
The Mephisto Mark by Trinity Faegen, Stephanie Feagan

seachelles7's review

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These books are saucy little romance novels wrapped in a YA ribbon... but I quite enjoy them.

This story was much more complex than the previous two but the constant fixation on rape and abuse left me squeamish.

andye_reads's review

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I absolutely love these books by Trinity Faegen. She is great at telling a romance love story with an alpha-dog male as a lead role. This is the third book in the series. The Mephisto brothers are the sons of Mephistopheles who is known in German folklore as a demon or the devil. In this series their father is the gatekeeper of Hell. The only way for the Mephisto brothers to enter Heaven and be redeemed is if they find their one true love, and actually fall in love with her. Trinity is picking off Mephisto brother after brother in each book, writing about how they find their one true love (Anabo). Eryx (evil brother) is still out to make their lives miserable and take their Anabo for himself. Satan actually has a good deed moment, it was a little unnerving. I've never experienced a "go Satan" moment before. In The Mephisto Mark, Phoenix is the one to find his Anabo, and it's about time.

This series is very good. Give the first two a try, I cannot seem to find where to purchase this book exactly, I will post a link as soon as I can find one. The Mephisto Covenant (Book 1) and The Mephisto Kiss (book 2) are available for purchase through Amazon.


novelgoddess's review

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OH MY GOD! How is it that Trinity is able to make each book better than the last. I loved the turn this book took. She tackled taboo subjects in a loving and thoughtful way. In no way has this series become formulaic...each book is as refreshing as the last. I so love this series and can't wait to see what happens in with Zee and Euri! I'm assuming that will be the next installment?? I'm sure it's nuances will be handled with the same care that Mariah's were, in this book

ruthsic's review

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First thing I would say about this book is that the series matured with this book. I am not saying this because it deals with sexual abuse, but because I say a marked improvement in the writing of the book too. The protagonists are Mariah and Phoenix - and the book is written in their perspectives. Though both contribute well to the storyline, I felt Mariah's POV was more challenging and had much more depth while Phoenix was just more of whether I should make her my Mephisto or not.

If you have read the earlier two books, you know Phoenix and his lost-love Jane have pretty much been the tragic cautionary tale for the Mephistos. In this book, we finally find out WHAT actually happened then and it was quite a shocker. It actually answered one of my doubts about the scent thing and while it was hovering in the background for two books, it came front and center for this one. This was mainly because those events were the cause Phoenix resisted her in the start. He was happy about his Anabo but wrecked with guilt over the colossal mess that was made with Jane.

Mariah was introduced in the last book, Mephisto Kiss, as Jordan's older sister and most of the events in the book actually intersect with the timeline of the second half of Mephisto Kiss rather than continue the story ahead, although I must say, the timeline felt longer in the second book and shorter in this one. Anyways, while Jordan was deciding about her relationship with Key, Mariah here was building a friendship with Phoenix. It was mentioned in the last book itself that she was a victim of rape and in order to live a normal life, her defense mechanism was to lock away her awful memories. She locked away all her feelings, wants and basically writes off fear. It is scary, awful and extremely heart-breaking to read through her perspective at times, and I would really advise this for an older/mature readership since it is raw and realistic. Her mending of and by Phoenix is the high point of this book and supercedes the story of Jane most times.

The book had a powerful storyline and excellent writing. I am not so sure of the ending, though, as things were left a bit ambiguous - I didn't understand Lucifer's deal and what it means for Phoenix. I am also excited for the next book, since we get to see the story of Zee and his Euri. Gosh, it's raining Anabos. Elektra sure was busy cajoling God up there - that's my theory at least for the sudden rise in Anabos.

Received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review