
Opale by Jennifer L. Armentrout

fallen_for_books30's review against another edition

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My heart is breaking right now!!! No, I can't take it any more.....Opal is the best out of the last three books and I don't know how can there be such a bad cliffhanger :(

The story is again back to Blake and his blackmails. Dawson is back and want Beth back too. He is restless and won't stop till he frees her. Same way Blake will not stop till he get his friend Chris back .

I am never ever disappointed with action, the romance and the humor...and I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF DAEMON AND HIS KISSES :* LOL!! There are moments when I am totally smiling without any reason just that one line Daemon says ....That book scene with Daemon is so cute <3

well, You all need to read the book now . Its awesome and the ending will tear your heart apart. I don't know why the author is giving us so much pain....

samidonovan's review against another edition

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even tho the endings predicable it still gets me!! I love this trashy world

haley_j_casey's review against another edition

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Original Review:
I liked the first two-thirds of the book okay, and I did love the end. I unfortunately knew it was coming (even though I didn't know how), but I thought it was extremely well-written and I could feel exactly what Kat AND Daemon were feeling in those last dozen paragraphs. That part was brilliant, but overall this book took me longer than the first two.

Second Read:
Okay, coming into this one a little older and with some more solid opinions on tropes I like and am tired of in YA lit, this book was fine overall but not great. I like the characters, the plot, the dialogue, I do, and I totally believe all the emotions and frustration except for one:

Literally whenever something terrifying and scarring and emotionally-wrought happens, Daemon and Kat make out.

Come. On.

She has a terrifying revelation? Makeout with Daemon. She feels overwhelmed by one of her friends going darkside in her bedroom? Makeout with Daemon. She kills someone and cries all evening? Ends in a makeout sesh. I don't believe it. Every. Single. Time. It would go from Daemon holding her and comforting her to her reaching out to kiss him to the kiss turning into something "more", etc, etc. That should not be the fallback for how to deal with your emotions. Good God, have a conversation.

Okay, rant over. Again, overall pretty good book in the series, but that's the worst trope.

fictionalkate's review against another edition

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After how Onyx ended, Katy and the Luxens are still reeling from how everything went down. Death, destruction and Daemon seem to be following Katy around - and there seems to be nothing she can do to stop any of them. Although the Daemon situation is one that Katy is more than happy with.

If only her friendship with Dee was as strong as her relationship with the arrogant and impossibly sexy alien.

With her world falling apart around her, Katy is doing all she can to keep a handle on her mutated abilities and her boyfriend's estranged brother being back on the scene. Things only get more complicated when Blake reappears at school and blackmails the Luxens into the most dangerous and insane plan ever - to break into the Department of Defence's (DoD) secret base and break out his Luxen bondmate.

With less action and more romance, Opal is a very different book than the previous two - all that considered I thought it was a great instalment in the Lux series. Katy is stepping out from the victim role and becoming a character that I like and want to read about. Her relationship with Daemon has evolved - no longer is she convinced he's just with her because of the bond. Oh no - now they're "official" with all the trimmings that goes along with their newly defined status. Sweet and sexy as Daemon may now be, I sort of missed the over-confident and harsh character I'd grown to love from the first two books. I found their interactions to be lovely and I'm hoping that they can weather all the DoD and Daedalus throw at them.

Plot wise - this book missed the mark with me. I wanted more action, more development of the new characters (Luc, Paris, Ethan) and some more explanation to some of the crazy twists. Some of the bizarre points seemed a little far-fetched and one part seemed to exist just for some blatant product placement (Macbook Air, anyone?).

Overall, I enjoyed Opal. The characters grow on me more every time I immerse myself into the Lux universe and I'm on the edge of my chair with anticipation awaiting the release of Origin (Lux #4) after the cliff-hanger at the end of Opal.

arieljrramos's review against another edition

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The story was entertaining, but I swear to God, if I have to read “I bit my lip” one more time, I’m going to lose it. It felt like she was saying it once every page, geez!

ditalion's review against another edition

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Fun and exciting book. Looking forward to [b:Origin|13644052|Origin (Lux, #4)|Jennifer L. Armentrout||19259997]!

1_romance_reader's review against another edition

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What the?

Ahh that cliffhanger. I'm glad I don't have to wait for the next one to come out. What a fun read I'm totally enjoying this series

diannab's review against another edition

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Page 174

I finally decided to dnf this. I am really really sorry for this because Jennifer L. Armentrout is definitely one of my favourite author, but this series just didn't work very well for me. I remember that I really enjoyed the first book and then the second book was a little boring but I liked it too and then I started this book and it just didn't work out for me. I was so bored by it that I had to take a pause from it, but... it seems that the pause was very long and I forgot almost everything about the book sooo yeahh I finally dnf this.

_violet_reads_'s review against another edition

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First of all I would like to say that I am FOR all the readers who want Blake's head on a stick. I agree that he should DIE a painful, slow (oh very verryyyy slooooww), highly inhumane DEATH!
His death should be like fine dining. Where it starts out with an entree, main course and ends with a beautiful unforgettable dessert.

THE BLAKE DEATH MENU for the night will consist of:
ENTREE - this will be slow cooked torture where Blake's fingernails will be removed, slowly and at a single time. Followed by his teeth (this will be the dinner's choice). Vegetarians can opt for this.

MAIN COURSE - Blake shall rotate over a slow burning fire. But not too well done. Just enough charring, damage, pain and suffering for the skin.

DESSERT - Well, if he has managed to choke out some words of plea or even to make a deal by dessert "kids under 12 eat free".

And as a special request for music. It will be Blake's lovely and final screams that will let you know that he is in excruciating pain. If we must, lets throw in Chris and make Blake watch him been tortured(although Chris hasn't done much. But he just might. I'm highly suspicious that he is VERY unstable due to the state that they found him and helllooooo... Beth was obviously trying to tell them something about Chris).

Now someone light a torch or fire. We gonna need as much light after that dark first half of the review.
Now onto the book...
Wow... JLA has done it again! I am ALWAYS on a rollercoaster of AWESOME-NESS whenever I read her books!
Seriously this woman is TRULY AMAZING at story-telling. She knows how to write great stories and have the reader sucked in from beginning, middle, end and even loooooooooonnnnnggggggg after the story has finished! Also I feel that there was something EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that Beth was trying to tell them about Chris. Maybe I'm wrong but we'll find out in the next book. But there is something...
The last part when they were so close and THAT had to happen just tore at me. -___-Thanks Jenn for the cliffhanger... you're killing us girl! XD
Opal was a great and awesome read and I would HIGHLY recommend reading this series if you haven't already started on them. If you don't you are MISSING OUT or... you might end up a side dish on Blake's DEATH MENU.
The ending was very good in keeping us readers on the edge and I can't wait to see how the next instalment turns out and we all find out what happens to Katy and Daemon... I really feel for him. His emotion in the last part of the whole mission. It was as if I was there with them all. Great read, counting down the days for the next book.

Happy reading! :)