
The Solution to Unrequited by Len Webster

nadine_booklover's review against another edition

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"Sometimes, soul mates take time to realize it's love. And sometimes, soul mates need to be lost in order to be found."

After finishing TToU I was so glad I could start with TStU early. Only to realize at the end, I yet have still to wait until I get to know what life has in store for AJ and Evan.

"Evan is the truck. I am the car. Life is our distortion."

TStU is a slow burn, compared to TToU. Yet still a great read. But it stills feel like you are in between stories and even though a lot happens on the emotional side, it feels like there is kind of a lack of action. Not that this book needs so much more action. You as a reader have a lot to deal with. However we get to know more of AJ's and Evan's past, what happened with them during their last year of High School.

"Oxygen. The eighth element on the periodic table. Oxygen creates life. It is life. You are my eight."

Every time I find myself getting annoyed with AJ or Evan, I have to remind myself that they are still underage and only looking for their way in life. Again, Len did great work here, continuing with the characters as the children they still are. As we get more from what's currently happening in AJ's life her character development is more in focus. Yet I think she has a lot more potential and I really like to see where life will lead her.

"Because Evan might think he was her oxygen. But what Evan Gilmore didn't know was that he was arsenic to her soul. The poison to her heart."

Len was also right on writing Evan the way she did. He and his love for AJ is still kind of a mystery and I found myself in the position questioning it. I'm not so sure if he really understood what it means to love AJ the way she loves him and the way she deserves to be loved. He will have to prove his love in the third book and I am sure we continue to be up for further broken hearts like mine now.

TStU is a wonderful 4 star sequel which tries to mend your broken heart from TToU only to leave you with more questions and as an emotional mess, wondering if AJ and Evan will ever get the happy end they obviously deserve.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

kaydanielsromance's review against another edition

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This series is about to do me in...Couldn't stop reading!!! OMG!!! Is there a 10 star button?!?! All I can say is 8 little letters!!!

Have you ever given away your whole heart?

Loved selflessly. Unconditionally. Unrequitedly?

To the point where you no longer recognized yourself because you've given away everything to sustain a one sided love affair?

At what point do you break? At what point do you reach bottom and finally begin to dig yourself out of the hole you've been living in?

At what point do you begin to say enough and put yourself first?

How do you mend a broken heart when it no longer belongs to you?

AJ/Alex/Alexandra was finally happy, away from Evan, the boy who stole, crushed and never knew he had her heart. Unrequited love is what sent her to Duke, North Carolina, instead of Stanford, California.

AJ and Evan were living on opposite sides of the country instead of together. Attending the same school, BFF's, in each others lives forever.

Evan was currently attending Stanford, without her. The last email she read stating his hatred of her for deserting him, deserting their plans, and leaving him all alone. Solidifying the final nail in their friendship coffin.

AJ knew she'd sever their friendship when she decided to break their college plans, but she also knew she could no longer stand by his side pretending she was just his friend when she felt so much more.

She had to discover who she was without Evan by her side and he'd never let her go unless she left the way she did.

So when Evan appears outside her Duke dorm room door AJ doesn't know what to say. He wasn't supposed to find her. She was supposed to have more time, but she also knew, deep down, that she'd eventually have to face what she'd done.


How do you repair something that was so fractured. The relationship that was so obviously unrequited? How do you really explain why you did what you needed to do to save yourself?

A trip home for fall break is all Evan asks.

A trip home to repair what damage was done.

She believes it's repair their relationship back to status quo.

Evan has another idea.

Evan needs this trip.

He can no longer breathe without AJ in his life.

Evan wants this time to tell AJ how he really feels.

What he really means when he tells her she's his oxygen. What he was too chicken to say out loud before they left for school.

8 protons. 8 neutrons. 8 little letters.

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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Oh my poor defenseless heart!

Have you ever craved the answers? Like you needed them so much you begged the author for the next book? So much need, longing, and love for two characters that you twitched to have the answers?

But let me ask you, when you were desperate and needy for those answers did you fear the results? Because I found once The Solution to Unrequited hit my kindle I actually backed away in fear! Legit, heart clenching fear. I was terrified of The Solution to Unrequited. And even having read it, I'm still afraid. (Wan smile) I am afraid that this story is going to continue to break me.

Fear shouldn't hold you back though. And in the end, I let it back me into a corner. I had no other choice and I'm glad I finally found the courage to continue AJ and Evan's story.

