot of this one stands alone, it's not necessary to have read the other books to enjoy this one. In all three books, the highlight is the character of Slonský. I enjoy his blunt sense of humor and all his rough edges that make him such a unique character. Beneath the jokes and love for coffee, beer, and sausage, Slonský is dedicated to his job and has a deep desire for justice for crime victims and integrity within the police force. The character of Slonský is basically the same in this outing, but he has grown. He is more sociable and has come to enjoy his role in mentoring the two young officers Navratil and Peiperova. Their interactions, as well as Slonský's interactions with his friends Mucha and Valentin, are very entertaining.

The different threads in this book were a little hard to follow at time, but as the story progresses, the seemingly unrelated portions come together for a satisfying conclusion. Fans of Colin Dexter will enjoy this intelligent and entertaining series. Because of certain developments in this book, I am already anticipating the next in the series. I highly recommend "Death on Duty" as well as the prior books in this unique series set in the Czech Republic.

I received this book through the courtesy of Sapere Books. The book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

martyfried's review

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I've been reading this series in order, and enjoyed the first two a lot, but I think I liked this one even more. It may be just a matter of getting to know the main characters, but after reading this one, I'm surprised this series is not more popular. But maybe it's just that it fits my tastes so well - biting humor, likable characters, good stories. Or maybe it's his penchant for beer and sausages, both of which I wish I could enjoy more often, without becoming an over-pressurized blimp.

In fact this one starts off with a gift for Josef Slonský's birthday - a ticket to a sausage-making competition which is made even better by his being chosen as a judge. He's in heaven, except perhaps when he gets one bound together with egg, which in his view made it a type of omelette. He thinks the poor guy would have been hanged on his own meat hook by one retired butcher, but they had tempered justice with mercy on the grounds that the evildoer was half-Hungarian and therefore could not be expected to know better.

As for his beer consumption, he considers anyone who drinks less than 2 liters in a day to be a teetotaller.

The crimes in the story are pretty serious, though. A policeman is murdered in broad daylight without anyone around realizing it. And young women are being illegally brought into the country and forced to do things they did not plan on doing. Escape is not really possible, and attempts are severely punished. Many of the bad guys are known, but much of the work is finding proof that will stand up in court.

vesper1931's review

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While trying to locate several Bosnian criminals deemed to have arrived in Prague, Lieutenant Josef Slonský and his two assistants come across a dead undercover police officer, Hrdlicka. He has been killed outside the building Slonsky and his team have been watching. What is the connection, if any, and what does it lead to.
Having really enjoiyed the first two books in the series I was really looking forward to reading the next, and it doesn't disappoint. A very enjoyable and interesting read, well-written. While some of the humourous/sarcastic sayings of Slonsky certainly make him a highly likeable character along with the other major characters.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from Sapere Books. All thoughts and opinions are my own

nietzschesghost's review

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Death on Duty, the third novel in the Josef Slonský Investigations series, turned out to be even better than the previous two although they were all good! This is a series I have come to love, and with each addition, the characters, plot and writing get better and more immersive. As always, there are plenty of wonderful plot twists and surprises, most of which come at you like a steam train and blow you away, and Brack makes sure he adds a smattering of hilarious moments throughout to keep the reader amused. Told from a third-person perspective, it is easy to engage with and is a fast-paced read as a result. Sometimes authors try to do exceptional things to make their creation stand out in a crowded marketplace, including shifting timelines and shifting PoV, but I am pleased that some are sticking to good, solid ways of structuring and feel it will appeal to many more readers because of this.

Lieutenant Josef Slonský is a fantastic character, a rulebreaker, an unconventional copper and a pain in the proverbial of his superiors. However, his ability to be able to get into the mind of the criminals and his brutal honesty and knack for catching the big fish are skills that have never deserted him. His unique wisdom on life and its thrills and spills had me giggling throughout. Although even within his force there has been a move towards more polite, politically correct words and behaviour, I am pleased to say that Slonský is a copper of the old school, classic crime variety and has no time for all of that. This series certainly has it all. I nearly neglected to mention the beautiful city setting of Prague, somewhere I've always wished to be whisked off to, it feels almost as though it is a character in itself. Although part of a series, this works perfectly as a standalone as the plot is self-contained, but if you wish to know more about Josef Slonský's background you may wish to start at the beginning. I look forward to returning to the Czech Republic for Slonský's next adventure!

Many thanks to Sapere Books for an ARC. I was not required to post a review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.