
Latest Craze: A Short History of Mass Hysterias by Jeff Fleischer

wentworthsanky's review

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I picked up this book off of my sister's bookshelf at random and opened to the page on Harry Potter.
One page in and I find a glaring error which really makes me question the accuracy of everything else in the book.
The author notes the last book in the series is The Half-Blood Prince, but even the beginner Potter fan can tell you it is The Deathly Hallows.
My sister tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and asked if the book was published before the series had ended, but I managed to surprise even myself when I burst out with the publication date of the final book (2007).
I may actually be a Potterhead after all.
The Latest Craze was published 4 years after The Deathly Hallows was first released.

This kind of error is troubling from any author or publisher that could have easily checked this "fact" via a 10 second google search. Harry Potter is not some obscure trend, it changed the publishing game - as Jeff so notes on the same page as this error.
But coming from a journalist, whose career revolves around facts, it is exceptionally disappointing.
I would give this zero stars if it were possible. And I won't be wasting time fact-checking the rest of the book- it's getting trashed (recycling bin).