The Solution to Unrequited will answer the questions tearing you apart after The Theory of Unrequited. #WhatHappenedAtPromEvan? Will he find her? Will they move on? What about Connecticut?

But don't break out the champagne just yet! The Solution isn't the end of this story. Len Webster has plans to torture us even more. So angst lovers, love lovers,and needy people who like to cry- buckle in its going to be a bumpy ride!

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood

ssrosepetal's review against another edition

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First of all I have to say that I'm disappointed that this is only the second book in the series. I wanted to see these two completely happy and enjoying their HEA but now I have to wait until the next book comes out to wait for that. I'm completely destroyed! This was a good continuation of this story. We get to see how Evan and AJ work things out to get back to where they need to be to move forward. It's a slow process though and sometimes it was hard for me to focus. But we finally got the answer to prom and WOW I would have been pissed too. Evan really had to work to redeem himself over that one. Waiting to get the results to this second book will be hard but the wait should be worth it. I want to see AJ finally happy. *I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.*

becsa's review against another edition

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Wow – I was really looking forward to this second book and I had my opinions firmly in but I knew there was a chance that this book would end up swaying how I felt about certain characters, especially Evan.

I really liked AJ and I loved that she finally began living life for herself and not putting others in front of what she had to do with her life. I loved the friendships she began to form, especially with Savannah and I was curious to see if anything was going to happen with Logan. Yet AJ still had so much guilt with her past and it made me so mad!

So at the beginning of this book I really was not happy with Evan at all from the first book. I was curious when this book began if I would change my opinion or not. I think for the most part my opinion stayed close to the same although I could see that AJ’s opinion differed than mine. I hated that he was still mad and guilting AJ for choices he made and things like what happened at Prom made me so angry!!

I loved that the two were able to get through some of their biggest hurdles but I still feel like some issues were never dealt with completely. I wasn’t surprised about Connecticut at all as I knew it had to happen and I was happy for AJ. That being said the end was a little shocking but not surprising.

I was super excited that there is to be a third book to deal with everything that happens due to the end of the book and I know what I want to happen but we’ll see if it is what happens!

reading_with_2_book_lovers's review against another edition

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This was a good second book in this series.
I loved the characters and all the feels this story gave me.
Highly recommend this authors work.

florallyplaid's review

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This book follows the story of AJ and Evan, a mismatched pair bundled up with a series of miscommunication, misunderstanding and distrust. Just to recap, this is a continuation of the first book in the series, set right after the cliffhanger in the last chapter of Theory. In the first book, we were introduced to the two main characters and other significant secondary characters, but this book goes in depth into the actual chemistry/behaviour between the two ends of the main relationship.

AJ is in love with Evan despite not really wanting to anymore (or maybe not, I couldn't keep up). This has affected her relationship with other potential lovers, and leads to a nagging feeling of guilt following her wherever she goes. This confuses me because, in all honesty, this book - and the one before - doesn't show me a single likable character trait about Evan. No, none at all.

He's ignorant. He's self-centered. He's emotionally confused. He's controlled. He's oblivious. And he's straight out stupid. In Theory, he was at most somewhat decent and bearable, but in the second book he's just terrible. I tried to like him or sympathise with him - he's a lonely kid with a careless family and a selfish older brother who wants Evan's only true friend for himself - , I really did, but I swear to God if any boy treated me like that I wouldn't stand the dude for more than two minutes, but they're only teenagers so I'll try to excuse AJ's irrational feelings and pinpoint that this is probably the very first time her heart beats for another.

AJ is quite a complicated character. I didn't know whether to like her for withstanding so many emotional traumas or punch her in the face for being so boneless. I mean, come on, nobody runs out on their family like that the first time their father yells at them. That's just completely childish. She has got one great, supportive big family, yet she complains and whines and it gets on my nerves. Her relationship with Savannah was probably her best quality, and honestly I shipped her with Landon way more than Evan. I mean, really, who doesn't? Evan was just a douche.

The supporting characters were a nice, homey addition, although too many of them were unnecessary and could be eliminated to erase some of the confusion. Some of them showed up once and weren't really that much of a big addition to the storyline, but the cozy aura around such a big family was still nice.

Some of the main events could have easily started way earlier instead of those filler senior year chapters, but going through those latter ones was okay, I guess. I think the story is okay the way it is and doesn't really need to be exhausted by adding more books to the series. It'll only get dragged on and the characters will be repetitive. But Len still has that magical touch to her books to make them get stuck in your brain for more than a couple of days, so kudos to that.